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Globalization vs.

It has to be balanced between the both. Globalization started in 1991 in India
brought swift and visible development for two decades but now we are experiencing
the global fall out of it not only economically in terms slowdown and rising inflation
but also socially by loosing cultural identity and values. Only nationalism on the
other hand also makes you less efficient and bring less economic opportunity.
Government controlled globalization with small steps and taking national interest at
the core should be the policy going forward. It may bring slow growth but
considering the economic disparity existing in our country, we can win the race slow
and steady.

Hello friends. At first let me tell you what globalization is? Globalization is a platform
where many nations come together and share their ideas, views, represent their
values and ethics, have trade and business, share and gain knowledge.
Globalization is not only important but it is the need of time especially for
developing countries such as India.
On the other hand, nationalism is the feeling what we feel for our nation, culture
and values. If we don't have this feeling of nationalism then how can we represent
our nation globally. Hence, these two are different but related terms.

Hi Friends, Today our topic of discussion is globalization Vs. Nationalism. According

to me both play a major role in their field. In field of science, Education, Knowledge
and business globalization is required because with help of globalization we can
express our views in front of other and we can explore ourselves. We feel like a one
world is like one country. We help others and get help from others in necessity
times. In same way nationalism is necessary in field of our culture. We should proud
on our culture. We should not ashamed in front of others be Indian. Because India is
the only country where more than 25 languages exist in a single country. Instead of
lots of languages are there lots of different type of people are living here still we are
Indians live like a single family and India is our Family.

If a country wants progress in every aspect, it has to accept globalization.

Globalization helps to access better technology. It helps to improve the standard of
living among Indians. Foreign companies bring capital and technology which would

ultimately benefit us by creating employment, empowering our researchers by

providing access to technology, triggering a cascading effect which would results in
inflation and growth. Globalization not only means foreign countries exploit our
resources, but also means Indian companies could use the resources and
technology and access the markets of foreign countries. Local Indian companies
could emerge as MNCs. We, the Indians have to adopt globalization if we really
concerned about our country.
But Globalization leads to cultural degradation and cultural homogenity. It makes us
to feel as a global citizen rather than Indian citizen but our nationalistic conscious
makes us to pride for being an Indian.

"my dream one country, one world". There is no doubt that globalization has taken
deep roots in our mindset whether positive or negative that is the secondary
question. Today we enjoy the world at our finger tips, appear in exams of foreign
countries by sitting in our home, etc it created a network of different countries
which shared technology (internet, Facebook, e banking etc) , economy (FDI,
employment, trade etc) , culture (dress, hair style, language) but on the other hand
it has badly impacted our society also (pornography, cyber crimes etc) nationalism
should be given credit for the emergence of globalization because it became only
possible when nationalism got its own stand that is the reason that there was no
globalization before it. Nationalism bestowed us with zero (0) , agni-v, 2 world cups,
noble prize winners etc. So we should patronize both.

Globalization vs. Nationalism, we have to approach these two fields. Because due to
the globalization science and technologies will be exchanged between foreign
countries. And it will be improved. And also nationalism is necessary to our country.
Recently one research had done by our country that is agni-5. It is only our own
technology. First we have to identify our own defects, after that we have improve
our success fields. Globalization is the path for a country to grow fast in every
aspect, it also benefited to people of country. It's live example is our country, it was
started in 1991 onward in India, and the changes we are able to see all round in
technology, IT, economically, fashion and other fronts. From the banking front we
can see the benefits by using ATM, internet banking, mobile banking, CBS banking.
We can also look the benefits of Nationalization, like application of Priority sector
lending, retail lending. With out this it was not possible.

Globalism is global competition characterized by networks of international linkages

that bind countries, institutions and people in an interdependent global economy.
The results has proved that it could benefit the organisation in many ways but most
of the case we see this developed countries like united states performing it well
rather than developing countries despite it might be the case when the countries
get rich it need to find ways to get minimize there expenses for labor and land to
gain more profit. Globalization changes the way do we live. Today we use different
type IT services and connect to the people of all over the world. It makes our life
But we should use it in a proper way to and not to harm others. We should use it to
develop our nation. Thus I say that Nationalization and Globalization should be in
such a frame that it becomes a boon for us and not a curse.

Globalization has changed the future of India, from the Britishers period up to
1940's all the business people across the world came to India in the name of
Business but they theft all Indian wealth and illegally transported it tot their
Globalization means lifting comparing Indian economy to the world economy, it
helps all the countries which are adopted globalization.
In India 1991 created the revolution, in the year 1991 globalization took place late P.
V. Narasimha Rao was the then Prime minister and present PM Dr. Manmohan sing
was the then finance minister of India.

