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This program does not reflect all nuances of work, but it gives base knowledge.
Apparatus VECTOR relates down the instruments, which are called cerebral machines. At present
science and society as a whole encountered the problem of the surplus of information. Man begins to sink in
this sea of information. Only century ago to doctor for the diagnosis were required patient and experiment of
medical observations. Today numerous and expensive studies are necessary for this. What did help doctor to
make correct diagnosis? Inexplicable feeling, called intuition. However, `at the point of contemporary science
it was possible to approach very closely before the solution of the phenomenon of intuition and clairvoyance.
The matter, occurs, before the electromagnetic vibrations of the very low frequency, which transfer
information beside the brain of man, passing sensory organs. Of 10 million informational units is realized only
one, rest are fixed before the sphere of subconscious. Information from the sphere of subconscious is

extracted either spontaneously or the against the background changed states of the consciousness: hypnosis,
dream, meditation, the reception of psychotropic substances. The entire world is deeply interconnected by
means of many information signals. Therefore the procedures, which make it possible to obtain information
based on the sphere of subconsciousness, are recognized after priority before the development of science and
The result of numerous studies before the sphere of energy-information theory was the creation of the
fundamentally new equipment, capable of destroying the barrier between the conscious and the subconscious.
This process (controlled to researchers) is capable to give much new information about the surrounding peace.
Developments were first classified, then the curtain of secrecy was to a considerable degree taken, and on the
basis of these developments was created the group of the instruments, which was called cerebral

machines of [ilipsikhofizicheskikh] amplifiers ([metatronov]).

Basic fields of application cerebral machines: the prognostication of financial position and social
prognoses; any search tasks in different regions; medical diagnosis. These are new possibilities also for the
preventive inspections. It was possible to gather the together different directions of natural medicine and to
thus accomplish a qualitative jump, to develop method not only diagnostic, but also making it possible to
actively govern the state of organism.
The theoretical and experimental works, which made possible creation of a similar equipment, were
begun at the end AS FAR AS [KH]1[KH] of century by the genius of electronics Of [nikoloy] Tesla. Then
they were continued scientific Zh. [Lakhovskim], that studied the effect of radio frequencies on animals and
plants; by American researcher [R]. Reif, whom by the investigated the effect of man radio- and

[elektrochastot]. In 1950 [R]. [Foll] in Germany opened and developed the system of electro-testing on the
acupuncture points of the human body. The method Of [follya] was the first apparatus method of the study of
the energy-information state of organism. The results of a study can give idea about the presence of
inflammation, dystrophia or atrophy before the appropriate organs. Another method of the diagnosis of the
energy-information state of man - method of [aurodiagnostiki] Of [kirliana]. With its aid the state of the
electromagnetic field of man as a whole and his individual organs is determined. The method of NLSdiagnosis makes it possible to evaluate the state of bioenergetics of each organ of man individually. Results
are obtained in the form picture with the topography of the struck section and in the form the graph, which
makes it possible to determine tissue changes in the organ, which makes it possible to establish not only the
type of damage (inflammation or destruction), but also to refine diagnosis. A study is carried out by the

resonant amplification of the emission of the organ being investigated and removal of indicators by
noncontact way.
The first instruments had the manual regime of information input, i.e., before the diagnosis actively
participated the researcher, whose brain because of the use of low-frequency fluctuations, became more
sensory sensitive to the emissions of the organism of patient. Results were noted about the deviation of the Lshaped framework before the hand of operator on the special scale Of [fleyndera] (scale is before the
diagnostic module of program). However, this method of investigation is too subjective and unsafe for the
status of the health of operator. This led down the creation OF THE TRIGGER sensors, which ensure
automatic information input about the health of patient beside the computer. For the first time distant effect of
the interaction of the objects of living and inanimate nature, i.e., the transmission of information from the

man to the machine was registered before [V]. [N]. [Kravkov]'s experiments in the 20's of our century. Under
Prof. [V]. [Togatov]'s management was studied the reaction of different semiconductor structures down the
action of [biooperatora]. It was experimentally proven that the brain of man without the aid of wires can act
on the sensor of instrument. Developers before the regime of the dialog between the telemetry equipment and
the operator used the remote biological feedback, intended for the perception of the cerebral activity of
operator or patient depending on the tasks of study and transformation of this information beside the sequence
of pulses with the aid of the special trigger sensor. In this case beside the brain of man enters the signal about
the need for [protestirovat] one or other organ or another. Signal will be given based on the screen of
monitor, from the instrument, and also based on the head head sets in the form of a series of the
electromagnetic vibrations, characteristic besides the healthy organ of man. Indeed each organ of man

possesses its, specific, by the spectrum of electromagnetic vibrations. I.e., we seemingly pose the question: Is
how the state of organ? In response to the assigned question the brain of that investigated gives the response,
which is received by sensors. Before the apparatus VECTOR is a digital trigger sensor, [simulirovannyy]
directly before the microprocessor of computer due to software and an analog trigger sensor of research
block. The purpose of this curriculum is not the detailed substantiation of the operating principles of
equipment, especially as different instruments are designed differently. Before some instruments the laser for
the action beyond the patient is used. This it conducts down the insignificant strengthening of resonance
response. However, there is a danger of the unfavorable consequences of this action.


Beyond the working table we find the label of program. We make

on it dual cry for the sake of the left key for mouse. Program loads. On
the headpiece we press tuning knob.

We fall beside THE CARD INDEX.


Key is THE PRESS CONCLUSION task to printer to unseal the conclusion,

comprised independently before the
window THE CONCLUSION (under the
button NEW PATIENT).

Epicrisis can be composed also besides the finished blocks, existing before the data base.
Key is PRESS - the entrance beside the window OF A STUDY - the regime of the printing out of the
obtained results (picture and the epicrisis, comprised besides the finished blocks).
NEW PATIENT this window must be filled. [Ok].
After filling of card is opened the window INTERACTIVE


Window serves for the

collection of complaints and
anamnesis (resections). On
the left panel there is a
diagrammatic representation
of the human body with the
points of red color. The list
of complaints and diagnoses,
characteristic for damaging

this organ, corresponds to each point. For example, to point in the region of brain correspond the complaints,
characteristic for the pathology of central nervous system and a number of [neyrotroficheskikh] complaints
(dryness and the itching of the skin, the damage of hair so forth); to point in the region of [epigastriya] complaints, characteristic for the organs of the upper section of gastrointestinal tract. In order to cause the list
of complaints, it is necessary cursor to bring down the selected point and to click by the left key for mouse.
The color of point will change down the green, the list of complaints will appear on the right panel. If it is
necessary to note diagnosis or resection, should be harvested key THE DIAGNOSIS above the right panel.
Complaints we note by marks before the small window next to it (for this to bring cursor down this window
and to click by the left key for mouse). If complaints are introduced beside the program, then the operating
mode is called expert, if no - intuitive. RESECTIONS ONE SHOULD NOTE COMPULSORILY. This is

connected for the sake of the special features of energy-information studies. The removed organ or the part of
the organ with energy-information studies will be shown either as the completely healthy (there is no organ there is no problem), or it will be shown the state of organ against the moment of operation (because of the
information memory).
. It occurs, that woman they do not remember, what ovary am removed. In this case resection we do not
note and look both ovaries. Which is worse on the picture on the marks, that was removed (90%).
The collection of complaints is better to carry out thus: to first gather spontaneously
[vyskazannyezhaloby]. then to actively gather complaints according to the scheme of head- leg. Complaints
are better to write down before the introduction beside the program, to and then select significant. The part of
the complaints will remain on the paper, but down them will have to be turned with the analysis of the

results of a study. Besides complaints it is necessary to evaluate the exterior view of patient, special feature of
his behavior, to learn profession and so forth, i.e., to try to obtain as much as possible [informatsiio] of Ger.
this will help subsequently to correct evaluate the results of a study. Gathered useful information must
be and during a study. [APK] OF VECTOR works before the intuitive- logical regime as reference
and information expert system. Obtained data have not hundred per-cent authenticity and require their
confirmation. To be convinced besides their authenticity is possible only by comparing the information,
obtained with a study with the information about the patient. Sufficient to grasp similarity not on all,
and on some points, sometimes, it is at first glance, not very meant. But the greater it will be this
similarity, the greater the confidence and to the remaining, unconfirmed information.
REFERENCE BOOK will help to

obtain [astrologicheskuyu] and [fiziognomicheskuyu] prompts about the problems of patient. Although
each doctor itself selects the algorithm of work. The introduction of diagnoses can give hyperdiagnostics of
these states and hinder the diagnosis of the associated diseases. Quantity of complaints, desirable for the
correct functioning of program, especially [vegeto]- test, 3-5. One ought not to introduce beside the program
many complaints - this can lead down hyperdiagnostics. It is not necessary to introduce the complexes of the
complaints, which against the output predictably give the diagnoses: diabetes (increased thirst, dryness and the
itch of the skin), tuberculosis (fatigue, weakness, cough, elevated temperature), bronchial asthma (fears,
anxieties; shortness of breath). With the collection of complaints it is not necessary to show to patient their
list, to prompt. We press button TO CONTINUE.


