Assalam Mu Alaikum

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Assalammualaikum, Sir.

In my opinion, advantages of beruecractic model according from seven

characteristics of bureaucratic structure Amitai Etzioni (1985) which has been
described by Max Wiber is

Easy to controlled and standardizes the organization to solve the problem

with certain rules and policy.
Had department speratated to handle the organization in their field (skills
and knowledge)
More systematic monitoring by the hierarki level.
Consists of people who are skilled in their respective fields to supports
efficient organization.
Can maintain properties owned organization to reduce costs from
damaged . This is because, the properties belong by organization not a
staff. Etc: computer.
The bureaucracy independent without outside interference to manage the
organization to achieve the goals.
All the everything management is written and have proof to make
reference in the future.

Am I wrong, sir?
Reference :

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