Workshop 5

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Workshop # 5
Diana Snchez Martnez
University of Turabo
School of Professional Studies
Ahora Program


1. Visit the electronic addresses provided. Define the following topics:
a. Pronouns: the pronouns are used to replace the nouns. The nouns are for
person, animal, place, thing or idea. There are several pronouns: subject,
objectives, possessive, personal, relative. They also can be in singular or plural,
and in first person, second person and third person.
b. Nouns and numbers: talking in singular and plural in the sentence.
c. Mass nouns: noun with syntactic properly that any quantity of it is treated as an
undifferentiated unit.
d. Count nouns: noun that can be singular or plural. It is used in indefinite article.
e. Possessive forms of nouns: nouns that shows possession, sometimes is shown
with an apostrophe and s.


2. Write a reflective essay about what have you learned in the class.
This class has helped me to see the various mistakes I make when talking
my second language, which is English. I have also a lot of fun in it so quizzes that
have been made along the way, because I challenge them to see what you really
know about a topic or not. In fact, they are quizzes that can be given at school.
Also in the classes as such, have undertaken activities that we stop to think and we
even get nervous, but amuse us. And the result of each activity makes us laugh we
celebrate. It has been an interesting and full of class activities, which makes me
think I can use this style when I be in a classroom, as students learn and enjoy the
spoils once; as well as I did.
Also, make cooperative work with the group I chose me more motivated and
excited to do the work. This is because peers know I chose the previous class and
we hit it and perform the work in hand. To me, that the important thing when
making work because from past experience, when I play people who do not do
their job properly passing bad the rest of the class.
It is really has been a good experience for me, because wake up a Saturday
so early in the morning to come to the University is hard. But when the class is
interesting and the classmate are good, the sacrifice worth it.


3. Complete and hand over on line quizzes
Francis Macomber had, half an hour before, been carried to his tent from the edge o
f the camp in triumph on the arms andshoulders of the cook, the personal boys, the
skinner and the porters. The gun-bearers had taken no part in the demonstration
.When the native boys put him down at the door of his tent, he had shaken all their h
ands, received their congratulations, andthen gone into the tent and sat on the bed
until his wife came in. She did not speak to him when she came in and he left the te
ntat once to wash his face and hands in the portable wash basin outside and go ove
r to the dining tent to sit in a comfortable canvas chair in thebreeze and the shade.
Francis, Macomber, hour, his, tent, camp, triumph,
arms, shoulders, personal, boys, skinner, porters,
gun-bearers, demonstration, boys, him, door, he,
their, hands, congratulations, tent, bed, w ife, She, him
she, he, tent, once, his, face, hands, portable, w ash,
basin, dining, tent, canvas, chair, breeze, shade

Francis, Macomber, half, hour, tent, edge, camp,

triumph, arms, shoulders, cook, boys, skinner, porters,
gun-bearers, part, demonstration, boys, door, tent,
hands, congratulations, tent, bed, w ife, tent, face,
hands, basin, tent, chair, breeze, shade


4. Proofreading


The suburb of Saffron Park lay on the sunset side of London, as red and ragged
as a cloud of sunset. It was built of a bright brick throughout; its sky-line was
fantastic, and even its ground plan was wild. It had been the outburst of a
speculative builder, faintly tinged with art, who called its architecture
sometimes Elizabethan and sometimes Queen Anne, apparently under the
impression that the two sovereigns were identical. It was described with some
justice as an artistic colony, though it never in any definable way produced any
art. But although its pretensions to be an intellectual centre were a little vague,
its pretensions to be a pleasant place were quite indisputable. The stranger
who looked for the first time at the quaint red houses could only think how very
oddly shaped the people must be who could fit in to them. Nor when he met
the people was he disappointed in this respect. The place was not only
pleasent [1], but perfect, if once he could regard it not as a deception but
rather as a dream. Even if the people were not "artists," the whole was
nevertheless artistic. That young man with the long, auburn hair and the
impudent facethat young man was not really a poet; but surely he was a
poem. That old gentleman with the wild, white beard and the wild, white hat
that venerable humbug was not really a philosopher; but at least he was the
cause of philosophy in others. That scientific gentleman with the bald, egg-like
head and the bare, bird like[2] neck had no real right to the airs of science that
he assumed. He had not discovered anything new in biology; but what
biological creature could he have discovered more singular than himself? Thus,
and thus only, the whole place had properly to be regarded; it had to be
considered not so much as a workshop for artists, but as a frail but finished
work of art. A man who stepped into its social atmosphere felt as if he had
stepped into a written comedy. More especially this attractive unreality fell
upon it about nightfall, when the extravagant roofs were dark against the
afterglow and the whole insane village seemed as separate[3] as a drifting
cloud. This again was more strongly true of the many nights of local festivity,
when the little gardens were often illuminated, and the big Chinese lanterns
glowed in the dwarvish[4] trees like some fierce and monstrous fruit. And this
was strongest of all on one particular evening, still vaguely remembered in the
locality, of which the auburn-haired poet was the hero. It was not by any means
the only evening of which he was the hero. On many nights those passing by
his little back garden might hear his high, didactic voice laying down the law to
men and particularly to women. The attitude of women in such cases was
indeed one of the paradoxes of the place. Most of the women were of the kind
vaguely called emancipated, and professed some protest against male
supremacy. Yet these new women would always pay to a man the extravagant
compliment which no ordinary woman ever pays to him, that of listening while
he is talking. And Mr. Lucian Gregory, the redhaired poet, was really (in some
sense) a man worth listening to, even if one only laughed at the end of it. He
put the old cant of the lawlessness of art and the art of lawlessness with a
certain impudent freshness which gave at least a momentary pleasure. He was
helped in some degree by the arresting oddity of his appearance, which he
worked, as the phrase goes, for all it was worth. His dark red hair parted in the
middle was literally like a woman's, and curved into the slow curls of a virgin in
a pre-Raphaelite picture. From within this almost saintly oval, however, his face
projected suddenly broad and brutal, the chin carried forward with a look of
cockney contempt. This combination at once tickled and terrified the nerves of


