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University of Utah, Department of Special Education: Alternative Lesson Plan

Content Area: Math (LP#3)

Date: 12/11/2014

Grade level: 7th


Megan Van Pelt

Core Standard:
7. EE Solve real-life and mathematical problems using numerical and algebraic expressions and equations.
7. EE.4 Use variables to represent quantities in a real-world or mathematical problem, and construct simple equations
and inequalities to solve problems by reasoning about the quantities.
IEP Actual Goal:
Student 1: Jack will be able to achieve the 3rd grade benchmark of 14 on the MCAP in five or less trials as measured
by AIMS Web, with 5% current achievement, with 100% target achievement.
Student 2: Charlotte will be able to achieve the 3rd grade benchmark of 14 on the MCAP in five or less trials as
measured by AIMS Web, with 5% current achievement, with 100% target achievement.
Student 1: By the end of the school year, when given math number and operations problems representing the scope
of 3rd grade level math computations, Jack will be able to correctly answer 13/16 problems in 2/3 trials as measured
by curriculum based assessment.
Student 2, Goal 1: By December 12, 2014, when given math number and operations problems representing the
scope of 3rd grade level math computations, Charlotte will be able to correctly answer 13/16 problems in 2/3 trials as
measured by curriculum based assessment.
Student 2, Goal 2: By the end of the school year, when given math number and operations problems representing
the scope of 4th grade level math computations, Charlotte will be able to correctly answer 13/16 problems in 2/3 trials
as measured by curriculum based assessment.
Instructional Objective:
Students will be able to create and solve real-life math problems using written expression and numeric equations with
On the board this is written as: I can create and solve real-life and mathematical problems.
Math behavior: I can use appropriate tools strategically. I can make sense of problems and persevere in
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solving them. I can model with mathematics. (Students will read the math behavior in choral unison after one practice
read. Two students are then chosen to give examples of how we model with mathematics; two different students will
then be asked how they will model mathematics in todays lesson.)
Vocabulary: calculator, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, equal sign, divisor, product, sum, decimal,
tenths place, hundredths place
Lesson Agenda:
At the start of class, one student will be asked to volunteer to read todays agenda to the class. A second student will
be asked to volunteer to read todays objectives to the class.
Starter: The answer is 33. What is the problem? Students will write three math problems that equate to the
answer 33. Students will write one word problem that equates to 33; students will write one equation that must
include multiplication, addition, or subtraction (and equates to 33); and students will write one equation with a
variable (that equates to 33). Additionally, students will write out their word problem in their math notebook,
identifying and showing the steps to solving their problem. Students will state out loud that they followed the format
for solving the problem: I read my problem(s) reread the problem(s), I asked questions (to decide what I need to
know), I identified the steps (to solving the problem(s), solved it, and checked my work. I will read their word
problems during timed vocabulary when students are working in pairs.
Review of word problems: Students read their word problems to each other in pairs and provide each other with
feedback using the math language we have been practicing in class (each student also has a copy of this in their
math folder). As they work with their peers I use this time to help students individually correct their word problems.
Students will be chosen to share their word problem(s) on the board and demonstrate how they used strategies to
solve this problem.
New Material: Todays lesson will teach us to use the calculator to check our work, to solve word problems, and to
solve equations. We have been using the calculator for simple addition, subtraction, and multiplication, but today we
are going to use the calculator to first, check the work we have completed so far today, and second, use the
calculator to solve some new problems. (Each student provided three answers to starter. During this part of the
lesson each student will have the opportunity to solve at least one of their three problems using the calculator, as the
entire class works together.) Students will then be paired in groups of 2 and given new problems to solve using the
calculator. Each student will be asked to check their partners work. Each student will choose one problem their
partner solved and will defend their answer, explaining, demonstrating, or describing why this problem is correct.
Yes we know this answer is the same as the answer on the calculator, but why students may provide a
pictograph, use manipulatives, a description, or write an equation to illustrate their why. (The students have
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followed this format for demonstrating the why in previous lessons.)

Timed vocabulary: Students time each other for 1 minute on math vocabulary, charting their individual progress
inside their math folder. Students may volunteer to share the difference between their last timed vocabulary reading
and todays.
Number Sense Game: The last two minutes of class are reserved for a number sense game.
Error correction procedures are followed throughout the math lesson.
Daily Evaluation: (Assessment; pre & during)
Pre: At the end of yesterdays lesson students completed a quiz. This information was reviewed and used to create
new problems which will be presented throughout the week to reinforce missed problems, this review will follow the I
do, we do, you do format and error correction procedures.
During: Throughout the instructional period I ask students to explain their answer(s), identify the steps they took
to solve the problem(s), state if they agree with the answer(s) of other students, and provide an explanation for why
they agree (or disagree). This information influences and reshapes the instruction my students will receive tomorrow.
Progress Monitoring: (Assessment; post)
Students will be given a three part quiz next Tuesday that contains the concepts taught in this lesson. The first part of
the quiz requires students demonstrate their ability to solve word problems using manipulatives in a whole class
activity. The second part of the quiz requires students work problems on their whiteboards using tally
marks/pictographs. The third part will be comprised of 5 questions on a worksheet that students will solve (using
During all instructional periods my students are receiving ongoing formative assessments that require multiple types
of responses to demonstrate learning, including writing equations in numerical form, writing word problems, and
solving problems using manipulatives/tally marks/pictographs.

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