Student Teaching Edtpa Lesson Plan Template: Creativity, Critical Thinking, Innovation, and

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Student Teaching edTPA Lesson Plan Template

Subject: C& E

Central Focus:
Who can Vote?

Essential Standard/Common Core Objective:

CE.C&G.4 Understand how democracy

depends upon the active participation of

Date submitted:

03/14 Date taught: 03/19

Daily Lesson Objective: CE.C&G.4.3 Analyze the roles of citizens of North Carolina and the United States in

terms of responsibilities, participation, civic life and criteria for membership or admission
21st Century Skills: Communication, Collaboration,
Creativity, Critical Thinking, Innovation, and

Academic Language Demand (Language Function and

Function: Compare and Contrast
Vocab: precinct, ballot, exit poll
Prior Knowledge: Students previously learned about the different political parties citizens can vote for


1. Focus and Review

2. Statement of Objective
for Student
3. Teacher Input
4. Guided Practice

Description of Activities and Setting

Warmup- Are there still restrictions on who can vote in the United States?
Who do these restrictions target?
Daily Show Clip talking about NC voter ID laws in NC

15 mins

I can identify who can vote in America

Lecture on Chapter 10 (Voting and Elections) Section 1 (Who can vote?)

30 mins

Show class different presidential ads and talk about what different types of
propaganda technique they would fall under

15 mins
Andrew Jackson- Name-calling
Abraham Lincoln-Transfer
James Garfield-Plain Folks
Nixon- stacked cards
Gerald Ford-endorsement
Barack Obama-Glittering Generality

5. Independent Practice

6. Assessment Methods of
all objectives/skills:

7. Closure

8. Assessment Results of
all objectives/skills:

Students get in party groups and given posterboard by teacher. They will
25 mins
design a poster for their candidate that falls under one of the forms of
What led to a decrease in voter restrictions?
Why have a secret ballot?
Why have an absentee ballot?
Should the media project who they think will win?
Why does voting matter?
Should it be a civic duty?
Why are these different types of propaganda used?
Who do they appeal to?
What is the candidates aim?
21st Century Skills:
Were the groups creative with their posters?
Did they correctly demonstrate one of the propaganda techniques discussed in class?
Would the ad attract a voter?
Exit Ticket- Students write down Three Ws
5 mins
What did we learn today? So what (why or how is this relevant to the
student?) Now what? (where will we go from here)

Objective: Students correctly stated that the womens suffrage and civil rights movement helped exte
enfranchisement. They used transfer in explaining that the power of political machines such as Boss
reason to have a secret ballot. Most of the class did not think the media should project the winner, an
sway votes. They recognized that active participation of citizens is essential to a democracy.
21st Century Skills:
Most of the posters were very innovative. The groups worked diligently on them and clearly enjoyed

Targeted Students Modifications/Accommodations

504 plan-student sit near the board
504 plan- do not single out student
Student with ADD use computer for quizzes

Student/Small Group Modifications/Accommodations

Materials/Technology: SMART board, PowerPoint

Reflection on lesson:
1st: Lecture went well. There was some good give and take when we looked at the different propaganda posters. Pacing could have
2nd: Lecture and showing of propaganda posters went well. Pacing was excellent.
CT signature: ________________________ Date: ______ US signature: ____________________________Date: ______
Quote of the Day: Men would rather be starving and free, than fed in bonds. Pearl Buck
Today in History: Iraq War begins

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