Hello friend, . According to my point of view both globalization and nationalism play
vital role in development of any country, basically for developing country.
Globalization help a country in my point of view like.
1. Economy.
2. Exchanging of knowledge.
3. Trading.
For example. Country India is developing country. Many sectors are still need
support of foreign country like in airlines manufacture. Technical knowledge
Many natural resource are not present in India. Uranium. Due globalization we can

Nationalism also plays an important role in development of country. If all employee

get their for effort in their work. And utilize time and support the govt.

Nowadays globalization is playing the most important role in case of developing

countries like India. After 1980s the people of India felt the importance of
globalization and after that India never looking back. Now a days India is the most
favourite investing place among the foreign countries by virtue of which both India
and foreign countries are getting benefits in terms of technology acquirement,
research, development, cultural union etc.
By virtue of globalization people of India are mostly getting benefited because due
to the competitiveness among the indigenous and foreign industries and also the
quality of the product is also increasing. Most of the outsider companies are
developing industries in association with indigenous companies as a result sharing
of technology is possible and job opportunity is increasing. And so on.
In other words we can say that Globalization does not affect nationalism at all rather
it increases brotherhood among nations.

Globalization is the integration of different Societies, cultures, economies.

Helps in increase in variety of goods which helps in increasing the lifestyle of both
developing and underdeveloped countries. Its a worldwide spread of wealth, it helps
in creating job opportunity. Globalization has given two gifts to the World i.e.
TELEPHONE & INTERNET. Technology has been another important example of
Globalization. Globalized business results in exchange of foreign currencies and
countries are getting richer & richer. Every country in the world accept the
globalization because without the help of globalization concept no country can
develop today. This concept of globalization is become very necessary for whole
world as well as we can not ignore the nationalization because if a country will not
progress initially then how it support he globalization.

Hi friends.
Globalization vs. Nationalism, Globalization means integrated the world economy &
Nationalism means transfer the ownership of private sector to public sector. Both
are beneficial for India if Indian govt can handle the political systems very well and
they implement policies & reforms. Globalization is necessary in terms of everything
without globalization we fail to introduce our talents to other countries. So both are

important in concern for proper development every section of society. All country
depends each other. Globalization help to create life standard, crate jobs and help
to increase income. Today in the era of IT, Globlization is more important for both
social and economic life of human. Today people do, nt like to live in boundries of
home, nation or state and try to live in all over the world. But in this dream of
globlization nationalism is not less important and people who never heared about
globlization can give their life for country. Both are equally important as per my
views. Globlization doesn't provide security of food, medicine, education etc.
agencies run by UNO.
Also works with help of nations. Globlization provides better oppertunity for
employment and business.
So both are important in concern of proper development of every section of society.

Hi everyone, for a developing country like India, globalization is very much

important. If a country say India do not expose to the world, then how can it will be
counted among the developed countries. Today India has been named as the Most
Favored Nation for trading by Pakistan, and do you think it was possible if India
followed nationalism. No. India has already rated Pakistan as the Most Favored
Nation in 1996, when Atal Bihari Bajpayi was our prime minister. Today, not only our
old enemy Pakistan has forwarded its hand but also China, Japan, Bhutan and Nepal
etc have shown friendly gesture towards us, all these are because of globalization
and it should not have been possible if India would have followed Nationalism. So,
for me Globalization is the most needed element for a growing country. Thank you.

Globalization vs Nationalism, yes globalisation is necessary in terms of everything, if

globalisation is not there, we will just remain in our country. Today each human
being is connected to globalization through different sources. For Underdeveloped
countries like India, it is very important to be connected with rest of the world for
the purpose of business, finance, communication, cultural exchanges, Tourism etc.
All these things are possible only because of globalization. To spread our talents in
term of anything may be its business or anything else. Globalisation is required.
Let me ask you a simple question, "If Nationalism is more important than
globalization, then why do you think thousands of children go to foreign countries
for studying?I agree with you in that nation gives us a identity and culture. But that
doesn't mean we have to be restricted to our nation, we have to open our doors to
the world.

Have you heard about the rapid growth in the economy of China, It was only
because it gave thousands of oppurtunities to foreign investors, but in a controlled
manner. Now we can see it as a flourishing economy. So globaliztion is very
important in terms that we have to learn and grow.

