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Bowls Hockey

Players in pairs and approximately five metres apart. Player 1 push passes the ball
on the forestick to Player 2 who traps the ball on their forestick. Player 2 then
passes to Player 1. Following this move 10m apart. Player 1 push passes the ball
so that it stops just in front of Player 2. Player 2 then push passes the ball so that it
stops just in front of Player 1. Score how many times it stops within 1 stick length.

To make harder:
Increase the distance between each pair to force emphasis on accuracy.
Reduce the target area accordingly depending on the ability level of each pair
Use different types of weighted balls to see if they can adapt to the change.
Use a sweep pass or a pass off the reverse of the stick.

To make easier:
Reduce the distance between the players.
Increase the size of the target area to be aimed for.
Use a lighter ball so that it takes less effort to push it over a greater distance.

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