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Campus Missionary Associate // Purdue Chi Alpha
108 Beck Lane, Lafayette, IN 47909

Never before have twenty-two students from Purdue University ventured to
the exotic lands of Peoria, Illinois, for their spring vacation but it was totally worth it! The week was full of prayer, fellowship, service, and outreach at
a local community college where Chi Alpha is just getting started with a leader and a few students. When the time for their Bible study came, the room
was full of first-time visitors we had just invited as we walked the campus
and met new people.
One of my favorite parts of the trip was hearing the testimony of an exsatanist who was radically born-again! Pedro told stories about feeling powerless to perform the enemys work when true followers of Christ were
aroundthe presence of God would frustrate his plans. He described a dark,
lonely life of hatred until He had an encounter with Jesus during a prayer
meeting in a classroom on his college campus. He can look back now and see
that even when he lived as an enemy of God, he was shielded and protected
from the destruction that should have come with some of the choices he
made. After hearing Pedros testimony, I was filled with awe at the love and
mercy of our Lord. Today Pedro is married and raising children in a loving
home, but who knows where hed be today had it not been for that one visit
to a college prayer gathering. Its because of students like Pedro that Chi
Alpha exists so that those who would never darken the doors of a church
might experience the power of God among His people. Thank you for praying with me, partnering financially, and believing God to do even greater


219.776.5032 //

Upcoming Events
April 3-4 | Support Raising Training
Kevin and I will attend a seminar to help us
prepare for a season of raising financial
support after our wedding.
April 10 | Water Baptisms
Students will invite their friends as they
share their testimonies and follow Jesus in
water baptism.
April 25 | End of Year Picnic
Celebrating what God has done this year,
and sending out our staff member Andrew
Castrova and his wife Rachel to minister in


Prayer Needs
Marriage preparation | Pray with Kevin
and I that our wedding will be more than
an event, that it will bring glory to God and
the covenant He has made with the
church, His bride!
Laborers | The harvest is plentiful, but the
workers are few! We need laborers, specifically male staff, to join our team at Purdue. We also pray students will be sent out
from Purdue as missionaries to their communities here and around the world.
Hiking with students on our relaxed day in Peoria!

Gods strategy | To effectively bring the

Gospel to the students on our campus, we
need Gods strategy.

Give online at // Account #2957918

Mail Checks to Chi Alpha @ 1445 N. Boonville Ave, Springfield, MO, 65802 // memo: #2957918

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