Let us be turned down the right panel. Studies are located about the principle of color liberation. Above
the list of a study of base catalog (dark-blue color). This the comprehensive studies, which show several
organs. They serve for the primary rapid analysis. Further, pink color isolated the organs of gastrointestinal
tract, emerald - organs of respiratory system, brown - the organs of urino-genital system, further cardiovascular system, the blood and lymph, endocrine glands, nervous system, sensors, the skin, supportingmotor apparatus, chromosomes and other


One should compose the

list of experiments so that
before it each organ would be
represented in the form entire
organ, and in the form micropreparation. It is isolated for
the sake of letters MK.
The studies, which
must be conducted, they are
noted as far as marks before

the window next. If it is necessary to remove a study, bring cursor down the mark and click by left key. Mark
will disappear, a study will be excluded. After the composition of the list of patient it is necessary to plant
before the monitor at a distance not more than one meter, to put on head sets (wire to the left), to harvest
button A STUDY. Operator sits down himself at a distance not less than 0, 5 meters from the patient only in
the side. Nearer to the instrument and the computer must be located patient. During a study to patient it is
possible to speak about the state of his health, it is desirable about that organ, which against the given moment
beyond the screen. When a study is finished, we press key THE CARD INDEX above the list of experiments.
In order to stop a study, press TO STOP.
Key PREPARATION includes the production of [reprintnogo] preparation. Key Meta- correction includes
the regime of Meta- correction.



When a study is finished, should be placed

suppositional diagnosis and made selection and testing of
medicines or [BADov]. For this it is necessary to enter
beside the regime of analysis and testing through THE
This, in the first place, the possibility of the rapid

survey of pictures, which is especially important, if during a study of doctor they distracted. In order to
examine pictures, it suffices to switch working line based on one line to another. Furthermore, hence it is
possible to simultaneously derive beyond the screen paired organs for the comparison of their state. It should
be noted that before the list of the conducted investigations studies are secreted as far as different color. As far
as green color are secreted the studies, on pictures of which there are entropy marks from 1 to 4; by red color on which is at least one 5, brown - on which at least one 6. i.e., the most problematic organs are secreted as far
as brown color, least problematic - to green.
After selecting a study for the analysis and testings, we note by its line and press ANALYSIS.
Is opened window ANALYSIS.



Here it is possible to evaluate marks and to cause the text of key

TEXT. Green small crosses appear against the picture. For obtaining
the text bring cursor down the small cross. In order to fix it, click by
the left key for mouse.
Key COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS serves for the comparative
Key META- CORRECTION is intended for the Metacorrection.
is intended for the external

[vegeto]- test (testing the preparations, not introduced beside the base of data of internal [vegeto]- test. With
the aid of the external [vegeto]- test it is possible to test anything, up to the literary texts.
Key [REPRINTER] is used for preparing the bioresonance preparation.
Before by right lower angle is a window ORGAN. Before the table of window is a graph, which reflects the
electromagnetic characteristics of the investigated organ.
Furthermore, before this window are keys TEST and SPECTRUM. Key TEST makes it possible to enter
beside the window for THE ANALYSIS and THE TESTINGS. Key SPECTRUM is intended, in essence, for
the research work.
After the pressure of key TEST before the window
ORGAN (if it is necessary to test focus, then before

the window FOCUS), is opened the window, which does not have special name. We will call its window for
THE ANALYSIS and THE TESTING. Before it is produced the establishment of suppositional diagnosis, the
selection of preparations and their testing, i.e., this basic window for the work.
To the left before this window there are two windows of average value. Upper is called THE LIST OF
GROUPS. Before it the groups are isolated: Organic preparations, biochemical homeostasis,
pathomorphology, nosologic forms, microorganisms and helminths - these groups are used for
formulating the diagnosis; and also allopathy, homeopathy, [Fitoterapiya], [Nutritsevtiki] and
[parafarmatsevtiki] and other - these groups are used for selecting the preparations. Before the given
programs augmented about the bases here can be introduced [BADy] of other firms.

In order to place diagnosis, it is necessary before the list of groups by marks to secrete groups
ORGANIC PREPARATIONS - these are the standards of healthy organs. The name of organ is written in
Latin. After the name organ stands the word WALA or PETERLING. This of the name homeopathic firms,
based on standard preparations of which were plotted the electromagnetic characteristics of healthy organs.
These graphs are necessary for the comparison of data of patient not only for the sake of the standard of
disease, but also for the sake of the standard of health.

PATHOMORPHOLOGY - is diagnoses taking into account the histological special features of the
pathologically changed organs. These diagnoses do not correspond to the officially taken medical
classification. They are isolated for the sake of green color.
NOSOLOGIC FORMS - this the complex diagnoses, which consider anatomical and functional changes
before the organs are isolated for the sake of black color. Letter after name designates the name of catalog.
After we noted organic preparations, pathomorphology and nosologic forms, before the window THE
(diagnoses). Above list stand diagnoses with the smallest coefficient of spectral similarity (). Sometimes
the diagnoses above of list are isolated for the sake of red color - those, whose [KSS] are less than 0, 425.
These are the most probable diagnoses (authenticity 90-95%). The higher before the list is located the

diagnosis, is the more probable. [KSS] is determined via the mathematical analysis of the similarity of the
graphs of patient and standard processes. The greater the similarity between them, the less [KSS]. Ideally
similar graphs must have a coefficient of 0, 000. [KSS] from 0, 425 to 0, 750 - 60% of authenticity.
To compare the graphs of patient and standards is possible on the table in the upper right-hand corner of
window. The graphs of patient (violet and yellow) are designated by thin lines, while the graphs of standard
processes dark-blue and red - by thick lines.
In order to determine the authenticity of diagnosis, the degree of the development of process and its
dynamics, are conducted the determination OF [KSS] of the diagnosis before and after of fine adjustment, the
entropy analysis () of this process also before and after of fine adjustment. If you decided to introduce
diagnosis beside the epicrisis, press key IN THE PRESS. It is possible to harvest key EPICRISIS for

checking the presence of diagnosis. Finished epicrisis you correct at the end works.
Biochemical indicators are determined before the group BIOCHEMICAL HOMEOSTASIS with the use
of NLS- analysis.
Determination of microflora of organ - before the group MICROORGANISMS and HELMINTHS.



The groups are isolated for the selection and the testing: ALLOPATHY - pharmaceutical preparations;
HOMEOPATHY - homeopathic medicines; [FITOTERAPIYA] - plant mono-preparations;


The keys are located above THE LIST OF STANDARDS: [SORTIROVATi] FILTER. If we harvest key
TO SORT, then standards will be arranged before the list before the alphabetical order. Key
[FILTRispolzuetsya] for the work with the group Of [nutritsevtiki] and [parafarmatsevtiki] or with the
groups, where are present the preparations of several firms - before the programs with the extended data bases.
Key [FILTRvydelyaet] besides the list the preparations of one firm. For this it is necessary to find before the
list any preparation of firm, to secrete as far as dark working line and to harvest FILTER. List from the
preparations only of this firm will remain.
The selection of preparations is accomplished analogously for the sake of work with the standards. After
is noted group or several groups of medicines, before the window THE LIST OF STANDARDS appears

the list of preparations before the ascending order [KSS]. The less the coefficient and the higher before the list
is arranged the preparation, the better it approaches to patient. However, during the selection of preparations
on [KSS] it is necessary to consider that the preparations are selected relative to the existing in patient
pathology, without taking into account the degree of the development of process and his dynamics, and also
influence beyond the state of other organs. In order to consider these factors and to individualize the
designation of preparation, it follows to use [VEGETO]- TEST. [Vegeto]- test can be external and internal.
For the beginning one should tune all those preparations, which you
want to [protestirovat]. As far as this you achieve two goals: the first - after
fine adjustment preparations before the initial list can be interchanged the
position, in the first places the preparations of the more removed part of the

list can fall; the second - since after the fine adjustment [KSS] of the tuned preparations they are secreted as
far as black squares, is formed list before the list for the [vegeto]- test.
Then we secrete the [testiruemyy] preparation by working line and we press key [VEGETO] TEST. So we
enter consecutively with all preparations from the list the testing.
To we need evaluate the results of [vegeto]- test. This is done before the regime of comparative analysis.
After conducting [Vegeto] of the test through the keys OUTPUT and COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS we leave
in the comparative analysis.
IT IS IMPORTANT! In order to correctly carry out
comparative analysis, it is necessary to find AN INITIAL study


of the organ, relative to which it was carried out [vegeto] - test. This study should be noted as far as not simply
working line, but it is compulsory by mark. Then it is necessary to harvest key AUTO-SEARCH. Computer
will find the first study with the use [vegeto] of test. If everything is made correctly, then there will above to
the left be the picture of an initial study of organ, below - picture, after testing (as after use) of preparation.
Under the list appears the line, before which is written strengthening of compensatory reactions down
[Kh]% or weakening of compensatory reactions on X %. Phrase strengthening of compensatory reactions
speaks about an improvement in the state of organ after the application of the [testiruemogo] preparation with
the indication of the degree of improvement before the percentages, while phrase weakening of compensatory
reactions indicates worsening in the state of organ after the application of preparation.
In order to verify the results of testing the following preparation, it is necessary to again harvest key

