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Research Paper

Rubric - Instructions


(5=Excellent / 3=Satisfactory /
1= Unsatisfactory / NA)

The paper follows detailed usage of the courses method and
follows the specified directions.
The paper has accurate language use (grammar, spelling,
punctuation, academic writing style, etc), according to the
specified requirements shown in the course.
The paper meets the minimum sum of 3 pages combined, in the
Abstract, Intro, Body, and Conclusion sections.
The paper includes the correct number and proper usage of
required references:
(1) Research Article (UIC Library Database)
(1) Entry from Britannica Online
(1) News Article
(1) Entry form Tabers Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary
The paper follows detailed usage of the APA paper style as
specified in the course (all sections such as Title Page, Header/
Page Number, Abstract, References, etc).
Topic Comprehension.
The paper demonstrates good comprehension of the scientific
topic chosen by the student.
The paper is structured in an organized, sensible way (paragraphlevel).
This paper has been peer-edited (by a classmate) followed by
appropriate changes.
Student Statement on Social Impact (Not in effect this term).
Leadership Credit:
You have exhibited exemplary quality and have helped your peers
in your own initiative.
Extra Credit:
Proper usage of additional references (research articles OR
Britannica Online articles).
If you have any questions or require further details, feel free to ask the teacher in class or through email.
Mr. Tony Miyafuji //
(Rev. Mar 28th 2015)


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