Letter To Pricipal

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Daniel Hockenbraugh

March 16, 2015

Dear Principal Skinner,

My name is Daniel Hockenbraugh. I am a recent graduate of the Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College at
Arizona State University. While attending Arizona State University, I studied secondary education with a
content focus on mathematics. I graduated the program with a 2.8 GPA.
I completed my practicum experience at Tempe High School under the Math Department Chair, Andrew
Geiges. Under Mr. Geiges, I taught, observed, and planned six courses including four sections of an algebra
preparation course titled Math Standards, and two co-taught Algebra courses. As a student teacher I was
required to work collaboratively with my teacher to set up sequence and scope for the units throughout the
semester, plan each individual day, and teach and manage the six sections of courses which for the Math
Standards courses, included creating my own activities from scratch and creating my own curriculum map
based on the present level of math skills of the students and the Arizona College and Career Readiness
As a teacher, I expect use the skills I learned as an automotive technician and an inventory associate to
work collaboratively with my fellow workers and students to build an environment that harbors the want to
think critically about problems and use number sense and logic to solve them. I expect to set objectives and
goals that are relevant to students in order to maintain engagement in the curriculum through the use of
cultural topics, analysis of world events, and real world models.
I expect my students and their parents to maintain an open line of communication with me on the content
that is being covered in my class and how it is being presented on a day to day basis as well as a broad
scope. I feel that students know how they learn best, and as a teacher, I should differentiate instruction to
fill their needs. I expect parents to advocate for their child and support their academic success in my course
by communicating with their students as well as myself as the instructor.

Daniel Hockenbraugh

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