AUTO-SEARCH, working line will move downward, opening the following study, and so forth throughout
entire list of the tested preparations.
After conducting of [vegeto]- test and determining the most necessary preparations should be return down
the window of analysis and testing, secreted each of these preparations separately by working line, harvested
the key IN THE PRESS, so that the preparation would fall beside the epicrisis. Preparations will be brought in
beside the epicrisis separately.
For the open [Vegeto]- test (with the tablet or by the
foodstuff, which we we place beside the bioresonance camera
or container), before the window ANALYSIS (with the large
picture) we find key [VEGETO] - TEST. (Work it is possible

only the case, if beside the window ANALYSIS they entered from the window CARD INDEX). Appears table
[VEGETO] TEST, before it the command to introduce the name of the [testiruemogo] preparation we
introduce name, we press [ok]., then we conduct the evaluation of results before THE COMPARATIVE
To the right before the window OF ANALYSIS and TESTING is a window with the table, before which
are arranged the graphs of patient and standard. To the right of tables are located the keys, which do not have
practical value for the diagnosis.
Window THE DESCRIPTION OF STANDARD contains the description of standard - disease,
microorganism, preparation. If it empty, then the description of standard was not introduced beside the data

Keys TO TUNE and TO TUNE EVERYTHING - make the fine adjustment of standards;
key NLS- analysis and STANDARD- OBJECT include the appropriate regimes of analysis.
When the determination of diagnosis and testing preparations is finished, we leave conversely (2 keys
This work is accomplished relative to each investigated organ. New organ is selected from the list, we
note by working line and we repeat entire procedure.
The preparations of general effect (vitamins, antioxidants) it is possible to try to select and to
[protestirovat] on a study THE HUMAN BODY. It reflects the basic nucleus of pathology and it makes it
possible to select the base scheme of treatment.

When analysis and testing are finished, we shape the results of
the work in the form of epicrisis and printings out of the pictures of
problematic organs before the window OF A STUDY. If for the
formulation of conclusion we use finished blocks from the base of
data of program, it is possible to enlarge conclusion, after finishing
printing the precise formulations, the dosage of preparations. We
press key THE EPICRISIS above the list and it is inserted addition.

Then we occlude this window. We give the task to printer at the point of the printing out of pictures. 4 pictures
can be printed on one sheet. We note the necessary quantity of pictures by marks. We press PRESS. We print
epicrisis after correcting.
Against the beginning of the forming of epicrisis we add diagnoses, and at the end - we remove
excess diagnoses, and we change some. It is necessary to consider that standards before the program
it is considerably less than the existing diseases; therefore some problems of patient can be designated
incorrectly because of the absence of necessary standard. Problem can be noted about the principle
down [bezrybe] and cancer fish. I.e., computer based on the existing list of diagnoses selects standard,
from its point of view, most being suitable, but from the point of view of doctor not correct. In similar

cases possibly, evaluating entire existing information about the patient (anamnesis, marks, drawing), to
establish, as problem in reality is called. But sometimes it is possible to only note that before certain
tissue of certain organ are sharp or chronic changes, but to specifically name the problem on the basis
of data of computer, even using clinical thinking, cannot. It is not necessary to forget, that the
authenticity of this method 80-90%, i.e. before 10-20% of cases of problem they can be not discovered
or named incorrectly. After finishing work, we press before the window CARD INDEX OUTPUT.


The possibilities of conducting the analysis before the
program are very great. It is possible to limit only down the
formulation of probable diagnosis, while it is possible to trace
in addition to this the prospect for the development of
disease, the level of compensation and much other.

FIRST level - VISUAL. The control points will be tested during a study on the model of organ. Their
state is evaluated according to the six-scale-number scale, where the specific level of the disturbance of
structure and power engineering corresponds to each level. For the convenience each level is designated by the
mark of the specific form and color. Interpretation of marks is given during the printing out of the results of a


1 (white hexagon) - low functional activity;

2 (yellow hexagon) - optimum regulation;
3 (orange triangle by apex upward) - the stress of regulator systems;

4 (red triangle by apex downward) - the asthenization of regulator mechanisms;

5 (brown rhomb) - the compensated disturbances of adaptation;
6 (black square) - the decompensation of adaptation, the expressed changes.
This explanation is somewhat cumbersome. To explain marks down patient is possible as follows:
1 lower boundary of standard;
it is 2nd the standard
3- upper boundary of standard (transient state, functional changes);
4 change in the light degree (preclinical stages of disease);
it is 5th change in the average degree (clinical stage of disease);
6 expressed changes.


IT IS VERY IMPORTANT!!! Since the method of nonlinear analysis relates down the energyinformation procedures, the visual estimation of the damage of organ relates down the state of its
POWER ENGINEERING! Before the majority of the cases energy damages correspond to somatical, but are
encountered the cases, when energy breakdowns precede the development of somatical pathology. In these
cases the state of organ can be noted even as far as black squares. With the analysis of such situations smallest
[KSS] most frequently it occurs in the organic preparation (i.e., in healthy organ).
Example: Patient [Kh]. [Zhalob] no. [Astenik]. Kidneys with the entropy marks of predominantly black
color. With the analysis of the state of the organs of urino-genital system on the upper line of the list of
standards stands the organic preparation of healthy kidney with [KSS] 0, 474. On the second line 42

[nefroptoz] with [KSS] 0, 531. It is revealed with the inquiry, that [nefroptoz] was determined year ago on
THE UZIS. Before the analyzes of urine there are no deviations. The state of kidneys is estimated as the state
of energy starvation, diagnosis [NEFROPTOZ].
* fairly often are encountered the cases, when in patient, who does not present no complaints and having
organic pathology, during a study almost on all organs are determined the entropy marks of dark color (4-6).
This picture occurs with the state of the general energy starvation of organism, which is encountered with the
prolongedly existing stress reactions, the state of convalescence after infectious diseases or before the period
of the severe aggravation of chronic pathology, before the state of intoxication (alcoholic, bacterial, etc). To
this patient it is desirable to conduct a study repeatedly, when the consequences of energy starvation leave.

NB - if with the repeated examination with a good health of patient and the absence of severe chronic
pathology dark marks on the majority of organs again are revealed, one should think about the possibility of
the forming of malignant pathology.
*[Drugoy] the case - when the mass of complaints and significant quantity of somatical pathology is
present, the majority of organs has entropy marks 1-4. Such states frequently are in people, which conduct any
health-improvement program (including with the aid of [BADov]), in people, which are in a sharp stress state
(with the chronic stress marks predominantly dark), and also in people, which accepted before the examination
any stimulators (coffee, alcohol and other).

*[Tretiy] variant - on the organ marks are arranged for the sake of mosaic, i.e., bright marks are mixed
with the dark. This speaks about the predominance before the organ against the moment of investigating the
functional disturbances. If mosaic is predominantly dark, then it is more than data at the point of the fact that
functional storm occurs against the background organic pathology.
* is encountered the variant of mosaic, when before the figure many 1 and 4. this variant is considered
as the disruption of compensation, which precedes the onset of clinical pathology.
SECOND level, for many operators of basis - formulation of diagnosis on the list of standards on the
decrease of spectral similarity and analysis [KSS]. [KSS] is determined with the analysis of the relationships
of the graphs of patient and standard. If correspondence ideal, graphs completely coincide - [KSS] = 0. the

less [KSS], the more reliable the diagnosis. By absolutely reliable are considered diagnoses [KSS] less than 0,
425 (authenticity 90-95%). High authenticity possess diagnoses with [KSS] to 0, 8-0, 9. (approximately 6070%).
NB - for [onkopatologii] the zone of authenticity is enlarged to [KSS] 1, 2-1, 5.
Example: Patient of 47 years. Complaints besides swelling of stomach, abdominal pain, reduction in the
appetite and intolerance of fatty food. Most residue with the analysis of the state of gastrointestinal tract
proved to be studies of thick intestine. These studies before the list were secreted for the sake of brown color
(on the pictures of organs they are present marks 6). We secrete before the list of experiments the wall of
thick intestine. We press ANALYSIS. We examine picture, on it in essence marks - 4, 5 and 6, i.e., figure

shows unfavorable power engineering of organ. We press key THE TEST above the window ORGAN. The
window OF DIAGNOSIS and TESTING is opened. Before the list of groups we secrete organic preparations,
pathomorphology and nosologic forms. Before the window THE LIST OF STANDARDS appears the list of
diagnoses. The more similar the graphs of patient and the graphs of standard process, the less the value [KSS].
Are most reliable diagnoses with [KSS] less than 0, 425. These diagnoses before the list of standards stand
they are on top and secreted as far as red color. In our case these are diagnoses DYSBACTERIOSIS OF
INTESTINE with [KSS] 0, 048; ENTEROCOLITIS with [KSS] 0, 205 DYSKINESIA of Tolstoy OF
INTESTINE with [KSS] 0, 285. They are most reliable, it is possible to introduce them beside the epicrisis.
In the elderly and weakened patients frequently the list of standards on the spectral similarity can begin
based on the diagnoses, [KSS] of which > 0, 5. this speaks about the combination of several pathologic