In my opinion nationalisation is more important. Hadn't India been among top in the
list of corrupt countries, it would have been among the richest economies. The
government of India still has loads of money for education and eliminating poverty,
and employing the unemployed. We can see japan as among the richest economies
as it emphasises on natoinalisation rather than capitalisation.
It is not agreeable that globalisation is important for gaining new expirences and
technologies and ideas, because its most of the indians working abroad who study
from India but due to lack of good opportunity, go to abroad and develop
technologies there which are then imported by India at a high cost. With
nationalisation, these people will remain here only and thus contribute in the
development of our country. I think we can be known better if we are nationalised
and have a good economy ratHer than being globalised and having a poor economy.
With nationalisation opportunities in every feild will increase.
Though nationalisation grounds us to our roots, but we should always remember
that the secret of our country's past lay in its ever accepting society. We destroyed
ourself only by giving up the same openess. Culture itself is an ever changing entity.
So, we need not fear of becoming very stubborn or reservred in terms of culture
with nationalisation.

Hi let me tell you what is globalisation. In real it is the process of connecting of

national economies through a common platform like trade, FDI etc. In my sense
globalisation is much needed for any developing country to increse its GDP, for
creating employement. In the early decades after the independence, Indian was
likwe a iron kukoon with no exports to the other countries and also no imports and
hence the GDP was also very low up to early 1980's. But after 1980's because of
globalisation only the GDP of the country has started increasing. However some
people says that because of globalisation only our culture is disappearing because
of globalisation but I think it is the not only factor which is downgarading the Indian
culture. So, globalisation is necessary in terms of everything, if globalisation is not
there, we will just remain in our country all, to spread our talents in term of anything
may be its business or anything else. Globalisation is required. globalization very

important in current scenario not just in India but to the whole world. Today each
human being is connected to globalization through different sources. For
Underdeveloped countries like India, it is very important to be connected with rest
of the world for the purpose of business, finance, communication, cultural
exchanges, Tourism etc. All these things are possible only because of globalization.
In my point of view globlisation is good, if it reduce the poverty of our country, if it
able to feed more people. Providing every essential things to live. But somtimes it is
found that globlisation doesnt fullfil this. So globlisation is good if is done for welfare
of common people, and nationalism is must in our country becouse it provid jobs
and make us independent.

Globalization means you can explore your talent, business, economy, education and
life-style etc as globally.
If we can explore globally than it's good for our Business Market (We learn some
new Business agenda).
Ex-We Learn Business planning of wall-mart, Microsoft and Google.
Good for our economical growth, good for education and good for global explore
and show other that how much good we are. Globalization is necessary in terms of
every thing, Without globalization we fail to introduce our talents to other
countries.Globalization takes India to the world.It was globalization that started the
begining of new india.Globalization increases the living standards of the people. As
Globalization is necessary nationalism is very important as it is related to our
tradition, culture.Nationalism never can be ignored and can't be counted as a
enemy of Globalization. Globalization means Integration of world economy &
Nationalization means transfer of ownership from private sector to public
sector.Both can be beneficial for India if Indian Government can handle political
system very well and if they implement policies and reforms.

Globalization takes India to the world. Today India is no more know as a land of
where poverty prevails but is now come to be recognized as a land of trade, brains,
malls, raw materiel and great business sense. All thanks to globalization.
But the fact cannot be that ignored is that we are also recognized as a land of
culture and tradition.

Its true if we are where we are in the world today is because of both globalization n
Globalization : makes us know as strong competitors & contributing in increase in
Nationalization : also takes an active role in contributing towards our economy in
the field of tourism.
Yes as necessary is globalization, nationalism binds us to our roots and hence is

Hello Dear Friends,

I think globalisation is need of an hour because we are from developing country and
we are not self sufficient and we are depend on other nation in many cases.
What we are using now are d inventions of d other nation e. G. Train, computers,
mobile, planes and fighter planes. And so. On.
Today we feel proud that we are able to feed our nation n we are self sufficient in
food grains but we forgot one thing that why we are able to feed our Nation?
Its only because of Green Revolution. What is Green Revolution?
I think G. Are. Is d best example of Globalisation in which we import high yielding
varieties of wheat n rice from Mexico. USA which made we able to feed our
Other benefit is that in globalisation we can export what we have excess n we can
import in which we are lacking.So I think Globalisation is Must.
Hi friends first let me tell you what is globalisation. In real it is the process of
connecting of national economies through a common platform like trade, FDI etc. In
my sense globalisation is much needed for any developing country to increse its
GDP, for creating employement.
In the early decades after the independence, Indian was likwe a iron kukoon with no
exports to the other countries and also no imports and hence the GDP was also very
low up to early 1980's. But after 1980's because of globalisation only the GDP of the
country has started increasing.

