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Topic: Common Grammar Error ESL Students Make: Use of

Homonyms/ Homophones and Cross-language Transfers

Name of the Speaker(s): Amy C. Marty Santos
Important Information: Definition of homophones, homonyms,
examples of it. Correct use of some words.
Concepts that need it to be clarify by the speaker(s):
Everythings good

Topic: Common Grammar Error that ESL Students Make while

learning English (Misuse of Articles)
Name of the Speaker(s): Liz M. Laboy, Albanice Flores and
Jennifer M. Serrano


Definition of article.
Two kinds of articles and the use of

c. Error makes by learners
Misuse of articles: rules for the
omission of article, error solutions.
Exercises of articles

Topic: Common grammar error: Homophone

Name of the Speaker(s): Damaries Ortiz
Important Information:
f. Definition of Homophone and examples of them

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