states and impossibility to exarticulate basis. We in that case take beside the analysis diagnoses with [KSS] to
1, 0-1, 2.
To the analysis of the state of patient on [KSS] can be attributed and analysis of the coefficient of
optimum distribution. The greater this coefficient, the higher the level of the decompensation of organ
(standard coefficient 1, 3-1, 8).
Against the second level of diagnosis it is possible to work not only with one diagnosis, but also with the
combinations of several processes. For this there is a regime of the creation OF ABSOLUTE MODEL. It
adapts, when it is necessary to determine, there do have themselves the patient a combination of any
diagnoses, a combination before the pathogenesis of the inflammatory process of the action of several
microorganisms. It is possible to use a virtual model, also, for determining the synergistic or antagonistic

combination of several medicines. Virtual model can be created, after taking after the basis standard with
smallest [KSS], i.e., most reliable. For this it is necessary to harvest key ABSOLUTE MODEL. Opposite the
significant processes appear the red points and the numbers, which reflect the portion of the participation of
this process before the general state of organ.
THIRD level - FINE ADJUSTMENT. If we look down the graphs of standards, then it is possible to note
that they are located before the table beyond different levels. Dyskinesia, hypothyroidism, obesity are arranged
before the lower part of the table, against level 2-3 on the vertical line; the majority of chronic processes against level 3-4; benign neoplasms - against level 5-6. These levels can be conditionally correlated with the
levels of the energy power of the represented processes.

Example. LIVER. Let us look, which occurs with the graphs and [KSS] with the fine adjustment. Let us
secrete by working line DYSKINESIA OF GALL BLADDER. By Tolstoy by lines table depicts the graphs of
standard, i.e., dyskinesia. If we accumulate the dark-blue and red graphs of standard and to draw their contour
line, then it will be arranged before the lower part of the table, against level 2. before the middle part of the
table thin lines designated the graphs of patient. The contour line of graphs was arranged against level 3-4. We
press key FINE ADJUSTMENT. The graphs of the process of patient descended down the level of the graphs
of standard (dyskinesia of gall bladder).
Is repeated the same operation with the diagnosis CHRONIC CHOLECYSTITIS. The graphs of patient
and the graphs of the standard of chronic cholecystitis are arranged against one and the same average level

of table. Their interrelations change insignificantly after fine adjustment.

Let us note diagnosis [PECHENOCHNOKLETOCHNAYA] ADENOMA. We press key FINE
ADJUSTMENT. The graph of patient rose upward, to the graph of hepatic- cell adenoma.
Now let us focus attention, as it changes FOR THE SAKE OF [KSS] of the selected standards after fine
adjustment. It either does not change or down the different degree it decreases. The position of the isolated and
tuned standard before the list of standards in certain cases changes - it can rise down one or several lines
upward. Before our example value [KSS] and position of diagnosis CHRONIC CHOLECYSTITIS before the
list of standards practically did not change. Diagnosis DYSKINESIA OF GALL BLADDER also remained on
the first line, where it was to the fine adjustment, but [KSS] of it decreased with 0, 484 to 0, 123. Most
substantially changed [KSS] position before the list of the standards of diagnosis

[PECHENOCHNOKLETOCHNAYA] ADENOMA. Based on the lower lines of the list of standards it moved
beside the middle, and [KSS] changed with 3, 074 to 1, 044.
Thus, we determined, that the fine adjustment equalizes the levels of the graphs of patients with the levels
of the graphs of the standards of pathologic [protsesssov]. In this case the processes with the small energy
power (located before the lower part tables) seemingly are included in the process, available in patient. I.e.,
less powerful before power engineering processes are absorbed as far as more powerful. The development of
pathology occurs from the less powerful processes down the more powerful. Producing fine adjustment, we
reveal the initial processes, which served after base for the development of today's state of organ in patient, for
example, dyskinesia of gall bladder it serves after base for the development of chronic cholecystitis,
[giperuraturiya] - for the development of chronic pyelonephritis, obesity (this term with the analysis of the

state of glandular organs it is necessary to treat considerably wider than is simple an increase in the mass of
the human body, and as the fat regeneration of the cells of organs) - for the large number of diverse pathology
of the glands of organism. Hypotonia, hypothyroidism can be included as variant states in more powerful
before power engineering hypertonic disease and thyrotoxicosis (for example, in hyper-tonicOV they occur
the periods of the reduced relative to their standard arterial pressure). On the difference between the
coefficients of the spectral similarity before and after of fine adjustment we can define how far left the existing
in patient pathologic process from the initial states low power engineering and, which has very important
significance, what prospect for development in the patient of graver conditions, which are located beyond the
higher energy level. They, in the first place, include [onkoprotsessy].
Summing up that state aboved, it is possible to say that the list of diagnoses to the fine

adjustment gives to us idea about the state of patient today, and fine adjustment makes it possible to
reveal the initial pathologic processes, on base of which developed today's state of patient, and also
trend in the development of processes.
THE FOURTH level - ENTROPY ANALYSIS is the determination of the step of the development of
this process and degree of its activity. This is important for determining of presence or absence of the
process, when [KSS] has boundary values - 0,6 - 0,9. Conducting entropy analysis is inexpedient, when
[KSS] are less than 0, it is 5th 0, 6 or are more than 1, 0 (there are exceptions).

Example. LIVER. Diagnosis is DYSKINESIA OF GALL BLADDER. Let us enter beside the

window of entropy analysis. We see the figure, beyond which is depicted as if stairs with the steps from 0 to 6.
on each step there is number - coefficient, to each step corresponds graph. If we examine each graph
individually, then let us see, that on the zero step is arranged the graph, which corresponds to the graph of the
healthy organ, which we investigate, i.e., the graph of the organic preparation of gall bladder. Beyond 6 step is
located the graph of the standard, relative to which is conducted entropy analysis, i.e., DYSKINESIA OF
GALL BLADDER. Between them, on steps 1 is 5th a number of intermediate [protsesssov], which reflect the
forming of pathology. In the classical case step 0 reflects the absence of pathology; 1 3- preclinical phases; 4,
is 5th the clinical phases of sharp process (or the aggravation of chronic), 6 formed process. Steps before the
figure are duplicated up in the form the buttons, located in the upper right-hand corner.
Entropy analysis should be carried out to the fine adjustment and after it - only in this case the

obtained information will be complete.

There are several variants [KSS] and [KEA] before and after of fine adjustment.
VARIANT 1. is most simple. To the fine adjustment [KSS] of small (to 0, 8). Step - 6. after fine
adjustment [KSS] decreases, as a rule, falling beside the zone of the authenticity (less than 0, 425). Step - 6.
this distribution of coefficient and step confirms diagnosis.
Example: LIVER.

To the fine adjustment

[KSS] - 0, 784
Step -6

After the fine adjustment

[KSS] - 0,323
Step -6

VARIANT 2. to the fine adjustment [KSS] 0, 6-1, 0. [KEA] 5-6 step. Slightly it decreases after fine
adjustment [KSS], but it does not enter into the zone of authenticity. Step - 6.
Situation more frequently is encountered with the prolonged chronic processes for the sake of the very
small compensating possibilities. Diagnosis with such indicators can be carried beside the epicrisis.


To the fine adjustment
After the fine adjustment
[KSS] - 0, 674
[KSS] - 0, 671
Step -6
Step 6
VARIANT 3. to the fine adjustment [KSS] from 0, 6 to 1, 0. [KEA] less, step 0. after fine adjustment
[KSS] insignificantly decreases, and [KEA] insignificantly increases. Step 0 -2. This variant is characteristic
for the processes, which began forming. Before the final diagnosis they more frequently are not indicated.


To the fine adjustment
After the fine adjustment
[KSS] - 0, 795
[KSS] - 0, 615
Step -0
Step -0
VARIANT 4. to the fine adjustment [KSS] of large (is more than 0, 8). [KEA] against 0-2 steps. After
fine adjustment [KSS] considerably decreases (frequently less than 0, 6), [KEA] increases to 5-6. Diagnosis in
this case is considered as the expressed tendency before the forming of this state. Situation is characteristic for
the processes with the low energy power.

To the fine adjustment
[KSS] - 0, 890
Step -1

After the fine adjustment

[KSS] - 0, 530
Step -6

THE VARIANT 5. [KSS] of large (is more than 1, 5). [KEA]-0. It can decrease after fine adjustment
[KSS], remaining above or equal to 1, 0. [KEA] against 0-2 steps. Situation is typical for the processes with
the large energy power. Diagnosis is uncertain.