It is not only the matter of GDP but also the sharing of new technologies between
the nations. We cannot expect any products like I phones, lenovo laptops even
mobile phones with out globalisation.
However some people says that because of globalisation only our culture is
disappearing because of globalisation but I think it is the not only factor which is
downgarading the Indian culture.
Any thing will be having the positives as well as shortcomingds. I feel that we shuld
grasp the positives well and tryu to avoid the unnessaries which we don't need.

Hello everyone, Globalization vs Nationalism is interested topic for discussion;

Globalisation, as per my concern its means to spread our talents n adoption for new
technologies from all other advanced countries but still we give equal value to
nationalism not only for this reason that we are Indian but if all of you noticed we
adopt western cultures especially their standard n way of living n other countries
are feeling good to adopt our Indian culture like tradition, norms, value n belief
Really, globlisation is neccesary in terms of everything if globlisation is not therewe
will just remain in our country all to spend our talents in terms of anything may be
it's business or anything else. Globlisation is required.

Nationalism is all about our origin of blood and Globalization is all about our living.
So we can't separate this 2 terminology from there co-relation. We all know that the
current scenario is teaching us to adopt more and more cultural, technological living
style. To get more exposure. And basically we follow the western countries
vigorously. But at a same point of view if we go for globalization then why not are
we thinking about our culture, tradition and ethical life style, that should be also in
exploitation to the all World. Because globalization is not only for grabbing all better
ideas from other but also the distribution of yourself, what you are and from where
you r? so being the representative from India you have to be concern about your
own culture and origin. So nationalism is the most important part of Globalization.
Nationalism never can be ignored and can't be counted as a enemy of Globalization.

If I would have been a native of a developed country like you. S. Or you. K. Then
opinion will differ, as nationalism in them will not allow globalisation to cut-off the

jobs of thier fellow men, which is actually happening as MNC's over there are
outsourcing their business to developing countries like India and indonesia, thereby
raising the unemployment cases there.
Globalization very important in current scenario not just in India but to the whole
world. Today each human being is connected to globalization through different
sources. For Underdeveloped countries like India, it is very important to be
connected with rest of the world for the purpose of business, finance,
communication, cultural exchanges, Tourism etc. All these things are possible only
because of globalization.

Globalization vs Nationalism, Yes globalization very important in current scenario

not just in India but to the whole world. Today each human being is connected to
globalization through different sources. For Underdeveloped countries like India, it is
very important to be connected with rest of the world for the purpose of business,
finance, communication, cultural exchanges, Tourism etc. All these things are
possible only because of globalization. Globalization is a must now a days with
multinationals investing money in home countries and expanding the job
oppurtunity, standard of living n many more. But at the same time nationalism
should not be ignored. As love for the nation will bring in better place to live in with
the overall expansion of globalization through out the world.

With regards and appreciating the views of my fellow participants I would like to add
subscribing the views in favour of Globalisation without underscoring Nationalism.
We need to connect ourselves throughout the world with our resources,
intellectuals, physical environmental so as to increase our National Income, to
enhance our standard of living. Its not true that globalisation will belittle, undermine
our nationalism. Let me remind the incidents encountered by our beloved teacher
Dr. Radhakrishanan when asked by an American students as how its possible that in
our country we choose our life partner ourselves and get divorced in no time but in
your country the parents choose their bridegrrom/bride and they live together till
death separates them ? Dr. Radhakrishanan's answer was, yes, perhaps the river
Ganga flows in our country. What I want to express that we need globalisation for
the upliftment of standard of life and Not way of life what we cherish and value from
ages together.

Hello everyone, Globalization vs Nationalism is interested topic for discussion;

Globalisation, as per my concern its means to spread our talents n adoption for new

technologies from all other advanced countries but still we give equal value to
nationalism not only for this reason that we are Indian but if all of you noticed we
adopt western cultures especially their standard n way of living n other countries
are feeling good to adopt our Indian culture like tradition, norms, value n belief.
I know India is underdeveloped country n its very important to us to be connected
with rest of the world for the purpose of business, finance, communication, cultural
exchanges, Tourism etc n all these things are possible only because of globalization
but still feeling of nationalism provokes me to welcome and support globalisation
though making sure that self identity of our nation I. E culture, tradition, ideology,
norms and ethics are not changed, we must welcome new ideas n modern
technologies but for me both are equally important and valuable for today mantra
of life.

