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Ethnographic Origin of Family

Shamekia P. Schoffner
Wayne State University


I don't care how poor a man is; if he has family, he's rich (Dan Wilcox and Thad Mumford,
In the Beginning
The above referenced quote epitomizes my familys motto. I consider my family as
royalty; kings and queens of the most high. We encompass a bond of love, loyalty and resilience.
Who is Shamekia Precious Shawntae Schoffner-Gipson?
I grew up in a family knowing that I was loved, accepted and important. As
dysfunctional as my family was at times, I accept every talent, flaw and life that each member
brings to the unit. My mother raised my eldest brother, Randy and I as a single parent. Although
we had different fathers, in the African-American family, we do not look at steps, and halves. If
we share the same blood and D.N.A., you are my brother. My mother married my stepfather
Gregory Coleman in 2000; my youngest brothers Blake and Brandon came from this union.
In the beginning was love, out of love bore my maternal grandparents: Alger Boone Sr.
and Johnnie Mae (Hood) Boone. To their union, twelve children were born- six boys and six
girls. My mother, Jacquelyn (Boone) Coleman was the sixth girl; my grandmother gave birth to
my mother at the age of 46. My grandparents were neighborhood friends, which are how the two
met; my grandfather was a newsboy in the neighborhood.
It is referenced on houseofnames page that The English surname Boone was originally
of Norman origin and had been granted lands by King William after the Norman Conquest in
1066.Boone is derived from the French term meaning good and was first recorded in 1176.
(Boone Family Crest and Name History, para.2)


In the beginning was love, out of love bore my paternal grandparents: Michael Schoffner,
Sr. an Air Force veteran and Geraldine James. To their union, two children were born, one son,
Michael Schoffner Jr, my father and one daughter, Michelle Schoffner. My grandparents met by
having the same social of friends, they began dating and married shortly after reproducing d my
There are many variations of the name Schoffner, In Germany, Schaeffner is the proper
spelling of Schoffner. In the Americas it has been Anglicized to Shoffner or Shofner. The first
settler of Schoffners immigrated to America circa 1709. ( Shofner Family and Name History,
para. 2, para.5). Most of the Schoffners in my family live in Illinois and Michigan.
Family Migration
My maternal family migrated from LaGrange, GA to Detroit, MI in the 1950s. Prior to that time
my grandfather served as a Navy Specialist in World War II. Shortly after the war, he moved his
family to Detroit, MI. He worked for the railroad and retired after 35 years at General Motors.
Because of the paradigm shift of the automobile manufacturing my grandfather wanted a new
start for his family, he wanted more than a fifth grade education as his parents and he had for his
I was raised Pentecostal- Church of God in Christ (COGIC). COGIC as it also referred to
is a denomination in which some people may refer to as Holy Rollers. Hence, the term roller,
saints would often roll and fall on the floor from the holy ghost. As a child, I am surprised I was
not traumatized by the events of saints speaking in tongues and passing out as if he or she had a
seizure. As a member of COGIC it is discouraged for girls and women to wear makeup, pants,
listen or watch secular music.


It was a requirement, not an option to attend Sunday school and church. I witnessed my
grandmother being the Proverbs 31 woman referenced in the bible. My grandma Boone prayed
for everyone, even her enemies. She took everyone in, if homeless, she sheltered, if hungry, she
fed, if low on money, she lent and gave, she was a mother to the motherless. My grandmas faith
has kept her hopeful and humbled though her 89 years on this earth.
Child rearing
The approach my family took in child rearing is an authoritarian parenting style. I was
raised by the biblical scripture If you spare the rod, you spoil the child. I did not get timeouts
and barely received punishments. I received whooping, the southern strict way of being hit with
a belt. I believe whooping s are a generational precursor to what slave masters inflicted upon my
ancestors during the New Slave Trade. In addition, I do believe also the pain inflicted upon my
ancestors resulted in stress, hypertension, aggression and temperamental issues. I have a son who
is almost two of years of age. I will not use a belt or any other form of physical punishment to
chastise my son. I believe there are more ways of non-physical disciplining.
Eating habits and styles involved me eating mainly traditional American food, i.e.
spaghetti, chili, chicken wings, etcetera. Sunday dinners , which usually took place at my
Grandma Boones house she cooked before church to feed hundreds collard green, ham hocks,
cornbread dressing, macaroni and cheese, unfortunately we ate for the taste not necessarily for
the nutrition.