To the fine adjustment
After the fine adjustment
[KSS] - 1, 979
[KSS] - 1, 148
Step - 0
Step - 0
VARIANT 6. adapts, mainly, for the diagnosis of myoma of uterus and adenoma of prostate gland. To the
fine adjustment [KSS] of large (are frequently more than 1, 0-1, 3). [KEA], as a rule, is substantially less (0, 50, 8), it is arranged more frequently on the lower steps (0 or 1-2). Substantially it decreases after fine

adjustment [KSS], but nevertheless remain more than 0, 6-0, 8. [KEA] in this case increases, most frequently
become more than 0, 8-0, 9. at the same time step can become 5 or 6. myoma of uterus or the adenoma of
prostate gland is considered established, if to the fine adjustment diagnosis is located not lower than against 3
steps, while after fine adjustment it passed down 5. all the remaining variants they are considered as the more
or less expressed tendencies before the forming of process. It is desirable to also conduct NLS- analysis.
To the fine adjustment
After the fine adjustment
[KSS] - 1, 425
[KSS] - 0, 976
Step -2
Step -5

VARIANT 7. to the fine adjustment [KSS] 0, 5-0, 9. [KEA] - 5-6. After fine adjustment [KSS] it
decreases to 0, 3-0, 6. step in this case becomes lower per 1-2 units. This state is typical for the chronic
processes before the state of the disruption of compensation or aggravation. It testifies about the low
compensating possibilities of organ. Diagnosis is reliable.
To the fine adjustment
After the fine adjustment
[KSS] - 0, 579
[KSS] - 0, 396
Step -6
Step 4


Use of a [vegeto]- test gives the possibility to determine the degree of the development of process about
Selye. Each pathologic process before its development is conducted 4 stages: two compensating, or
physiological phases, in response to the stimulus increase the characteristics, which were in patient to the load.
The third phase - equalizing, down the stimulus there is no reaction or it is very small, and the fourth phase paradoxical, compensation is exhausted and initial characteristics deteriorate in response to the stimulus.
first stage according to Selye - strengthening compensation down 15- 35%;
the second stage is strengthening compensation by 35-55% (that more highly we do not look);

the third stage- from the weakening down 15% before the strengthening down 15% (i.e. it varies about
the fourth stage weakening reaction is more than down 15%.
After the fine adjustment:
against 6 steps;
the diffuse goiter
against 0 step;
against 0 step.


We carry out [vegeto]- test, loading initial pathologic process consecutively for the sake of hypothyroidism, by
obesity, by diffuse goiter, by thyrotoxicosis and by the healthy thyroid gland. Results of the [vegeto]- test:
the hypothyroidism
- weakening compensatory reactions down 33%;
- strengthening compensatory reactions down 3%
the diffuse goiter
- strengthening compensatory reactions down 8%
- strengthening compensatory reactions down 20%
the healthy gland
- strengthening compensatory reactions down 19%.


Hypothyroidism gave worsening in the indicators, paradoxical phase, i.e. process does not have
compensatory reserves and we, thus, confirm the diagnosis presented.

Obesity and diffuse goiter did not give the expressed changes, i.e., there is a equalizing phase. This means
that the processes are developed, are located before the initial or before the stage of remission.
Thyrotoxicosis gave improvement moderated, i.e. patient is found before the first physiological phase and
means with respect to this illness, this process the patient does not have. For the comparison - load by the
mode of the healthy thyroid gland gave improvement in 19%.
In cases when we is investigated the weakened patient with the bouquet of chronic diseases or organ
before the state of weakening compensatory reactions, it may happen that maximum worsening in the
indicators gives load by the healthy organ (i.e., conducting [vegeto]- test with the organic preparation it gives
the maximum weakening of compensatory reactions). This is additional test down the compensating
possibilities of organ and organism as a whole.

[Vegeto]- test is used for the differential diagnosis and affirming of presence or absence of this
process in patient with the [sochetannoy] pathology.
Example: POSTERIOR WALL OF STOMACH. For affirming the presence of stomach ulcer we make
[vegeto]- test. Result - weakening compensation at the point of 26%, i.e. we confirm the presence of ulcer.
The worse the results of [vegeto]- test, the more probable the diagnosis, for the sake of which we
load initial pathologic process.


STANDARD- OBJECT. This is the program of prophylaxis of the isolated diseases.

We secrete any standard based on the list and we make for the sake of its starting point relative to other
illnesses, i.e., it after the pressure of key STANDARD- OBJECT will have [KSS] 0, 000.

The illness, which will be arranged nearest of all to the standard- object, can be considered the precursor
of the isolated disease.
In certain cases with a study of organ on the picture against the background 3 and 4 is revealed section
with 5 and 6. this section can be analyzed separately, since pathologic process in this section can be different,
than as a whole on the organ. The liberation of foci desirable to produce immediately after the end of
conducting a study in connection with the fact that after conducting of analysis this possibility is

How to secrete focus? After the end of a study we find before STUDIES that organ, where it is necessary
to secrete focus. We secrete by working line, we press key LOCALIZATION. Is applied cursor to the
necessary section, we click by left key, by cursor we encircle focus, press key ESTIMATION.
Plotting of energy-information curves based on the isolated focus occurs. Before the window the graphs
based on the focus will appear. the analysis of focus is produced just as organ.
- or multifactor analysis, is intended for the work with [onkozabolevaniyami]. It adapts also for the precise
diagnosis of myoma of uterus and adenoma of prostate gland.
Work with the NLS- analysis is produced analogously for the sake of work with the entropy analysis.

Difference before the fact that significant are only 1 step - absence of trends in the development of [onko]process, and 7 step - formed process. Remaining steps show the manifestation of trends in the development,
and their dynamics before and after of fine adjustment - activity of process.
The diagnosis of microorganisms and helminths is conducted predominantly on [KSS] to the fine
adjustment, i.e. against the moment of a study. After fine adjustment we carry out the analysis only of those
microorganisms, for development of which is required the provocation.
As the reliably existing are considered those microorganisms and helminths, whose [KSS] are less than

0, 425. The same, which fall beside the corridor of values from 0, 425 to 0, 8, must be taken before the
attention. They either are sown inconstantly or they are present in the form antigens. Furthermore, for this
diagnosis is recommended the use of a [vegeto]- test.
Example. WALL OF TOLSTOY OF INTESTINE. Dysbacteriosis. By red color before the list of
standards with [KSS] 0, 236 was secreted Candida for the sake of albicans, i.e., this microorganism reliably is
present before the intestine. Escherichia has [KSS] 0, 622. Ascarids have [KSS] 1, 316, i.e., there is no
helminthiasis in this case.
Let us be turned down the [vegeto]- test:

Candida albicans is
- weakening compensatory reactions down 40%
- weakening compensatory reactions down 8%
Bacterium of [laktis]
- strengthening compensatory reactions down 33%
- strengthening compensatory reactions down 19%.
Results speak, that the Candida causes the fourth phase of adaptive reaction, and it means it has the
highest degree of pathogenicity. Proteus and Escherichia have third phase, respectively low pathogenicity,
significant participation before the forming pathology does not assume. The bacterium of [laktis], probably,
before the small scarcity, and ascarid about all indicators in patient is absent.
Recently considerable attention is paid to the helminthic invasions and we can determine, eat they in
patient. Sometimes this is difficult to make, since the [tsistnaya] form of helminths does not give reliable

indicators on [KSS]. When to helminths correspond TO [KSS] more than 1, 00, we can use how by reserve, by
the diagnosis ex of juvantibus.
For this it is necessary to include allopathy in analysis, possibly [nutritsevtiki]. If on the upper lines
before the list of standards prove to be [protivogelmintnye] preparations, and their graphs will
sufficiently accurately correspond to the graphs of the process of patient, this testifies in favor that
helminthic invasion this patient has himself, but in the form cyst or beside some to inactive form.
Example. LONGITUDINAL SECTION OF UTERUS. We carry out the analysis of microflora of vagina.
Before the zone of conditional authenticity ([KSS] to 0, 8) falls only the Candida with [KSS] 0, 566.
[Pseudomonas] following above it has [KSS] 0, 909, remaining microorganisms has even larger [KSS]. In
spite of unconvincing results, let us try [vegeto]- test.

Results of the [vegeto]- test:

Pseudomonas and other

- worsening in the compensatory reactions down 17%

- an improvement in the compensatory reactions down 2631%
- an improvement in the compensatory reactions down
Such results confirm the participation of Candida before the forming of changes before the mucous of
vagina. [Pseudomonas] and other microorganisms, which gave about the results of [vegeto]- test an
improvement in the compensatory reactions by approximately 30%, confirmed to these their nonparticipation
before the forming of [endotservitsita]. [Ureaplazma] with the improvement down 55% corresponds to the

forming of the second step of physiological phase. This organism can periodically be revealed before the
smears. In a similar complex case it is possible to use also an standard- object in order to be certified, what
microorganisms play basic role before the forming of pathology. Let us take as an example it [endotservitsit],
before the list of groups for conducting the analysis let us add microorganisms and helminths. Let us look,
which of the microorganisms will prove to be nearer to the selected standard- object. Before the upper line
Candida, the secondly, [ureaplazma].
Conclusion: in patient is revealed the Candida, periodically - [ureaplazma]. [Pseudomonas] and bacterium
of [laktis] are found within the permissible limits. Indicators testify about reduction in the shielding forces of
the mucous of vagina.

