Cheyanne's E-Portfolio Resume

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Cheyanne Garcia

5825 N Woodruff Avenue, Lakewood, CA 90713

(562) 925-5073

Current: Saint Joseph High School 2011-2015
Future: University of Southern California 2015-2019

Christ-Centered Person

CSJ/ Campus Ministry Member 2013-2014

o Participated in many service activities such as praying in front of planned
o Helped coordinate and organize school masses
o Read readings for school wide masses
o Lead groups for sophomore and freshman retreats
Confirmation, Saint Cyprian 2012-2013
o Two years of building my faith to prepare for the responsibility of taking
ownership of my faith
o Became an adult in the eyes of the Catholic Church
Attending November Kairos
o Came together with my fellow classmates to embrace our faith
o Embraced the Kairos love with my classmates

Community Contributor

Student Ambassador 2012- present

o PublicspeaksinfrontofelementaryschoolstudentsaboutSaintJosephHigh
o EducatesparentsaboutSaintJosephHighSchoolsacademicprograms
o PromotesSaintJosephHighSchoolinandoutsideofcampus
Peer Helping 2013 present
o Responsible for organizing and participating in many Saint Joseph High
School events such as Day in the Life of a Jester and Eighth Grade Social
USC Cancer Norris Volunteer 2013- present
o Assists cancer patients with daily routines
o Directs patients to lab testing areas around the hospital
o Delivers lab documents to different floors of the hospital


Peer Helping 2013- present

o Presented anti-cyber bully presentations to the freshman class

o Presented conflict mediation to the sophomore class
o Works along side a Saint John Bosco boy during Eighth Grade Social
Senior Seminar Leader
o Worked along side a Saint John Bosco boy to discuss with seniors from both
SJHS and SJB about gender issues and stereotypes.

Effective Communicator

Varsity Softball Captain 2013- present

o Responsibleformanaging15teammembers
o OffensivePlayeroftheYear2014
o FirstTeamAllDelRayLeague20132014
o MostValuablePlayer2013
o AllTournamentPlayer2013,ArroyoGrandeInvitationalTournament
o Communicateswithcoachesandteammembersregardingupcominggames
Peer Helping 2013- present
o Liaisonbetweencounselorandstudents
o Communicates

Complex Thinker

Anatomy Body Project 2014 semester

o Use complex thinking skills to draw the muscle of the leg and bone of the arm
Math Honor Society Secretary 2013- present
o Assistsinhelpingcoordinateeventsfortheupcomingschoolyear
o Recruitsnewapplicants
o Recordsinformationcoveredduringmeetings
National Honor Society Member 2013 present
o Awarded for being an honor student who demonstrates excellence in the areas
of scholarship, leadership, community service, and character.
Science National Society Member 2013 present
o Awarded for being an honor student who demonstrates excellence in the areas
of scholarship, leadership, community service, and character with a specific
interest in the sciences.
Top 25 Award 2013 & 2014
o Received for outstanding academic performance
o Received for being ranked as one of the top 25 students within a class size of
CSF Member 2011- present
o Member for the past four years
o Membership is based on scholarship and is gained after qualifying grades are
earned each semester

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