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Divine Blessing Shakti

by Jean "Gina" Myrner

Face of Peace, by PabloPicasso

Divine Blessing Shakti is activated to bring forth pure

love, peace, truth and harmony needed in healing.
This shakti may be run to heal discord between
family members, friends, associates across time and
space; for assistance aligning with Love and Light;
and bringing forgiveness, absolution, and clearing
karma for the highest good of all involved. It also
will assist one along their spiritual path and may be
sent to other people requesting healing.

After receiving the activation attunement, activate

Divine Blessing Shakti simply by stating your
intention to do so. Example: "I activate Divine
Blessing Shakti for assistance healing my relationship
with -name of person-." Then state the declaration: "I
declare the Divine Presence of Love, Peace, Truth and
Harmony in my relationship with -name of same
person-." 3 times. Express thanks!
Anything that might benefit from the application of
pure love, peace, truth and harmony may be stated
activating the shakti. Example: "I activate Divine
Blessing Shakti for clearing misunderstandings at my
workplace." Then state the declaration:
"I declare the Divine Presence of Love, Peace, Truth
and Harmony at my workplace."
3 times. Express thanks!
or "I activate Divine Blessing Shakti to release -namefrom his need to use drugs and aid his alignment
with Love and Light." Then state the declaration: "I
declare the Divine Presence of Love, Peace, Truth and
Harmony in -name of person-." 3 times.
Express thanks!

Activate it repeatedly for several days or weeks as

needed. An immediate result is often witnessed or a
gradual improvement is observed. Keep flowing the
shakti for the tough situations, keep hope and intend
it for the highest good!

Receiving the Divine Blessings Shatki

Simply state: "I now accept the Divine Blessings
Shakti from -name of sender- I am grateful!"
Passing on the Divine Blessings Shakti
Connect to your Higher Self, Angelic Beings of Light
and Love, and Divine Source.
State: "I intend the Divine Blessing Shakti activation
be passed on to -name of person-."
"Thank you!"


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