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ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURES CONSISTING OF CORES, COUPLED SHEAR ‘WALLS AND FRAMES BY USING TRANSFER MATRIX METHOD By: said A. Hassanein”™ ABSTRACT A. simplified. method. is’ presented for'the: analysis ‘of a platiar stricture consisting ; of assemblies -of coupled shear: walls, cores ‘and ‘rigidly jointed frames subjected:'to arbitrary. lateral: distributed loads: The’-tnethod is based on’ ‘the transfer ‘matrix.: techhique in which very high’complicated structures can be analysed ising ‘only small :matricis.: The! structure is subdivided into:a number of small‘segments. It assumed that. the! lateral applied: load‘on!.each’ segment. is’ approximated by a linear distributed load. A transfer matrix for each segment is then determined, The solution of the problem may-be obtairied by relating téboundary conditions at the base and at the top of the structure by means of tran: ices. A computer program to catty out the numerical analysis is developed. A numerical example for a tall structure subjected to a parabolic: distributed:load structure’ is given which shows the typical structural behaviour of sueh-systems.: INTRODUCTION: Cores; coupledshear walls, cantilever walls, and rigidly jointed frames are usually/used: in «high-rise buildings as resisting elements to sustainilateral: loads caused by wind :and:jéarthquakes):‘They- are: used separately "or “combined with each other.” Structures :consisting;*:of one type of resisting elements-or two typés such as cantilever’ ‘valls'land: frames:or coupled :shear, walls; and frames have been widely investigated: ‘Two: methods: appear :to be particularly suitable for the analysis of. these types of structures,:‘namely; ‘the. continuum:-method and the equivalent- frame: method. The continuum method had the'advantage that the results may be given in form’of formulas, tablesy-graphs or simple computer programs while the equivalent frame method may be oif ‘the structure is not uniform over its height. Some other methods ‘high; rise buildings and literature reviews on the work done in rth fildcan' beifoundin Refs::[1 to 7}. A regular: symmetrical: structure consisting of cores;\coupled shear walls and frames, as.-shown in Fig. (1), subject to lateral forces which produce bending has been analyzed: {1]. The’ analysis is based on the continuum techniques and representing a frame’ by an equivalent shear cantilever. Based on that work the effect of the ‘axial deformations of the frsine's columns has been investigated [2], The behaviour of such types of structures may be descr’bed by a linear differential equation of the 6" order and closed form solutions may be achieved for standard load cases, enabling the complete distribution of forces and deflections to be determined rapidly. “Associate Prof, , Civil > ineering Department, Al-Azhar University. Cairo, Egypt. ~1356- CERB:. VOL(G «) NO, (8) duly (996 VP, 1256-1308 In fact, lateral loads acting on high rise buildings such as wind and earthquake loads are usually distributed non-uniformly along. the height of the building and may not be represented correctly by combinations of standard load cases, Therefore, one of the aims of this paper is to introduce a method of analysis that can handle any arbitrary lateral applied distributed loads on the structure with any degree of accuracy required. The method .of: based on the transfer matrix technique, where the structure is subdivided: into. a number of small segments, ‘The transfer: matrix of each ‘segment. is then determined by considering each segment linearly. loaded structure. ‘The solution. ofthe problem is then obtained by relating the boundary conditions ‘at the base and.,at-the top, of. the .structure; by: means of. transfer.‘matrices [7]; To perform the fuamericl analysis «computer program in FORTRAN language is developed. REPLACEMENT, or ‘THE DISCRETE. SYSTEM BY: ‘AN EQUIVALENT CONTINUOUS SYSTEM A plane structural system consisting of a pair of coupled shear walls linked to a Single cantilevered wall which is linked in tum to a rigidly jointed frame as shown in ig, .2) is considered. The single cantilever may be either an independent shear wall or @ box core which can be assumed to behave. as.a simple cantilver. The axially pin- ended inks, which simulate the action of the fioor slabs, transmit axial forces only, and enable the desired load redistribution to take place between components. ‘The. analysis is based on the usual: assumptiotis “of the continuum approach given in Refs. [1,. 