The estimation of biochemical indicators is done through the NLS- analysis. This division needs
modification (authenticity 40-60%).
[KSS] for the work with the biochemical indicators a value do not have. The main thing - where stands the
coefficient of NLS- analysis to the fine adjustment and afterward. Norma are distributed between 2 (lower
boundary) and 6 steps (upper boundary of standard). If coefficient costs on 1 step, then the indicator

lower than standard, if down 7 above standards. If to the fine adjustment NLS- analysis 3, and after -1, this
speaks about the tendency down to a decrease. It is necessary to remember that these indicators are
dynamic; therefore their determination - complex problem.
It is carried out, if it is necessary, at first on the picture of complete chromosomal set, and then on the
groups of chromosomes individually. After a study we select the chromosomes, where there are by 5 or 6.
basis of analysis it is the determination of pathologic locus, is used key TEXT and text prompt. Is applied

cursor to the small cross opposite the locus with 5 or 6 and we look commentary.
The formulation of diagnosis does not require the application of all levels of analysis immediately. It
is in certain cases sufficient first level, before some - the first and the second. Entropy analysis adapts,
usually, when [KSS] is located above level 0, 6-0, 8.
[Vegeto]- test is necessary for the development of microorganisms and helminths, and also differential
diagnosis, when several diagnoses are probable.


After the determination of diagnosis and microflora we approach the designations. I.e., to testing of
preparations. It is possible to use several groups of substances. The principle of the selection of preparations
the same - as the most suitable are considered those, whose [KSS] are less than 0, 425.
Since one preparation does not, as a rule, overlap entire spectrum of the existing problems, it is possible to use
a virtual model for selecting the complex of preparations, although in practice this they use rarely.
[Vegeto]- test is most popular during the selection. If with the work with [KSS] we determine, what
preparations can be used at the point of this pathology as a whole, then with the aid of the [vegeto]- test
it is possible to individualize the selection of preparations. The preparations, which give strengthening
compensatory reactions down 20-30%, will be most effective and those deprived of side-line effects. If

preparation does not give strengthening compensatory reactions or is caused their weakening, then, possibly,
should be first unloaded the gastrointestinal tract or the liver, after which preparation will begin to act
effectively. The absence of strengthening compensatory reactions can be connected with the fact that
improvement it will go through the aggravation.
In apparatus VECTOR there are two regimes of correction. These are Meta- correction and
[REPRINTER] (production of bioresonance [reprintnogo] preparation).
META- CORRECTION is the action, when to patient are introduced the inverted with respect to the
pathologic process electromagnetic vibrations. The result of this action is tracked beyond the screen of

monitor and possesses the effect of neuro- visual programming, it bears positive information about the
anatomically and functionally active normal tissue. These pictures treat.
For the Meta- correction it is necessary to select before the list of experiments organ or the section, down
to which will be directed the action. From the window CARD INDEX we press ANALYSIS, then to key
CORRECTION. Window with the command about the start of Meta- correction is opened. We press key
LAUNCHING. Against the figure appears the concentric wave, on way of which occurs a change in the color
of entropy marks. The results of session are evaluated through the comparative analysis. These results can be
used as an additional method of diagnosis. If strengthening compensatory reactions occurs slowly and down
10-20% at the point of one girder, this indicates that the process is chronic, damage organic. If strengthening
compensatory reactions is more than 20%, then it is probable that the process is functional or sharp organic.

Observing the dynamics of a change in the color of marks it is possible to reveal the sections of the most
serious changes.
One should carry out 2-3 sessions with the functional and sharp pathology, 3-5 sessions with the
chronic pathology. We simultaneously conduct correction not more than on 3 organs. More prolonged
sessions can lead down worsening in the health or aggravation of pathology. Patient during the session sits just
as with the diagnosis.
[REPRINTER] - creation of bioresonance preparations.
1 preparation from THE ORGANIC PREPARATION. For this we include group ORGANIC
PREPARATIONS, we select necessary, we press [REPRINTER], we select matrix, we press button

START. Inversion we do not make. Before the cup ([reprinter]) we preliminarily set capacity with the
carrier (grist, water or water-alcohol mixture (by tincture), the cream or the ointment, the ampoule
preparation). The preparation is ready after 9 passages. Down one carrier it is possible to write to 8
2 if are required to create the [reprintnuyu] copy of preparation from the base of data of program, we
make inversion.
3 if it is necessary to create the [nozodnyy] preparation of the most pathologic process, we also make
Water for the record is used with the sharp processes. Preparation on the water is effective 2-3 weeks.
With the chronic processes it is used alcoholic solutions, their effectiveness of 4-6 months. Let us examine

ANALYSIS (special clinical aspects), that are the table and graphs before this table. The value of noise
before the decibels is put aside across the vertical axis of table - from 0 to 266, 6. value 266, 6 decibel is the
critical level of noise before the system, after exceeding of which the system ceases to be functional, i.e., noise
completely drives in control channels besides system. Our organism, all cells and molecules of which are
before the infinite fluctuating motion, also produces noise. Its level can indicate of the disturbance of the
functioning of organism and its systems. The level of noise before the decibels is represented on the vertical
scale to the right, to the left there is the scale, which helps to standardize the level of the disturbance of noise.
The level of oxidation-reduction disturbances serves after the conditional equivalent of noise.
Before the lower part of the table, (level 2-3) are located dyskinesia, the hypotonia, hypothyroidism,
hypoplasias, obesity, the initial stages of the sharp inflammatory processes (very rarely, before majority its

they is rapidly caused the different degree of manifestation oxidation-reduction disturbances) there can be
Before the middle part, (level 3-4) are located basic pathologic states.
Before the upper part of the table the benign neoplasms, which have the very high level of oxidationreduction disturbances, are located.
Hypoplasia of kidney - level 2;
chronic pyelonephritis - level 3-4;
[fibromatoz] of the medullary layer of kidney, [limfangioma] - level

With the high level of oxidation-reduction disturbances, and consequently also the critical level of the
disturbances of noise, which follows the destruction of system, the drawings, which reflect the interrelations of
anabolic and catabolic processes before the organism disperse, above remains the red line, which reflects the
processes of catabolism, and dark-blue (anabolic) it departs downward. Such graphs are characteristic for
Beyond the horizontal axis are postponed the frequencies, resonance to different tissues of human
organism. The higher the frequency, the higher the level of the organization of tissue. In healthy organs the
highest amplitude of graphs corresponds to most active tissue of this organ. On the graph of the organic
preparation of the pancreas, for example, the highest amplitude of the graphs at frequencies 4, 2 and 5, 8,
which correspond to the ferrous tissue of the pancreas and its secretory function.

Distribution of tissues before the frequencies:


osseous and rough connective tissue;

- friable connective tissue, large arteries and vein (to the capillaries), erythrocytes;
skeletal muscles and muscle of heart, the surface part of the mucous membrane of gastrointestinal tract
and urino-genital system;
the gland of the mucous of gastrointestinal tract and urino-genital system, pancreas and ovaries.
- the liver and kidney with the ducts, myometrium, the smooth musculature of gastrointestinal tract,
urino-genital system, trachea and bronchi.


the secretion of the pancreas, ovaries, nerves and the epithelium of nasopharynx;
the secretion of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands; vegetative regulation; peripheral nervous system,
cerebrospinal roots; the epithelium of trachea and bronchi, lymphoid tissue;
the secretion of pituitary gland, hypothalamus; spinal cord, reticular formation and other sections old
brain, the alveolus
cerebral cortex.
What do indicate the dark-blue and red line on the graphs?
DARK-BLUE line - reflects the processes of anabolism, trophicity, accumulation; this


predominantly (+) processes. The special cases: with the inflammation - these are the initial, edematic stages
of process; for the hollow organs and the vessels - this is hypo-tone; for the vegetative nervous system
(frequency 6, 6) - the predominance of parasympathetic innervation.
Red line - reflects the processes of catabolism, atrophy and the dystrophias, which frequently take
place with the destruction or with the decrease of the volume of tissue. The special cases: with the
inflammations - final stages of process; for the hollow organs and the vessels - spasm; for the vegetative
nervous system - predominance of sympathetic innervation.
From the standard DARK-BLUE and red line goes in parallel to each other, since before the
healthy organ the processes of anabolism and catabolism are balanced; dark-blue line insignificantly
predominates above the red. With the pathology occurs the dissociation (divergence) turn blue and red line.

Sharp organic processes and expressed functional disturbances are accompanied by significant dissociations.
The high-amplitude the graphs, the greater it is necessary to pay attention down this study.
EXAMPLE: On the graph progressive diabetes mellitus the expressed dissociation against frequency
5, 8, which corresponds to the secretory function of the gland (predominance of the red line above turn blue in
this case he speaks about the predominance of the disturbances of carbohydrate metabolism). Before the ideal
it is necessary to give the characteristic of the state of organ for all frequencies, analyzing damages to
connective tissue also of vessels, the epithelium and the muscular part of the organ, the type of vegetative
innervation and so forth in reality before the overwhelming majority of the cases to sufficient correctly
interpret the state of organ for [KSS] and [EA]. In proportion to gaining of experience it is possible to use a
frequency response analysis of graphs, to focus attention on tissue damages.

