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Names of Investigators : _________________________________________________________

Myth Being Investigated: _________________________________________________________

Research Paper
Cover Page:

Points Points Earned


Title of Myth

1 point

Image related to your myth or topic of research

1 point

Names of investigators with both science and English periods

Research Paper:
Paper Format -

2 points

20 points

Contains specific, SCIENTIFIC information that clearly

explains a scientific process or phenomena (10 points)
Information unquestionably and logically relates to
your myth topic (5 points)
Research cited correctly in paragraph (5 points)
If any portion of this paragraph is plagiarized, sources
not cited, or not written in your own words - you will
receive a zero for this paragraph

Paragraph 2 -

5 points

What is your myth (1 pt)

Why you chose your myth (1 pt)

Paragraph 1 - (Research)

Points Points Earned


Size 12 font (1 pt)

Calibri font (1 pt)
Double spaced (1 pt)
Typed (1 pt)
Completed and turned in electronically (1 pt)
No personal pronouns

Introduction -

2 points

Summarize the procedure (5 pts)

Summarize results (5 pts)

10 points

Names of Investigators : _________________________________________________________
Myth Being Investigated: _________________________________________________________

Paragraph 3 - (Combining Research and Results)



15 points

Clearly connects the information you learned in your

research to the results from your myth (5 pts)
Provides specific examples of how your research
supports your results using data and/or examples from
your investigation (10 pts)

4 points

Reaction to results (2 pts)

What was your hypothesis and was it correct(2 pts)

Work Cited:

Points Points Earned


Written on a separate sheet of paper

1 point

Three or more sources cited

3 points

Correct format used

1 points


Total Points:

_____/65 Points

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