3, and 4]. For the coupled shear wall the discrete set of connecting beams of bending rigidity El, may be replaced by an equivalent connecting medium of bending: rigidity El,/h per unit height, Since both’ walls defléct equally, the connecting bbeamé deflect with a point of contraflexure at midspan. Thus thé forces acting along an assumed cat line pass through the midspan of the contiecting beams are a shear flow q and an’ axial force of intensity 11, pet unit height as shown in Fig. (3). The discrete system of pin-ended links may be replaced. by continuous media, transmitting axial forces, of, and 13_per unit height as shown in Fig, (3), The frame component may be replaced by ‘an equivalent continuous shear cantilever to model thé predominately shearing mode of behaviour. The effective shearing rigidity (GA) of the shear cantilever may be written in the form [3]: 12E a= VE h[1/C+1/G] @ where G = IplL for the girders across one floor level ofthe frame, and C= E Teh for the cohums. in one story ofthe frame. 1 and Ig are the moments of inertia of the columns and girders, respectively, h is the storey height and L is the girder span ! y= Cy +C; 2 +Cyonsh METHOD OF ANALYSIS _ The method of analysis is based on the transfer matrix technique, where the structure is divided into m small segments and n+] stations and the applied lateral load is idealised on cach segment as a Emegily distributed load as shown in Fig. (3). Consider the # segment of the equivalent structure shown in Fig. (4). The segment is subjected to applied moments M; and M , , shearing forces Q.; and Qi, and axial forces T, and T ,,, at ths ¥=wer and upper ends respectively. The segment is also subjected to 2 Hinearly distit-423 loading of the intensity of w; and w ;,, per unit height at the base. and the top cf ‘she segment as shown in Fig. (4). The differential equation governing the deflecditin=ce any level x of the i segment can be written as (see Ref. [2]): = i y" my" ny" = — Qa 77M) Q) where maatspay aay? y? =GA/EI, P= 11,2 /b'ht 2 Uh( 1, 1) p ig.2) ooh (i+). ath Ti Be iat ze The bending moment M at any point x may be written in the form: ; Ma (th=2) Tt Mgt BAT og +) OT fu.) 6) Substituting into equation (2) the second and the fourth derivative of M with respect to x, equation (2) takes the form af equation (4): yt = my” 4 ntyt = Ef. + -~2| @ ‘The general solution of equation takes the firm: Cs be me er (6) ~1358- In equation (5) k= pH, and r = nl; /p where 2 4 andy mi = an?) - = (mt = 4n2y4 2 C, to Cg are arbitrary constants to be determined from the boundary conditions. By successive differentiation of equation (5) the ‘state Vector ‘at the left end i of the ith segment, where x = 0.0 may be written in a matrix form as: or simply, : (3; =[YL 8), the state vector at the right end i+, where x= H, may be written as: Where sh k= sinh k, ch k= cosh k, or simply, Sh, = BL, 9 Efiminating (R} between equations (7 and 9), then equation (10) will be obtained (3, = PAVE) = FS}; ee where [YJ is the inverse of the matrix [\Y) and the matrix [F]; is the i field matrix which relates the state vector at the lower end of the segment, {S}", to the state vector at the upper end of the segment {S}* POINT TRANSFER MATRIX ‘The state vector on each side of station i Fig. (4) may be from the compatibility and equilibrium conditions expressed by: = PMst an where [P] is the point transfer and may be written in mattix form as: (2) It should be noted that if there is no sudden change in the slope of the extemal applied load at any station i, the point transfer matrix {P] at that station will be an identity ‘matrix, OVERALL TRANSFER MATRIX By application of equation 10 and equation 11 to each segment and station of the structure, in tur, there is obtained: -1360- 2 = ELS (9)5 =[F](9s - [FAP -ELPLEL Sr (5)25 = [FDP Fal? PRE MSH (13) ‘Thus y sh, = C1); a4) where [] is the overall transfer matrix of the structure and is equal to: (= PLL h [FL LIF, (15) ‘The overall transfer matrix [T] can be calculated. Then the unknowns of the two state vectors {5} and {s}*,, at the start and the end of the structure can be extracted first by. setting the boundary conditions then solving the remaining simultaneous equations ‘The state vector of each station can be recalculated by using equations (10, 11 and 13). BOUNDARY CONDITIONS. By assuming that the structure i rigidly built in at the base, and by considering the derived relationships in (1) and the assumed idealised shape of loading in this work, the boundary conditions can be written as follows: at the base of the structure (x = 0) and yi =0 (16) 0, FEI ‘ an 1f@.