My Fracture Mech Equation Sheet

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Leonardo D. Barbosa e O-ce fectnu + SSE = sey: SS Ss On = F Or a, eset Shean ep carey (SED) Wee Ey See) Ey ede 4 © ge POEL Ese? Ih GF) wPlaske deformation is a contentvolume process {ae het bck dong defination) Ad th Shen = Geng + Een) eee Inn (En + )) ” Far cledomer rdbbos wth lecze Cckensione ylrere, soem, Smell Seon is inmld, o Sheebre HOC”) 1 a 3 { tC ~ 4 xe octal client rey \ ci Dr, Ken anodes of pN% \Le. ce oa C2 ne RE eae) NNT Al ee cee «(T-T) L sheeses & CWerws Ye gseane on DX = Cebbiciont of thum| expension ‘ EI ec sob * e,, ©. = EE = EX GT) Ds = , ee ~) 6), ea ee = pate > ou Joule” sosecnded sith tHe forretinn of Lode ye which wt bonds Lf pustic Aeferdin on t atone alony sip plete & srinny oes y pone eke In dscele 2oree of the , Spine, machie, then Yer, portine sn hay ot | con oe Beate | in mrolersl dislacetee ete | om 1S YMhdatdy ee ee ae LU o bey, Rosec_Lav) > intoleer Wg Yohess a E,= te chom “Ke = enh (sho “te So Ke, Ne Gorse “we cee € = Ey @ necking i weet Sefed ee ee Ce oe < oe oe ve ters a me Kren ender 6-€ cee Gees | stat sheles ® ta aniGy., 1 c 4; he ball en del me = Bh ye 3 a ? ay ce Ee \ we betes € = on oe qi Fatle Theories _~ 3 a ; 7. 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Kg Shay Seglanel e =) we Kar Ke 4h ayrs(E) <— if be Cooke Opeiiny dieqluorent : Ken 1G. bee cod = 6.5 mE mS hana: 4 t Mee Sai

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