With the diagnosis of entire organism as a whole and of each organ individually it is first necessary
to focus attention on the value of the coefficient of optimum distribution. Its value speaks about the
degree of the adaptive possibilities of organism as a whole and each organ individually. From the
standard the value of the coefficient of optimum distribution composes 1,3 - 1,8. If coefficient is higher than
1,8, then there are stress of adaptation, distress. The value of the coefficient of optimum distribution frequently

correlates with value [KSS] of the organic preparation of the organ (especially with studies of the organs of
gastrointestinal tract, urino-genital system, respiratory system) being investigated. If there is bright picture
(on which entropy marks from 1 to 4) and the coefficient of optimum distribution is more than 1, 8, this
speaks, that the high level of power engineering of organ against the moment of a study does not correspond to
the degree of the organic damages of organ.
A decrease in the level of the coefficient of optimum distribution is below 1, 3 speak about the disruption
of adaptation, which precedes the development of pathologic process.
Use of complaint fatigue, weakness usually give the loading of visual picture on the images the
organs of chest, stomach, the wall of stomach, the adrenal glands, thyroid gland. This connected
with the fact that the internal tuning of program make accent on the organs, which participate before the

reactions of the stress: lungs - due to the hyper-ventilation syndrome; stomach - due to the effect of the
hormones of the adrenal glands; the adrenal glands and thyroid of iron as the organs, which participate before
the reaction of stress.
STOMACH - with the visualization it is necessary to turn attention down the degree and depth of the
damage of the wall of stomach. Primary attention - down [KSS] and entropy analysis. For formulating the
diagnosis stomach ulcer frequently substantial aid we render [vegeto]- test (especially if the diagnoses of

the different forms of gastritis, ulcer and several others all left by red color). If diagnosis stomach ulcer after
conducting of [vegeto]- test gives weakening compensatory reactions more than down 15%, then ulcer is
located against the moment of a study. If this diagnosis gives weakening compensatory reactions less than
down 15% or improvement more than down 10-15%, then it is probable that against the moment of a study is
a ulcer out of the aggravation. If there is an improvement in the compensatory reactions more than down 35%,
then is high the risk of the development of ulcer. ATTENTION: [Vegeto]- test is conducted without the fine
Diagnosis gastroenteritis, if there is no typical picture of this illness, can be estimated as fermentation
insufficiency. If upward they leave gastroenteritis and atrophic gastritis - this can be with the high degree
of probability estimated as gastritis with the lowered acidity; Catarrhal gastritis - as gastritis with the

normal acidity, and erosive gastritis - as gastritis with the increased acidity. The state of graphs against
frequency 6,6 also can indirectly testify about the acidity of the gastric juice: if there is a dark-blue peak
against this frequency, this speaks about the predominance of parasympathetic vegetative regulation and can
be the sign of the increased acidity. The predominance of the red line above turn blue against this frequency it
can be the sign of the lowered acidity.
THE PANCREAS - is encountered the cases of hyperdiagnostics of diabetes mellitus. If the diagnoses:
Gastroenteritis and non-insulin-dependant diabetes mellitus, stand before the list of standards closely,
even if both left with low [KSS] (0, 300-0, 500), then the presence of fermentation insufficiency and the initial
manifestations of the disturbances of carbohydrate metabolism is more probable.
Diagnoses gastroenteritis and non-insulin-dependant diabetes mellitus relate down three cases

paired diagnoses, examined which must be together. The second and third pairs are diagnoses
hypothyroidism and thyrotoxicosis, and also hypertonic disease and hypotension. The nearer before
the list of standards on the decrease of spectral similarity stand these paired diagnoses, the nearer to the
standard the indicators of arterial pressure, function of the thyroid gland or the indicators of carbohydrate and
fermentation metabolisms.
Are informative the marks of picture the tissue of the pancreas and the islet of Langerhans. On the
picture the tissue of the pancreas, if is damaged the mucous of duct, is more than data at the point of
gastroduodenitis; if maximum damages on the vessels - are more than data at the point of chronic pancreatitis;
if the significant damages of the cells of gland - fermentation insufficiency or diabetes. On the picture the
islet of Langerhans is evaluated change Beta-[kletok] islet.

THE LIVER - besides diagnosis on [KSS] and [KEA] should be focused attention on the marks: the
damage of hepatic cells speaks about the toxic damage to the liver, the damage of predominantly connectivetissue elements and vessels - about the former inflammatory or expressed congestive processes; the preferred
injury of vessels - venous plethora (including after abundant food); preferred damage in the region of bile
ducts - congestion of bile. If with low [KSS] leaves the diagnosis of polycystoses of the liver, then the
probability of the presence of the hemangioma of the liver is high.
GALL BLADDER - marks 4, 5 and 6 on the mucous membrane of gall bladder speak in essence about
congestion of bile, but not about the inflammation; the damage of capsule - about the presence of chronic
inflammation. The presence of calculi can be evaluated only as probability.

INTESTINE - marks show well localization (chronic inflammatory process or the disturbance of tone).
Work standards dyskinesia, spasms, colitis, enteritis. Diagnosis rests in essence on [KSS] and [KEA].
With the analysis of microorganisms and helminths it is possible to use a [vegeto]- test. For the
helminths - additionally the diagnosis of [e]x of juvantibus with the antihelminthic preparations (if there is a
correspondence of graphs). For the diagnosis of the insufficiency of bifidobacteria it is possible to use
preparation Of jerusalem of artichoke.
RECTUM. The presence of hemorrhoid it is possible to determine about the marks on the wall of
rectum, low [KSS] of standard hemorrhoid additionally it is possible to draw the diagnosis ex of juvantibus
with the aid of the homeopathic preparation Of aesculus.

KIDNEYS - we at first evaluate marks. They usually reflect well localization of problems on the layers
and across the side of injury. We look the list of standards to the fine adjustment. Very well works the
standard Of [nefroptoz]. It is possible to frequently predict it on the constitution in the women. Works well
pyelonephritis, but if it out of the aggravation, forward can leave hydro-nephrosis. The presence in the upper
lines of closely spaced of hydro-nephrosis, glomerulonephritis and [nefroptoza] (mainly glomerulonephritis
with low [KSS]) speaks about the disturbance of water-salt metabolism, especially if on the picture nephron
is damage of glomeruli. Works well standard Kist kidney. Standard kidney stones should be considered as

reliable with [KSS] [do]1. 00 and [KEA] 2-6.

The list can substantially [menyaetsya] after fine adjustment, the concealed pathology to the foreground
leaves. To adjust slightly with the analysis of the state of kidneys necessary the standards: pyelonephritis,
hydro-nephrosis, glomerulonephritis, kidney stones. It is desirable to conduct [vegeto]- test.
PROSTATE GLAND - if upward left urethritis, then there is prostatitis of 1-2 degrees (with the
preferred damage to the mucous of the ducts of gland); if prostatitis - inflammation with the damage to
ferrous tissue and the fibrosis. To analyze the adenoma of prostate gland is possible with the use of NLSanalysis.
IT IS IMPORTANT! The diagnosis of female sexual sphere it is better to carry out 3-4 days


after monthly, in any event to the middle of cycle. Before and against the beginning of monthly
hormonal shifts considerably distort picture, occluding the majority of pathologic processes.
UTERUS - on the pictures longitudinal section of uterus, transverse section of uterus we look the
state of vagina and neck of uterus. We there look microflora. Marks down the myometria make it possible to
suspect myoma, on the endometrium - endometritis or endoMEtrioses. With the [vegeto]- test of
[urogenitalnykh] infections it is necessary for some microbes to carry out fine adjustment. This is equivalent
down provocation with the concealed infections. In the remaining cases with the analysis of microorganisms
the fine adjustment is not conducted, since the discussion deals for the sake of the state today.
With the analysis [KSS] and [KEA] necessary to pay attention down diagnosis It [endotservitsit]. Its
close arrangement to the diagnosis hyperestrogenism can be with functional premenstrual hyperplasia of

endometrium. The closely confronting diagnoses endometritis and the polyp of uterus can be treated as
endoMEtrioses. Myoma of uterus is diagnosed when [KSS] of [do]1, 000 and [KEA] not lower than 2.
remaining cases treat in essence as the process of forming.
OVARIES - is important visualization, but hormonal shifts, including cyclic (monthly) can disguise the
picture of disturbances. The damage of inner layer - vessels and connective tissue - is more than data at the
point of the inflammatory process (especially if is combined with the diagnosis adnexitis with low [KSS])
or, with the accent down the vessels - venous congestion (it can be, also, with the omission of uterus); 5 and 6
on the yellow tele- predominantly hormonal disturbances; 4 and 5 on the follicles - most follicular possible
cysts, it is 5th 6 true cysts of ovaries; if damages in the form for the sake of 4, 5 and 6 are arranged in entire
follicular layer - is great probability polycystosis; 4, 5 on the outer covering - commissure.

