Sonnet and Analysis

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Sonnet and Analysis

Julian Majano
Ms. Gardner
English 10, Period 0
12 September 2014
Greatness of Poetry and Time
In sonnet 55, time is passing by causing destruction as it ripples through the poem:
Shakespeare uses destructive imagery, harsh alliteration, and emphatic diction to illustrate the
havoc that can be brought upon by time and its power of poetry.
Shakespeare uses alliteration of the w consonant in the line When wasteful war
which provides an image of unnecessary war breaking the root of statues that time had slowly
placed. His imagery of marble and gilded monuments and how he addresses that roots
broil, paints a picture of lovely, gold ridden statues being covered in roots and having them
fight with this war that is brought upon time. Shakespeare uses the word posterity which shows
future generations wearing out the world, which time will bring upon. As time progresses we will
venture further into the future and see those of posterity wearing the world out. Also his choice
of using unswept stone gives an image of dusty masonry that has been ravaged by time.
Though, the power of the poem outlives times destruction. Shakespeare says, You live in this
which is saying that you live in the poem and dwell in the eyes of lovers, whom can be the
readers. The imagery brought upon by outlive this powerful rhyme negates times consumption
of statues and wasteful war. The clashing of time and the poetry mingle ominously in this
powerful sonnet.
To conclude, this sonnet provides a lot of examples of how time can bring certain
destruction at a slow pace. Some words provide how future children can wear out a world, and
how stonework can be broiled down. The poet gives a pleasing image of beauteous statues and
masonry being decayed with the effects of time, but also speaks about how a rhyme can outlive
all these effects.

The Elusiveness of Time

The idea of time shows us no crime,
But who was it to ravage the houses
And fill up the sewers with hulking grime?
It was time, as insidious a mouse,
Whose purpose is to flow unknowingly.
We all wait in its glorious bubble,
Aging and dying as we move slowly
About. Only when a boy grows stubble
Is when we notice the changes it brings.
Should we anticipate this destruction
Or let it ripple free in natures wings?
Times deadly; we hide in its corruption.
Though, here we stand, unaffected by it
And waiting for the power it will emit.

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