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Hannah Gore

Math Lesson Plan

2 December, 2013
Prior Knowledge:
Students will know the first part of Unit 2. Unit 2, called Suma de
numeros menores que 200, covers topics such as two and three
digit numbers, representing placement of numbers up to 200,
and addition and subtraction problems within 200 through
multiple methods.
Before beginning my lesson, I will do small review of what
students should have learned from previous lesson. We will
repeat how to represent ones, tens, and hundreds, along with a
simple addition or subtraction problem within 200.
Goals and Objectives:
SWBAT: demonstrate solutions to real life situations using the
show all totals method.
CCSS: CC. K-12. MP. 1, CC. K-12.MP.2, CC.K-12.MP.3, CC.K-12.MP.4,
CC.K-12.MP.6, CC.2.OA.1, CC.2.NBT.1, CC.NCT.1a, CC.2.NBT.7,
Students will be motivated by a change of pace. Normally a math
lesson would consist of question and answer with a worksheet
thrown in every now and then. This math lesson will include
children cutting and pasting into their notebooks for future
reference. The change of pace will grab the students attention
and help them want to learn. I will also be very excited to teach,
which will motivate the students to do their best. Pointing out
real world application of the math we learn will also help.
Steps and Procedures: Terminology-Concepts-Modeling:
Students will be asked to do a review problem on the board as a
They will be given time to work as a class to solve the problem
based on what they have learned in the past.
Tienen 10 minutos para trabajar con esto como una clase.
Deben hablar acerca de como resolver la problema con la
metodo de mostrar todos los totales. Elija alguien para escribir
la respuesta en mi tablita.
After 10 minutes, review student work. Make corrections to class
answer if necessary. Explain that I have an example problem
typed up for them to glue into their notebooks if they ever get
confused on how to do a problem this way. Tengo un ejemplo
del metodo que acaba de usar. Vamos a cortar y pegar en tus

Hannah Gore
Math Lesson Plan
2 December, 2013
cuadernos. Si olvide de como hacerlo, puedes mirar en tus
cudadernos para recordar.
Show students example of how to cut and glue into notebook.
Give them 10 minutes to do this themselves. Help students when
I will give students two or three problems to work on with their table
22+86= 108
Remind them that they can use their notes if they need help.
After each problem I will have one student demonstrate their
work on the board in front of the class. They will explain what
they are doing as they do it. I will be there to answer questions
and guide their explanation of the solution.
Finish lesson with Penguino Confundido problem.
El Penguino Confundido escribio este suma y dice que esta es la
respuesta. Hay una problema?
que es?
el penguino no alineo bien las decentas y unidades. Debes
poner la 15 debajo de la 20 para hacer la problema correcta.
estan todos de acuerdo?
alguien quiere mostrar penguino la manera correcta?
Go over answer of Penguino Confundido. Pass out homework for
the daydue tomorrow.
Steps and Procedures: Guided and Independent Learning:
Students are expected to work as a class to solve the problem,
then individually so cut and glue the notes into their notebook.
Following this, they are expected to work with their table
partners to solve problems on the board. Penguino Confundido
will allow the class to work together again, but students will be
required to think along with the class as we go through the
problem. I will know they are working and learning by the
answers they give and their class participation.
10 minutes

10 minutes

Have students work

on problem on the
board. They can use
any method they like.
Students will be asked

Watching them do this

problem will let me
know where they have
mistakes so that I can
base my lesson off of
Students are able to

Hannah Gore
Math Lesson Plan
2 December, 2013

25 minutes

5 minutes

to cut out the paper

given to them and
glue into their
Provide students with
examples of this
Penguino Confundido

use this paper in the

future to reference if
they have any
Students will show
what they know about
the method and
whether or not they
can do it.
Help students
understand common
mistakes made so
they will know what
not to do.

Repeating terms and vocab as much as possible so students
remember them.
Give cues, both verbal/non verbal, and prompts so that students
can answer questions as close to the answer that I am looking
Respond to correct answers with positive feedback and incorrect
answers with more cues to give the answer.
If students do not understand what I am asking them, I will
rephrase the question so that they can answer correctly.
Questions will vary in difficulty, so some questions will require
more prompts than others.
Students will work in partners to come up with examples. If one
partner does not understand, the other partner will be able to
help. Bouncing ideas off of someone else helps to come up with
correct answers.
Students are given an example to look at when they get stuck.
Some will need the example while others will be able to solve the
problems without the notebook example.
I will do a short review of the lesson asking if there are any
questions. If there are, I will answer them.
Pass out homework for the night. If they have any questions,
they are to write the question on their worksheet to get
answered tomorrow in class.

Hannah Gore
Math Lesson Plan
2 December, 2013
Students will be told to put all of their things away and return to
their seats. They will be given 2 minutes to do so. Once they are
seated, they will be called table at a time to go to music.
There will be no summative assessment. I will look at the
answers students give me to problems to know if they
understand the lesson or not. The homework for tonight will also
show me if they comprehend what I taught.
Classroom Management:
Time: Watching the clock will help me to manage my time
accordingly. If one part of the lesson goes longer than
anticipated, I will adjust the rest of the pacing.
Behavior: Students will know the expectations before coming into
the lesson. Some students need more help with behavior issues
than others. Use beads, sticker charts and recess with me as
ways to keep student behavior acceptable.
Transition: I will let students know what is expected of them
before I allow them to begin their next task. They will be guided
through the entire lesson. When no one is talking, or when one
person is talking, they are expected to be at voice level 0.
Materials: Before the lesson, students will be given two minutes
on the timer to get all of what they need. They will need their
notebooks, art boxes, workbooks, and a pencil. Everything else
should be put away.
Students know that it is expected to raise their hands when they
have something to say. This lesson is no exception. The voice
level is expected to be voice level zero when others are reading,
and two when we are sharing answers to the questions.
External feedback from another source:
My cooperating teacher told me that I need to manage the
classroom better. Allowing children to talk during work time is not
allowed. They are expected to be at voice level zero. I need to
use verbal reminders of the expectations so that students stay
on task.
When trying to rephrase a question for students, I need to use
different words than the first time. This becomes difficult when
you only know one way to say something, but that will come with
I managed time very well. My lesson went the entire time it was
supposed to and children, for the most part, stayed focused.

Hannah Gore
Math Lesson Plan
2 December, 2013
Strengths: Time management, Pacing, Using many different
angles to get students to understand how the problem should be
Weaknesses: Voice Level reminders, enhance vocab so I can
rephrase questions

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