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Perbandingan Emisi Karbon

Green Data Center vs Data Center

Green Data Center

(geothermal and hydropower

Data Center
(coal utility source

Start of Period 13 SEP

End of Period 19 SEP
Average Cloud Instance Power Usage
Total Cloud Instances
Period Hours
Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE)
IT Energy
Non-IT Energy
Total Energy
Utility Carbon Emission Factor (CEF)
Average Transmission Losses
Total Utility CEF
Utility Carbon Usage Effectiveness (CUE)
Diesel Engine-Generator Carbon
Utility Carbon
Customer Total Carbon
Customer Total CUE

Start of Period 13 SEP

End of Period 19 SEP
202 W
144 hours
814.5 kWh
317.6 kWh
1,132.1 kWh
0.65 g/kWh
0.68 g/kWh
0.94 g/kWh
1.18 kg
1.07 kg
2.25 kg
1.8 g/kWh

Average Cloud Instance Power Usage

202 W

Total Cloud Instances

Period Hours
Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE)
IT Energy
Non-IT Energy
Total Energy
Utility Carbon Emission Factor (CEF)
Average Transmission Losses
Total Utility CEF

144 hours
814.5 kWh
317.6 kWh
1,132.1 kWh
987 g/kWh

Utility Carbon Usage Effectiveness (CUE)

1,372 g/kWh

Diesel Engine-Generator Carbon

Utility Carbon
Customer Total Carbon
Customer Total CUE

1.18 kg
1,553 kg
1,554 kg
1,908 g/kWh

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