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Instructions: you can use it as a small command for approaching the I AM Presence and
construct a powerful wall of protection around yourselves. You should read A Column of
Light, at least three times at the beginning of each session.
Visualization: visualize a strong, opaque, white column of spiritual energy of nine feet in
diameter, starting with your I AM Presence and surrounding you. The column blocks all
negative energy directed against you. Inside the column the violet flame surrounds you,
releasing you from daily difficulties.
A Column of Light
As an I AM Presence,
Light of the Column seal me up,
Light that is called by the Divine name
Of the Ascension Lords of Fire.
Let it always be stored in my temple
Allowing any dissonance that is sent to me,
to burn and turn
I call out my desires on the violet fire.
In the name of freedom I shall ask,
And then I can become this flame

Detelina Monova

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