Passing 1

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Hockey Volleyball

Players in two teams of between six and eight each. Both teams stay in their own half and
try to score a point by push passing the ball over the opposition teams back line. Play
starts with Team A push passing the ball from behind their own back line into the Team Bs
half. Team B try to trap the ball and their players can not dribble the ball. Team B can then
push pass the ball to each other up to two times before push passing it into Team As half.

To make harder:
Reduce the number of times a team can push pass it to each other before
performing a push pass again the opposing team.
If certain individuals or teams are finding it easy then introduce a rule so that they
must perform their push passes behind a certain point.
Introduce objects as barriers within the playing area to make the push pass more
accurate and therefore difficult.
Introduce one person from the opposing team to come in and act as a passive

To make easier:
Allow certain individuals the ability to dribble a certain distance before passing the
Change the numbers up per team so that one outweighs the other if this makes it
a more even contest.

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