Globalisation is a universal phenomena and economies have to open up to take

advantage of the knowledge and technical resources being created every day.
Nationalism need not be compromised for globalisation. Our sentiments for our
country and respect for our culture and practices can be maintained. Besides
"culture" itself is an ever changing entity and it is only if we are unsure of our
identity that we need to worry about the negative effects of globalisation. The
Indian sense of nationality is much too strong for multinational companies to ignore
the context in which they work. That is to say that eating pizzas or burgers do not
make a less committed Indian.
As for safeguarding our economic interests are concerned, there are pros and cons
to the argument. While IT creates jobs, its the MNC's which earn profit. Similiarly,
there are fewer jobs in the US because they are outsourced to the developing world
due to the availability of cheap manpower. So if countries start imposing embargos
on each other to protect their national interests, it will be to their own detriment.
P. S- Quite a few people have used the words nationalism and nationalisation
interchangably. I believe the latter means a process by which the state or country
takes over an organization and makes it public owned eg. Like in the nationalisation
of banks.

The globalization is unavoidable as the country develops and the people become
well educated and it leads to the development of the country no doubt but what is
seen is as the people become educated they conveniently forget nationalization
they forget their duties a as citizen towards the country which has made them
capable of what they are today they go abroad and work for the betterment of other
countries which is quite wrong on their part.

I think that globalization along with nationalization is important. Every educated

citizen must not fail to do his part for the betterment of his own country if that
happens the globalization is great welcome.

I agree with everyone supporting Globalisation, Since it is necessary today & is

more of like a two way process, a sense Nationalism is important as to gain on a
larger scale from Globalisation when all these persons will provide their services to
our country. Then this nation would be a developed nation and a time will come
when it would be at the top of the developed country list. SO I think nationalisation
should be there.
Today each human being is connected to globalization through different sources. For
Underdeveloped countries like India, it is very important to be connected with rest
of the world for the purpose of business, finance, communication, cultural
exchanges, Tourism etc.

As far as globalization vs nationalization is concerned, globalization is required for a

country keeping the values of national interests to reach in the global world and
takes advantages from others to improve its position in global market.
Like Swami Vivekananda has said that "The World is my country". He never
compromised with the interests with the interests of India. People can evolve only if
globalization with nationalization becomes the Mantra of the Day.
Now we can say that globalization with nationalism is necessary. If globalization is
not there we will just remain in our country all, to spread our talents in terms of any
things like Business or anything else.
But globalization is necessary up to some extent, it should not be at the cost of
sacrificing our cultures and languages.

There are always 2 sides of a coin,being an indian if i have a feeling of nationalism,i

would surely welcome globalisation as it is helping us to grow stronger on a global
market of world,being an most prefered outsourcing centre and alsa now inching
towards becoming a commanding power in I.T. field,which is a boon for us,as job
opportunities are enormous now.
But if i would have been a native of a developed country like u.s. or u.k. then
opinion will differ,as nationalism in them will not allow globalisation to cut-off the

jobs of thier fellow men,which is actually happening as MNC's over there are
outsourcing their business to developing countries like india and indonesia,thereby
raising the unemployment cases there.
Even incresed number of immigrants has done the same thing.
But if i see the bigger picture then gllobalization has given all the countries a
chance to share their knowledge and even technologies and grow globally,that is
the most positive point of globalisation for everyone.
So for me feeling of nationalism provokes me to welcome and support globalisation
though making sure that self indentity of our nation i.e culture,tradition,ideology
and ethics are not changed,yaa any modification leading to improvement is always

Keeping the values of national interests each human being can contribute towards
globalization. Like swami vivekananda had said. The world is my country. He never
compromised with the interests of India. People can evolve only if globalization with
nationalization becomes the mantra of the day.

Globalization vs Nationalism, Yes globalization very important in current scenario

not just in India but to the whole world. Today each human being is connected to
globalization through different sources. For Underdeveloped countries like India, it is
very important to be connected with rest of the world for the purpose of business,
finance, communication, cultural exchanges, Tourism etc. All these things are
possible only because of globalization.
Globalization vs. Nationalism, Yes globalisation is necessary in terms of everything,
if globalisation is not there, we will just remain in our country all, to spread our
talents in term of anything may be its business or anything else. Globalisation is

Globalization vs Nationalism, Yes globalization very important in current scenario

not just in India but to the whole world. Today each human being is connected to
globalization through different sources. For Underdeveloped countries like India, it is
very important to be connected with rest of the world for the purpose of business,
finance, communication, cultural exchanges, Tourism etc. All these things are

possible only because of globalization. Keeping the values of national interests each
human being can contribute towards globalization. Like swami vivekananda had
said. The world is my country. He never compromised with the interests of India.
People can evolve only if globalization with nationalization becomes the mantra of
the day.

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