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University of Utah, Department of Special Education: Lesson Plan

Content Area: Math

Grade level: 3rd
Core Standard:
Grade 2. Measurement & Data. Work with time
and money.
Tell and write time from analog and digital
clocks to the nearest five minutes, using a.m.
and p.m.

Instructor Name: Lindsay Newton

Instructional Objective:
Students will understand the difference
between a.m. and p.m.

IEP Goal:
Content (concepts, information, skills,
By June 8, 2015, when given math
new vocab, etc.):
measurement problems representing the
New concept with a.m. and p.m.
scope of 3rd grade level for math computation, New skill in being able to determine if time is
S will be able to correctly answer 15/16 (75th a.m. or p.m.
percentile) correct problems in 2 out of 3 trials Vocabulary= midnight, noon, a.m. p.m.
as measured by curriculum based
Teachers Role/What Im doing:
1. Get students attention
2. Academic review /Gather
1. I need your eyes on me in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Thank you.
background knowledge
3. State instructional
2. Before we get started on our lesson today class, what does
the little hand tell us on an analog clock? Good, and what about
4. Review behavior
the little hand? Perfect! (Pull out paper plate clocks made from
day before) I want each of you to show me 11:15 on your
clocks. You guys are so smart I cant even trick you.
3. So after we are done with our lesson today you will be able
to tell me, what a.m. and what p.m. means in time and why
they are different.
4. Remember I need all of you to be apart of our group, be an
active listener, respond on my signal, keep a positive attitude,
and show me your best work.

5. Instruction
a. Model
b. Guided Practice
c. Guided Group
d. Independent practice
e. Error Correction

Who knows what time school starts? Thats right it starts at
8:30. Does school start at 8:30 in the morning or 8:30 in the
evening? Yep, it starts at 8:30 in the morning. So we know that
with time there are the morning times and there are the
evening times. We call that a.m. and p.m. What about if I said
we eat lunch at 12 oclock noon. Would noon be in the morning

Date: 12.2.14
Behavioral Objective:
Be apart of our group
Be an active listener
Respond on my signal
Keep a positive attitude
Show me your best work
Instructional Materials Needed:
YouTube video, time line plot, 2 paper analog
clocks (a.m. p.m.), variety of picture activities
involving the a.m. and p.m., glue stick, blank
paper, a.m. p.m. worksheet, and a pencil.

Students Role/What theyre doing:

1. Eyes on me
2. the hour the minute
Students will move the hands on their clocks
to show me 11:15.

3. Eyes on me
4. Students will give me a thumbs up when I
am done reviewing rules.



6. Wrap up
a. Review key concepts/
Check for
b. Review objectives
c. Clean up

or evening? What about if I told you I stayed up until 12 oclock

midnight? What time would midnight be? Yep, at the nighttime,
or the evening. Good job! Hand students time line plot
(attached to back of lesson) So, a.m. is the time after midnight
and before noon. Whereas p.m. is the time after noon and
before midnight. Lets watch this video to help us understand
a.m. and p.m. a little better (
b. c.
Pull out two large analog paper clocks. One will be labeled an
a.m. clock and one will be a p.m. clock. Explain to the students
what each clock represents. Then layout a variety of pictures
that represent activities that are done in the a.m. and the p.m.
Tell the students that we are going to put each picture near the
time and proper clock that it represents. I will demonstrate one
for a.m. and one for p.m. I want you guys to glue the picture
in the appropriate clock and around the appropriate time. I
want you guys to work together to figure out where all of the
pictures go.
(e. error correction remodel and discuss difference between
a.m. and p.m. Help switch any photos student may have gotten
wrong, but do it with a discussion to help them problem solve.)
Your clocks look great! I think you guys are getting the hang of
this. Hand out 2 blank pieces of paper to each student. Ok
you guys I want you to write a.m. on the top of one of your
papers and p.m. on the top of the other paper. On the a.m., I
want you to draw a picture of something you do in the a.m. and
on the p.m. sheet I want you to draw a picture of something you
do in the p.m. On both papers I want you to write the time you
would be doing that activity.
(e. error correction: refer to the clocks or time line plot,

You guys are doing so great! Your ticket out today is to fill in
this worksheet. Pass out a.m. p.m. worksheet (attached to the
back of the lesson) Lets look at the instructions of the
worksheet. On a typical weekday during the school year, what
might you be doing at each hour of the day? Pay attention to
whether the time uses a.m. or p.m. Once you are done raise
your hand and I will come check it off and then you can go.
Now you guys know the difference between a.m. and p.m. and
what midnight and noon mean.

b. c.
Students will put each picture near the time
and proper clock that it represents. Once they
are done they will glue each picture on.

Students will draw an a.m. and p.m. activity
on each sheet and write the time of when the
activity takes place.

Students will fill out worksheet of a.m. and
p.m. Students will raise their hand when they
are done.

Amplified system
Larger print
Headphones for Z to tune
out background noise

Token System
Verbal praise

Pre: I took a pre-assessment with the
easy CBM
During: Verbal responses, a.m. and p.m.
clocks, and drawing pictures of a.m. and
p.m. activities.
Post: a.m. and p.m. worksheet will help
me see what students comprehended
from the lesson. I will also give an oral
quiz at the beginning of the next class
about a.m. and p.m.

Follow-up Activities:
Measure and understand time intervals.

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