-w yy = 3] e +#)Q| as) at the top of the structure (x = H) Yau =O (9) vy Mast Yost = Ey (20) -1361- DETERMINATION OF THE FORCES IN DIFFERENT STRUCTURAL COMPONENTS After the determination of the state vector at every station of the structure the forces in the various structural elernents can be at any station determined (see (2]) ‘The shear flow q in the connecting medium is given by: [avy Ay} Mi] ‘ Q1) The bending miment carried by the frame is: MR, = M, +[Ely” —w, -Elm’y!] (22) ‘The axial force in each coupled wall is: y ¢ eo? +m -™,] @3) ‘The bending moment M; in wall j = 1, 2, 3) becomes: 24) The shearing forces Sj and Sp in each of the coupled shear wall as well as the shearing forces S3 and SF in the independent wall and frame are given by m (> Sus Ely +{5 + hia (25) (26) Q7) ey @9) ‘The axial forces in the connecting media may be written a8 -1362- (30) GV) G2) ‘The concentrated interactive forces at the top of each connectinig medium (see Fig. [3]) can be determined as follows: (33) 34) Qua = SFnn 35) EXAMPLES To demonstrate the accuracy of the proposed method of analysis a thirty storey building consisting of two pairs of coupled shear walls, two U-shaped cores and four rigidly jointed frames as shown in Fig: (5). This building which had been analysed in Ref. [1] under the effect of uniformly distributed lateral load is here reanalysed. The influence of the two individual central columns in resisting lateral forces is assumed in the analysis negligible. The relevant structural data for that structure as given by [1] afe: storey height h=2.8 m.tctal building height H'=84.0 m, the moment of inertia for each’ core 1, = 1.86 m', for ec. h coupled walls, Ty = 1p =3.6 mt Ay =A; = 1.2m}, = 10.67 x 104 m!, b = 2m, 1=8m,E=21x10° kN/m? and for each frame, GA = 6x104 KN, The comparison of the results obtained using the transfer matrix method ‘with those obtained in [1] showed an excellent agreement, The same structure will be reanalysed assuming that it is subjected to 2 parabolic distribution of wind load as given in [8]. The structure is subdivided into 10 equal segments and 11 stations, The intensity of the load at each station is given in Table (1). ‘Table (1). Intensity of load at each station. SutionNo. [1 [213 [4 _[5_J6]7_[8 [9 [30 [ui intensity of _ | 21.0| 27.7 | 32.3 | 35.3 | 37.8 [39.9 | 41.6 | 43.1 | 44.5 | 45.6 | 46.6 load (KN/m) ‘The lateral deflection and the intemal forces in the different components are given in the form of a series of functions in Fig.(6, 7 and 8). The functions are defined as follows -1363- = (ny HYV/EDS, q=™,Hb,, T=(w,H? 12)4, My = Mz = (1/2) (wy HP 12) $4, Ms = (0, H? /2) $5, MF =(w, H? /2) 0, S$) =8, =(,H/2)6;. Sy = wy Hg. SF = wy Hy The lateral load distribution on the coupled shear walls, cores and frames as well as the external applied load are also given in Fig (9) in the form of the following functions : Weta Wb0. Te-s = ¥ Oy Ms = br» my O15 From Fig(6), it can be concluded that the maximum deflection is about 12.9 cm, which represents 0.15% of the total height of the structure, and “that the sear flow in the connecting medium has a maximum value of about 157.3 kN/m at a level of 0.3, H. Fig. (7) shows that at the base of the structure the shear walls resist about 27.8% of the total applied momeat and the cores resist about 7.2% while the frames resist 21.0%, The rest of the moment, which is about 44.% is resisted by the normal forces in the shear walls. Fig. (8) liustrate that the shearing force taken by the shear walls at the base is about 79.5% of the total applied force, while the cores take 20.5%, The magnitudes of the interactive forces at the top of the structure are found to be: Quy = 127.6 KN, Q yy = 255.2 KN and Qyy y= 368.4 KN, which are equal to 3.98%, 7.96% and 11.49% of the total applied load respectively. Fig. (9) indicates that the lateral forces are small in the upper levels of both cores and frames, but they increase rapidly in the lower levels. The lateral force are carried largely by the coupled shear walls CONCLUSIONS ‘The paper presents a general method for the analysis of laterally loaded systems of interacting coupled shear walls, cores and frames. The arbitrary loading can be approximated by linearly distributed load acting