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Central User

Anand Munuswamy

Central User Administration Overview

Unit Overview
This unit describes the basic overview of Central User
Administration, and the Steps to Setup the CUA
Unit Objective
After completing this unit, you will be able to :
1. Explain the overview of CUA
2. Explain the function of Logical System
3. Describe the function of RFC and Communication User
4. Describe the function of ALE Distribution Model
5. Describe the Overall Function of CUA

Central User Administration Overview

Using central user administration, can maintain user master

records centrally in one system. Changes to the information are
then automatically distributed to the child systems. This means that
have an overview in the central system of all user data in the entire
system landscape.
Distribution of the data based on a functioning ALE landscape
Central User Administration Data is distributed asynchronously
between the application systems in an ALE environment.
One System will be the Central System and it is linked with
every child systems in both directions. The child systems is not
linked to each other

Central User Administration

The Examples used in this training refer to the following system landscape :
Logical System ADMCLNT070
CUA Central System
Logical System ADMCLNT075
Child System

Logical System PRDCLNT324

Child System
Logical System PRDCLNT800
Child System

Logical System CRMCLNT800
Child System

Central User Administration

Setting Up Logical System

Define/Set Up a Logical System

Assign Logical System to a Client

System Landscape of the CUA

Defining Auth. For Communication Users (Contd.,)

Defining Auth. For Communication Users

Create an RFC Destination for the Target Systems (Contd.,)

Create an ALE Distribution Model

Generate Partner Profiles (Contd.,)

Generate Partner Profiles (Contd.,)

Distribute Model View (Contd.,)

Activate CUA (Contd.,)

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