Family Organizer
My mothers sister, Catherine is the family organizer; she plans family reunions and
funeral arrangements as well. My grandmother James is the family organizer on my fathers side.
She knows all of the family history.
Family secrets in my family were something that taken to the grave, ironically that is
when all of the truth came out about someone. In some instances, if a secret was exposed you are
forewarned now dont say anything, but Randy is getting a divorce, Ashley is pregnant again
aint nothing but 21 years old. In my humble opinion, I feel that most of the secrets in my
family are minor. If someone is pregnant or have gotten a divorce it will manifest.
Some of my family rituals may be classified as superstitious. Passed down from my
maternal grandmother, it is a ritual to not tell ones dream or nightmare before the sun rises or
set. It is considered bad luck and can make it come true in real life. We do not wash clothes by
machine or hand the last Friday of the year it is known as washing the family out of your life.
Lastly, if a broom touches your foot, the broom must be spat on. On the contrary, my paternal
side would disagree with me believing in this, as Christians; my paternal family believes that one
should not be in superstitions.
Attitudes toward Illness and Death
Our attitude towards illness depends on the severity of the illness. If a family member
have diabetes, hypertension or cardiovascular complications we do not have a response or
attitude towards it. If the illness is life-threatening then that prompts a response in urgency as a


family to be around that person as much as possible. My mindset is differently than my family
about health and disease because of my knowledge on predisposed generational diseases I
educate me on health issues pertaining to my family and me health. For example: my maternal
grandfather has a history of cardiovascular and diabetes; his mother and sibling passed away
from cardiovascular related complications. Unfortunately, my grandfather passed away from a
massive heart attack in 2003.
After the death of a family member we bring plenty of food to the deceased home. Often
times there would be a reconnecting with family members and friends, drinking of alcohol and as
a symbol of remembering our loved ones, we pour liquor on the grave.
During the funerals, we mourn very deeply, deep stomach type of sensation .Afterwards,
we have a repast, which is a formal term for dinner after a funeral.
Help Seeking Behavior
We are a prideful family; we do not usually seek help, even if it is from family. My
grandfather Boone instilled that in his family that NO ONE HAS TO DO ANYTHING FOR
YOU, if they do it is not required nor expected. I still live by those words. I work hard for what I
want in life. If someone is dealing with personal issues it is usually dealt with on a personal level
or by praying it away. No one sought therapeutic or outside help.
Attitude towards other Cultures and Deviances
My family attitude towards other cultures is neutral. However, there were stereotypes
about other cultures and races, even within my own race. For example: If a crime was committed
by someone, we assumed the race by the crime. Occasionally, I would hear how Caucasians
disciplined their children versus an African American parent or about how Asians eat cats and


dog or Africans performing voodoo curses on people. In part, some of this is factual, but the
context was not used in a positive way.
When it comes to deviances committed by family members it was often an unspoken
acceptance. If someone did something that contradicted our family norms, it was more classified
and addressed as I have nothing to do with that, he or she committed the offense. To simply
express, if a parent prepared us and raised a child the best they could and knew how, if one
deviated it is not a reflection of the parent or family but oneself.
Family and Gender Roles
As a woman in the family, it is expected that a wife serve her husband; and children are
always served first. Men are expected to financially provide; and as a wife be a nurturer and
emotionally there for her family. Women and men are equally important to each other and no one
is looked as less than or inferior. Children in the family should respect all elders, even strangers.
There is a notion that children should be seen but not heard; children do not sit amongst adults
during intimate times but more so engage with other children elsewhere.
Factors that lead to Crisis and Challenges
For the last thirty years everyone in my family that has passed away has been men.
Almost as if the men in my family are becoming extinct. Men, keep the family name alive. Year
after year we have lost one to two men in our family. As a coping mechanism, we use our faith
and religion during troubling times. My grandma Boone would often say, we cant question
Gods plan, he or she is in a better place. Those words are comforting.
This past April, I lost my uncle unexpectedly, my mothers youngest brother and three
days later I lost my step-father to pancreatic cancer. It was the most catastrophic event that I have


had to deal with. We literally had to bury one family member and then two days later funeralize
my stepfather. Some days I still feel as though it is a nightmare but I know in reality they it is
Cultural Identity Influence as a Social Worker
I consider myself a competent cultured individual, I engage and interact with everyone,
regardless of their language, religion, or any other cultural difference. As a social worker student
I am aware that we all have biases, but one thing that keeps me focused and grounded is knowing
that it is not about me but about the client, as a social worker I have to remove myself totally
from the equation. It is not a healthy relationship for me or a client.
Cultural Differences within Family Negotiated
My uncle Duane, my mother brother is a converted Muslim, he attends the church with us
and he attends the mosque. In a jokingly manner, we make fun on him saying you grew up
eating pork! If there were any diffusion about his religion he would enlighten us and as a
compromise my grandmother would make him collard greens and other dishes without using
Often times as Americans we become consumed with the everyday conformity of life;
family, school and work that we do not question our actions and thoughts. Our experiences and
beliefs sometimes perpetuate these ideologies as well. The ethnographic study of my family has
enlightened my personal views and also inspired me to revise cultural traits that were instilled
me in from infancy.



Guillemets T., (2012) The Quote Garden: Quotations about Family. Pg.1, para. 1. Retrieved from

Swyrich Corporation. (2013, August 22). House of Names. Boone Family Crest and Name.
Archives History. Toronto, CA
Swyrich Corporation. (2013, August 22). House of Names. Shofner Family Crest and Name.
Archives. History.Toronto, CA

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