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Students worksheet

Task 1
Read the text and answer the questions.
How to cook rice
You will two cupof water , a cup of rice, and a rice cooker. First, wash rice in a separate bowl.
Then place the washed rice into inner pan. Add water into the pan. Be sure to wipe dry the outer side of
the inner pan. Then place the inner pan into the body and turn it slightly to the right and left until it seats
properly. Close the outer lid. Make sure to lock properly until it clicks. Lug cord to AC outlet. The
WARM lamp will turn on. Press down the switch and the cooking process started. When rice is cooked,
the switch will pop up and WARM lamp will. Finally rice is ready to serve.
Answer the following questions based on the information on the above text:
1.what is the tittle of the procedure text ?
2. what is the matterial needed to cook rice?
3. what the first steps to cook rice?
4. what should you do after the place the inner into the body?
5.what the finnally steps to cook rise?
Check the following picture. Then write a procedure based on the pictures.
How to make pancake

1.what the tittle?

2.what there any the materials to make pancake?
3.what are they?
4. what there any steps to make pancake?
5. write the steps of to make pancake from the first until the last steps?

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