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Lofay, Kindergarten

Daily Plans for Monday, March 23rd

Science: K.1, K.9, K.10

Interactive Writing:

Eng. K.2, K.4, K.5,

A: Last Friday was the first day of Spring! Today

we are going to read a book about Hopper the
bunny who is trying to find spring!
I: Read Hopper Hunts for Spring. Point out signs
of spring as reading.

K.6, K.7, K.8, K.9, K.11

Read Aloud:

Writers Wkshp Mini-Lesson:

Eng. K.1, K.2, K.3, K.6, K.9, K.12

A: Review story Three Billy Goats Gruff from

last week (three goat brothers cross the bridge of
a mean troll, each goat tells the troll to wait and
eat the next bigger brother, the last BIG goat
fights the troll and knocks him into the river, then
the three brothers eat and get fat in the field).
I: We are going to read a slightly different version
of the story. Listen for similarities and
differences between the two stories. Read The
Three Billy Goats Fluff, pointing out similarities
and differences during reading.
M: Compare and contrast the two stories, or name
some of the similarities and differences.
GP: Have students name more similarities and
Similarities: 3 brothers, loved to eat grass,
eventually crossed the bridge and ate grass in the
Differences: there is a mother, she likes to knit
sweaters from their wool, troll put up a sign, they
ran back to their mother, mother made them
booties to make their hooves quiet

M: Present What I Know/What I Have Learned TChart (Spring). Write one thing I know about
GP/C4U: Ask students what they already know
about Spring (plants start blooming, trees grow
leaves, birds fly back north, bears wake up, baby
animals are born, weather is sometimes rainy, we
were lighter jackets, rain boots, play sports
outside). Students will write answers on T-Chart.
Assess: Take note of what students did not mention
on chart to focus on this weeks lessons.

K.9, K.10, K.11


IP: Students will write in their journals:

What is one way the two stories were the same?
What is one way the two students were different?
Assess: Have students read sentences to teacher.
Ensure students have made proper connection.
Closure: When we compare the two stories, they
were similar in that they both had 3 goat brothers,
they loved to eat grass, and eventually made it over
the bridge to eat grass.
When we contrast the two stories, there is a
mother in this story who knits sweaters, the troll
puts a sign up to ask them to stop, the brothers ran
back to their mother instead of crossing the first
time, the mother made them booties so they could
cross quietly.
AM: This class went smoothly. Some students
squirmy on rug during read aloud, calling out. Change
intonation during reading during PM. Science went
PM: Changed voices and intonation during read
aloud, students more engaged. Multiple redirections
during writing, lost time. Were not able to complete
T-Chart. Add more tomorrow during shared writing.
Topics to focus on in science: clothing, recreation,

Lofay, Kindergarten

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