on each segment, so that by increasing the number of ségments the load can be represented to any degree of accuracy required. The method is based on both the continuous connection and the transfer matrix technique. Independent of the mumber of stories of the structure or the number of segments used in formmlation, the solution of the problem only involves manipulation of sevea by seven matrices. Therefore, the method is easily programmed and is suitable even for computers with limited memory capacity. The method can be easily extended to take into zecount the variation of the structure configuration along the height, ‘A comparison betwoan the resu': obtained by the proposed method and those from published work, where the struc... isloaded by a uniformly distributed load, shows an excellent aggeement. In addition, 2 complete solution for a structure subjected to a parabolic distributed wind load is presented. -1364- REFERENCES 1,Coull A. and Khachatoorian H., Distribution of Lateral Forces in Structures Consisting of Cores, Coupled Shear Walls and Rigidly Jointed Frames., Proc. Instn Civ. Engrs, Part 2, 1982, 73, Dec. 731-754. 2, Said A. Hassanein, Cores, Coupled Shear Walls and Frames Interaction Taking into Consideration the Effect of Axial Deformations of Frames! Columns, Civil Engineering Research Magazine, Al-Azhar University, Vol.(12), No.(5) 1990. 3. Smith B.S, and Coull A., Tall Building Structures: Analysis and Design, John Wiley and Sons. Inc., United States of America, 19907.” 4, Adridsson K: Interaction between Coupled Shear Walls and Frames Proc. Instn Civ, Engrs, Part 2, 1979,67, Sept., 589-596. 5.Anastasiadis K. and Avramidis 1, Einheitliche Methode fir die’ Berechnung gekoppelter Rahmen-Shiben-Systeme auf elastischer Grundung, die Bautechnik 65 (1988),H.4, S. 127-140. 6:Beitrag zur Untersuchung von Windscheiben bei beliebiger Last, Beton-und Stahlbetonbau 88 (1993), H.8, 8, 217-221. 7:Tso W. and Chan P., Static Analysis of Stepped Coupled Walls by Transfer Matrix Method, Build. Sci. 8, pp. 167-176 (1973). 8, Beton-Kelender, Teil (2), Verlag von Wilhelm Emest und Sohn, Berlin (1975) NOTATION Ay Ay cross-sectional area of coupled walls. clear span between coupled walls. elastic modules. effective shearing rigidity of shear cantilever. storey height. total height. second moment of area of wall j G@= 1, 2,3) =i +h +h second momer: of area of connecting beams second momnt of inertia of columns in frames. second moment of inertia of girders in frames. distance between centroidal axes of coupled walls. span of girders in frames. applied static moment. bending moment in wall j G= 1, 2,3) bending moment carried by frame. axial force in coupled walls axial forces intensities in connecting media @/=1, 2, 3) shear force intensity in connecting medium of coupled shear walls, SS AR REC re Tm ome Qa concentrated interactive forces (j= 1, 2, 3) 5; shear force in wall j = 1, 2, 3) SF shiear force in frame. Wy, intensity of the lateral applied load at distance x from the base, x height above base. y horizontal deflection. -1365- Fig.(1): Symmetrical structure #onsisting of coupled shear walls, cores and frames. P pe i, “1 4, Ete fobs Wx Lu Jy x ; ! Fig.(2): Planar shear wall-core—frame structure. ae ge aig ah Qu One Ge ni w Pooley ie 4 EE --H | Le --- LL ae 4 Wier a A a Wi 1 ly —]ca Wit \ pa Ws Ra” We Wi 7 Fig.(3): Idealization of the load and subdivision of the substitue structure into segments. -1366- R - state vector {Sh state vector {sI/ R state vector }S|, station © L -= state vector {Si wy, © Fig.(4): Forces acting on the : segment and i‘* station. abel Fig.(5): Plan of the investigated structure. -1367- “89€T~ ——Defection 4 =--Shear flow # force ener] \ 0 0.060 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 1.00. 1.20 Value of function, Fig.(6): Distributions of lateral deflection, shear flow in connecting medium, & axial force in coupled walls. iG . > | 00 Of 02 O38 04 05 06 Value of function. Fig.(7):Distributions of moments in shear walls, cores, & frames. is nacional Jepvot reuserxg ~-| ig, geutegy A HT abs 42209, 6 2883 Se Peer sseb — caumanns ayy uo speot wuzeyx@ oN) Jo uopn@nisrp ou; seureay % ‘so109 ‘Siva Zwoys £q, vas) $9910) Jo suonnginsia (6)8g ‘uohouny 49 onIva wo ro oo vor wor er _ot~ ‘souresy 27 ‘s0109 “sqfea x89ys uy 890.0) Suqavoys me} Jo suopNa:es +(9)"id raonoues Jo ane evo ro. oo + we [7 a esoureay ur SUBY oud -— *e -1369- “Ss

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