a neurotic population. He seemed like a walking blasphemy, a blend of the
angel and the ape. This particular evening, if it is remembered for nothing else,
will be remembered in that place for its strange sunset. It looked like the the
[5] end of the world. All the heaven seemed covered with a quite vivid and
palpable plumage; you could only say that the sky was full of feathers, and of
feathers that almost brushed the face. Across the great part of the dome they
were grey, with the strangest tints of violet and mauve and an unnatural pink
or pale green; but towards the west the whole grew past description,
transparent and passionate, and the last red-hot plumes of it covered up the
sun like something too good to be seen. The whole was so close about the
earth, as to express nothing but a violent secrecy. The very empyrean seemed
to be a secret. It expressed that splendid smallness which is the soul of local
patriotism. The very sky seemed small. I say that there are some inhabitants
who may remember the evening if only by that oppressive sky. There are others
who may remember it because it marked the first appearance in the place of
the second poet of Safron[6] Park. For a long time the red-haired revolutionary
had reigned without a rival; it was upon the night of the sunset that his solitude
suddenly ended. The new poet, who introduced himself by the name of Gabriel
Syme was a very mildlooking mortal, with a fair, pointed beard and faint,
yellow hair. But an impression grew he that[7] was less meek than he looked.
He signalised his entrance by differing with the established poet, Gregory, upon
the whole nature of poetry. He said that he (Syme) was poet of law, a poet of
order; nay, he said he was a poet of respectability. So all the Saffron Parkers
looked at him as if he had that moment fallen out of that impossible sky. 5. Take

the pre-test again and compare your scores. In writing, reflect about your scores.
Complete the sentences
1. If you were a noun, you would be: proper one.
2. If you were a verb, you would be: living my life.
3. If you were an adjective, you would be: beautiful as Afrodita.
4. If you were an adverb, you would be: happily.
5. If you were a conjunction, you would be: so.
6. If you were a preposition, you would be: in front.
7. If you were a pronoun, you would be: she.
8. If you were a complete sentence, your sentence will be: Diana the beautiful girl
as Afrodita is living her life happily in front of the beach and she is enjoying it.


Pre- test: Circle each of the following parts of speech in each sentence.
A. Find the NOUN(s) in each sentence.
1. Please put these new books in the bookcase over there.
2. A computer can store and retrieve information.
3. Does Tim live in a house or in an apartment?
4. Ms. Enriquez believes wealth cannot buy happiness.
5. Her loyalty and honesty made her a great friend.
B. Find the VERB in each sentence.
1. Joey ran to the store.
2. The boxer is strong.
3. The teacher helped the student with her homework.
4. Thick clouds cover the planet Venus.
5. Inside the classroom was a happy teacher.
C. Find the PRONOUN in each sentence.
1. A spotted coat helps the leopard hide from its prey.
2. Snow covered the ballpark earlier, but it melted.
3. Ken came by and picked up his basketball before supper.
4. Many artists built their studios in old warehouses.
D. Find the ADJECTIVE(s) in each sentence.
1. The huge crowd appeared excited and restless.
2. Two old prospectors and a weary mule trudged across the desert.
3. The loyal fans cheered their team in the game.
4. Our European guests were weary after the long trip.
E. Find the PREPOSITION(s) in each sentence.
1. The library will hold the book until tomorrow.
2. The messenger for the company stopped several times along the route.
3. The meeting of the Security Council took place at ten oclock in a private area of
the building.
4. The prompter sat behind the scenery with a small flashlight.
5. The elephants lumbered past us toward the water hole.


F. CHECK UP ON PARTS OF SPEECH Directions: Identify the underlined
words as noun (N), pronoun (PN), verb (V), adjective (ADJ), adverb (ADV),
preposition (P), or conjunction (C).

Paul Anderson was proclaimed the world-champion weight-lifter.



He established this record by lifting 1175 pounds.



The records indicate that the first fight with boxing gloves was fought in

1818 in France.



No man alive today could have been present at that time.



He had so much to do that he went home early.



Not wanting to be rude, he made his apologies to his host.





Ordinarily, I would not leave so soon, but I have so much to do, he




told his host.


The understanding was between the guest and his host.



In 1876, R. Barnes of Chicago led the National League with an average


of .403.


In the 1957 World Series, Lew Burdette won three games, two of which
were shutouts.



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