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shivering - pothophysiology,management

regional anesthesia- guidelines for pt on antiplatelet

ventilation and perfusion of normal lung, diag, factors affecting v/q ratio
portal hypertension for LR shunt, preop,prep,
cerebral regulation- regulation, effect of anesthetics
evidence based medicine in anesthesia
mechanical ventilation, predictors of weaning
congeital diaphragmatic hernia, preop, ax mgmt, 1 day
caudal epidural, indications in ped, technique, complications
percutaneous dilational tracheostomy, Ind,tech, complications
intracaranial hypertension- mx
nosocomial infections in Icu, prevention of Ventilator associated pneumonia
organophoporous poisoning- hosp mx
respiratory failure- management
thyroid storm, manifestations, management
analgesics and sedation in ventilated patient
hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstiction
disseminated intravascular coagulation, causes, management
hepatorenal syndrome, pathophysiology, prevention
chest physiotherapy, techniques ,role in post surgical period
venous air embolism, pathophysiology, signs and symp, mx
one lung ventilation, indications, methods, problems
smoking and anesthesiologist
hyperkalemia, signs, symptoms. Ax mx
ecclampsia, emer Lscs, eval, mx
PONV, risk factors,prevention, mgnt
massive blood transfusion, complications
burns, assesment, resuscitation
morbid obese for gastric banding, problems, ax implications
CAD, HTN for TURP in 70 yrs, ax management
celiac plexus block, anatomy, indications, methods
safety features of anaesthesia machine
inotropes, classification, dopamine vs dobutamine
larynx, anatomy, airway ax for awake intubation
MAC, factors affecting, significance in anaesthesia
venturi principle, appln in ax
pneumoperitoneum for lap chole, physiological changes
Flow volume Loops- healthy adult, Res.lung disease, obs. Lung disease
neuromuscular blockade- factors affecting, monitoring
monitored ax care, discharge criteria after day care sx
bronchial foreign body in 2yr, ax mx
regional anesthesia- guidelines for pt on antiplatelet
TM joint ankylosis release, Airway mx
delayed recovery from GA
post renal transplant pt. ax implications

monitored ax care, defenition, goals, technique

CO poisoning, pathophysio, mx
hypothyroid, abd.hys, ax mx
mitral stenosis, lscs
parkinsons disease, eval, ax concerns
enviornmental hazards in ot- prevention
thromboelastography, normal tracing, implications

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