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Essay of opinion about nuclear power

In my opinion, nuclear power is indeed a overwhelming source of energy that is

assumed to replace / to make for the exhaustible energy source such like oil and
wood based on the fact that is much more powerful. Nuclear power is a new form
of energy based on radioactive substances and is considered to be fuel of the
future. I agree on using it to help the evolution of humanity and to prevent the
destruction of our planets natural resources with two conditions: to be used
clever and to be used responsible.
Firstly, nuclear power represents the biggest energy source on Earth these days,
surpassing oil, wood, stream and other natural resource. At its turn, this type of
energy is also exhaustible but the modern chemistry discovered a few ways to
make a substance combination to posses radioactivity. If the human will search
deeper, soon he will find out a way to make it inexhaustible like the solar, wind
and water energy. But it has to be manipulated on very strict monitoring because
is extremely toxic to every living thing. It can provoke mutations and change the
structure of any cells, especially the AND molecule. Moreover, it shall not be used
as a war weapon. This is not the purpose Einstein gave it and it will never be
whatever eyes you look. The disastrous effects of improper use of nuclear
energy can be seen at Fukushima and Nagasaki, Japan, the placed bombed with
nuclear bombs by the USA at the end of the Second World War.
Secondly, although its great economic benefits, this energy can do more bad
than good when it comes to environment. The toxic residuum that results from
creating and maintaining active the radioactive substances shall not be thrown
away directly in the nature. This is the shortest way to destruction of our planet.
During the war several places where the bombs were tested suffered many
mutations and anomalies although its basic effect is the annihilation of every
living cell. If something ever happens at any nuclear plant, entire countries will
be affected and many towns and lives erased. The Chernobyl accident shall not
be repeated ever again.
To sum up, nuclear energy has a lot of benefits on many aspects but it also
consist the biggest threat the humanity unleashed against itself. To continue
using this energy we have to prove ourselves more responsible, a lot more
intelligent and careful and with a better concept than we had during the WWs.

Baby on top of the wave

Have you ever wondered how your 5 years old daughter can tell you mouth
dropping things about life or technoligy? Or why you receive help from your little
boy to instal your windows 7 Ultimate edition? Or why these children know much
more than your ten years old self?These are simple questions. Its all about
Firstly, the future is at the corner.The humanity has been creating amazing
things during these years and it wont stop now.This is not the peek of the
mountain because there is enough space for more development.Every month,
dozens od ingenious inventions and discoveries aremade, one better than
another and the children are the first to know about them. These days children
are the first generation who were born in the high tech era and because of that,

they have developed an affinity for technology and inteligent devices such like
phones, tablets, laptops etc.
Secondly, the educational system must also evolve because of the increasing
progression. You must be updated with the new discoveries and to know the
history of the great moments of our ancestors.The necessary quantity of
information to survive these days is huge so the children must be taught to think
mature and to analyse at a young age.
Finally, the main thing the children do and you dont is surfing the internet and
watching TV all day long. It is imposible to do not store information with all those
flashy images and words.Think that at that age, their tiny brain is at his best
when its comes to memorising. Is the perfect time to learn a second language
just by talking everyday with him. Its easier for them to manage to keep up with
whats new and for you to be jelouse and thrilled of their flexibility.
To sum it, our children are smarter than us and their children will be smarter than
them. The progress changes everywhere everything .The future is awaiting, we
just have to let our children shine.

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