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What is the meaning of hepatitis?

Hepatitis is a disease caused by several types of viruses that attack and

cause inflammation and damage to the cells of the human liver. Hepatitis
diketegorikan in
several groups, including hepetitis A, B, C, D, E, F and G. In Indonesia disease
Hepatitis generally tend more experienced group of hepatitis B and hepatitis C, but
Here we will discuss the focus of the article Hepatitis A, B and C.

Hepatitis A
Hepatitis A is a group of Hepatitis mild and rarely causes
death, Hepatitis A (VHA = Hepatitis A) spread through feces / stool
patients are transmitted through food and drink terkomtaminasi, not
through sexual activity or through blood. For example, fish or shellfish from
regional water contaminated by human feces patients.
Hepatitis A has an incubation period of 2 to 6 weeks after infection occurs,
then later the patient showed some signs and symptoms of disease
Hepatitis A.
1. Symptoms of Hepatitis A
In the first week, individuals afflicted will experience pain like yellow, fatigue,
fever, loss of appetite, vomiting, dizziness and urinary solid black.
Fever is a fever that occurs continuously, unlike other fever is
on dengue fever, tuberculosis, thypus, etc.
2. Handling and Treatment of Hepatitis A
Patients who show symptoms of hepatitis A as the first week of the emergence of
the so-called
jaundice, fatigue and so on, is expected to not a lot of activity and
immediately visit the nearest health care facility for treatment of
symptoms such as
as lowering fever and headache,

in order to
increase endurance and appetite as well as drugs that reduce nausea
and vomiting.
Sedangkah steps that can be taken as a preventive effort is to
wash hands thoroughly, and immunization is recommended for someone who is
around the patient.

Hepatitis B
Hepatitis B is a contagious disease that is classified as dangerous in the world,
This is caused by the hepatitis B virus (HBV) that attacks the liver and causes
acute or chronic inflammation of the liver. Such is the case of Hepatitis C, both
diseases can be
chronic and eventually to liver cancer. The process of transmission of hepatitis B is
through the exchange of
contact with body fluids or blood from a person infected with Hepatitis B.
The few things that the pattern of transmission include transmission from mother to
baby during
childbirth, sexual intercourse, blood transfusion, syringes, and the use of tools
personal hygiene (toothbrush, towels) together. Hepatitis B can affect anyone
alone, but usually for those of childbearing age would be at risk
this disease.

1. Symptoms of Hepatitis B
In particular signs and symptoms of acute hepatitis B terserangnya are fever,
abdominal pain
and yellow (especially in the area of the white eye / sclera). But for patients with
hepatitis B
chronicles will likely not look the signs, so that transmission to others
becomes more risky.
2. Handling and Treatment of Hepatitis B
Patients suspected of Hepatitis B, for the exact diagnosis is established it will be

be blood examination. Once the diagnosis is established as Hepatitis B, then there is

a way
treatment for hepatitis B, which swallow medication (oral) and by injection.
a. Oral medication is famous;
- Giving medicine
the nucleoside analog, which is known as the
3TC. This drug is used for adults and children, use of these drugs tend
increase liver enzyme (ALT) for the patients will receive ongoing monitoring
of physicians.
- Provision of drug adefovir dipivoxil (
). Oral administration would be more effective, but
administration of high dose would adversely affect the kidney function.
- Provision of drug Baraclude (
). The drug is administered in patients with chronic hepatitis B,
side effects of this drug are headache, dizziness, fatigue, nausea and occurs
increased liver enzyme. Keoptimalan level and stability of this drug has not been
said to be stable.

b. Treatment with injection / injection is;

Giving injections
containing the -ray emitting radioactive particles that
will destroy liver cancer cells without damaging the surrounding healthy tissue.
(With a branch name INTRON A, INFERGEN, ROFERON) given

subcutaneous administration of the scale of 3 times a week for 12-16 weeks or

more. Effect
side of this medication is depression, particularly in patients who have a history of
previous depression. The other effect is a pain in the muscles, quickly tired and
febrile that this can be eliminated by administering paracetamol.
Preventive measures to avoid the disease is Hepatitis B vaccine
especially in people who are at high risk of this virus, as they are
sex behave poorly (change-change partner / homosexual), health workers (nurses
doctors) and those who are vulnerable areas many cases Hepatitis B.

Hepatitis C
Hepatitis C is a liver disease caused by hepatitis C virus (HCV).
The process of transmission through blood contact {transfusions, needles
(contaminated), insects
the last patient menggiti biting everyone around them}. Hepatitis C sufferers
do not show obvious symptoms, but in patients with chronic hepatitis C
damage / death of liver cells and detected as cancer (cancer) of the liver.
Some 85% of cases, hepatitis C infection becomes chronic and slowly damages the
1. Symptoms of Hepatitis C
Patients with Hepatitis C often times people who suffer from hepatitis C have no
although infection has occurred for many years. But some vague symptoms
among others are; Tired, Loss of appetite, stomach pain, dark urine into and Leather
yellow eyes called "jaundice" (rare). In some cases it can
found an increase in liver enzymes in urine, however, in patients
Hepatitis C liver enzyme actually sometimes even normal fluctuations.
2. Handling and Treatment of Hepatitis C

Currently the treatment of hepatitis C carried out by the administration of drugs

such as
Interferon alpha,
Pegylated interferon alfa
. The goal of treatment of hepatitis C is
eliminate the virus from your body as early as possible to prevent the development
of the
deteriorate and end-stage liver disease. Treatment in patients with hepatitis C
quite a long time even in certain patients it can not be helped, for it
necessary handling of the first stage.

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