THORACIC GLANDS. Marks are informative. Diagnosis on [KSS] and [KEA]: if step with the
analysis in the standard Of [mastopatiya] before tuning by 2 and after tuning by 3-6, then the discussion
deals for the sake of the existing pathology, remaining variants are considered as the tendencies before the
forming of process.


Marks pretty good reflect localization of processes. Standards maxillary sinusitus,

Sinusitis more frequently they work as hyperdiagnostics in the case of rhinitis. Bronchial asthma

also can leave as hyper-diagnosis (with low [KSS]) in the case of allergic rhinitis.
It is necessary to focus attention on graphs.
2, 6 connective tissue (chondral tissue) of bronchi, vessels;
4, 9 smooth musculature of bronchi (spasms);
6, 6 mucous trachea and bronchi;
7, 4 alveolar tissue.
We recommend to attentively examine the standards of acute and chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma.
Dark-blue peak against frequency 2, 6 speaks about the productive reaction based on the side of
chondral tissue, the expressed divergence turn blue and red line with the predominance turn blue above the red
- about the chronic process with the growth and the fibrosis formation of chondral tissue. Red peak

against frequency 2, 6 about the presence of allergic reaction or angiospasm.

The predominance of the red line above turn blue against frequency 4, 9, especially in the form peak,
he speaks about the bronchospasm.
Dark-blue peak against frequency 6, 6 speaks about the productive reaction based on the side of the
mucous of bronchi; predominance against this frequency of the red line above turn blue he speaks about
atrophic changes in the mucous trachea and bronchi.
Predominance turn blue line above the red against frequency 7, 2 it tells about the productive reaction
based on the side of alveoli; the predominance of the red line above turn blue, especially in the form peak about the emphysema.
This analysis can help before the diagnosis of bronchial asthma, if in chronic asthmatic is not

obtained diagnosis bronchial asthma before the upper lines of the list of standards.
Frequently leaves diagnosis pulmonary tuberculosis. Diagnosis is very possible, if it will be confirmed
by the presence of low [KSS] in mycobacterium of tuberculosis. It can speak about significant reduction in the
immunity, high risk of catarrhal diseases.
ATTENTION: Beginning based on the cardiovascular system to use [organopreperaty] for the
diagnosis it is impossible.

THE HEART - most frequently above stand the standards, connected for the sake of the disturbance of
the tone of vessels.
If above stands hypertonia or hypotonia that is very probable corresponding diagnosis (80-90 0) or
vegetovascular dystonia about the appropriate type. If these standards stand by a number, then more probable
than [VSD] about the mixed type. The determination of tone sometimes causes complexities. It is necessary to
remember that the picture before the dynamics, in the first place, with the diagnosis is considered, moreover
relative to the individual standard of patient. In the second place, next confronting diagnoses hypotension
and hypertonic disease they tell in favor [normotonii]. Therefore to avoid awkward situations is
recommended to ask in patient, there has he a hypertonia and to bring in this diagnosis beside anamnesis.
Standard arrhythmia it is necessary to treat as any disturbances of rhythm. Data on the marks very

frequently will be joined with the data of EKG. Works well standard the defect of heart.
It is necessary to carry out the fine adjustment of diagnosis myocardial dystrophy. In favor the spasm
of coronary vessels and ischemic disturbances unambiguously speaks the presence of red peak against
frequency 2, 6. at the point of the presence of cardiosclerosis speaks the presence of diagnosis
atherosclerosis before the upper part of the list.
Presence 4, 5 and 6 on the myocardium of left ventricle before the picture transverse section of heart,
especially in combination with the damage of valves or the diagnoses hypertonic disease or vegetovascular
dystonia, if are excluded diagnoses myocardial dystrophy and ischemic disease of heart speaks about the
hypertrophy of the myocardium of left ventricle. Also for the diagnosis of the hypertrophy of the myocardium
of left ventricle it is possible to use a diagnosis sub-aortal stenosis.

Diagnosis [Revmokardit] it is used for the diagnosis of any inflammatory damage of the myocardium,
including as a result of viral infection, but not only rheumatic genesis.
For the diagnosis to [nedostatochno]c[ti] potassium is recommended the using of a diagnosis ex of
juvantibus with the allopathic preparation Of asparcam.


Basic diagnosis is conducted concerning the marks - what regular elements of the blood have dark entropy
marks (4, 5 and 6). The damage of erythrocytes speaks not only about the anemia, but also about hypoxia,

disturbances of oxidation-reduction processes, intoxications, disturbances of lipid metabolism. The damage of

monocytes is connected for the sake of the disturbances of humoral immunity, the autoimmune or allergic
reactions mainly of [virusnogogo], protozoal or parasitic origin. The damages of lymphocytes are connected
for the sake of the disturbances of tissue immunity, the chronic inflammation, mainly bacterial origin. The
damage of leukocytes speaks about the sharp inflammation. Is effective diagnosis in combination with the
diagnosis ex of juvantibus. The state of anemia is diagnosed with the use of homeopathic preparation
FERRUM JODATUM, the disturbances of immunity, caused by parasitic and viral infections - allopathic
preparation DECARIS and [parafarmatsevtikom] PAU D' ARCO, the disturbance of oxidation-reduction
processes - homeopathic preparation BARIUM OXALSUCCINICUM, and so forth it is important to select the
preparation, whose graphs are maximally similar down the graphs of patient.

THE THYROID GLAND - for refining the diagnosis it is necessary to use visualization. If are damaged
predominantly vessels and connective tissues, then speech, most likely, about chronic thyroiditis. Work well
standards HYPOTHYROIDISM, THYROTOXICOSIS. Diagnosis is conducted concerning [KSS], entropy
analysis and [vegeto]- test (it helps for the sake of the plan of the differential diagnosis of hypothyroidism and
thyrotoxicosis). The situation, when hypothyroidism and thyrotoxicosis after fine adjustment remain closely
down each other, they estimate as [normofunktsiyu]. It is possible to determine the level of

[triyodtironina] before the biochemical homeostasis.

THE ADRENAL GLANDS - before the diagnosis is used mainly visualization (MK to the right) and
diagnosis ex of juvantibus.
The internal (cerebral) part of the adrenal glands manufactures predominantly adrenaline and
noradrenaline, it is the marker of nervous breakdown; presence 4-6 is possible with the problems with the
the inner (reticulated) layer of the adrenal cortex manufactures androgens in essence, its damages in
young women are connected for the sake of the [giperandrogeniey], in the women of middle age - with
climacteric reconstruction, in men - with the disturbance of potential and [libido];
the average (cluster) layer of the adrenal cortex - manufactures predominantly glucocorticoids

(hydrocortisone), in women it is connected for the sake of the increase AD before the climacteric period and
obesity, in men - in essence with the stomach ulcer and of duodenum, obesity;
the outer (ball) layer of the adrenal cortex - manufactures in essence mineralocorticoids (aldosterone),
the disturbance of its function causes the disturbances of water-salt metabolism and connected for the sake of
this arterial hypertension with the high diastolic pressure or, on the contrary, hypotonia, and also edematic
syndrome, the problem of joints, lithogenesis.
PITUITARY GLAND - diagnosis, as in the adrenal glands, goes on the marks (picture OF THE CELLS
OF ADENOHYPOPHYSIS) and ex juvantibus.
HYPOTHALAMUS - nuclei, marks on which frequently will be joined with the problems of patient.

SPINAL CORD - is conducted visualization on the picture of the membranes of spinal cord.
BRAIN - diagnosis neurasthenia is better before the conclusion to design as asthenoneurotic state. For
the diagnosis of epilepsy to use standards convulsive syndrome or [Mioklonusepilepsiya] remaining
standards concern the vascular system of brain. The increased intracranial pressure is determined as far as the
state of the ventricles of brain.

If there are complaints on the pain before the joints, is better to use not only pictures of joints, but also
picture articulate surface. Diagnosis is conducted additionally still and ex juvantibus: preparation
ARTEPARON - with the metabolic-dystrophic injuries of joints; preparation METHYLPREDNISOLON - for
the autoimmune injuries; preparation IBUPROFEN or other antipyretic preparations - for the inflammatory
injuries. Usually by the marks of the problem of joints are designated well, especially side injuries.

Present the most difficult problem for the diagnosis as a result of the fact that these processes they

possess the very low vibration frequency. It before the majority of the cases is " occluded by more highfrequency processes - inflammation and others; therefore it is possible directly to diagnose at the point of
[onkopatologiyu] sufficiently rarely. It cannot be excluded, if:
* without the fine adjustment [KSS] of [onkoetalona] it is less than 1, 200,
* [KSS] composes even 1,500, in this case it is better to conduct a good checking with the use of all
existing substances.
* marks 4-6 on the pictures monocyte and lymphocyte, which ex juvantibus are diagnosed by
antioxidant substances and by cytostatics (even if there is no typical picture of malignant disease);
* the recurrence of 2-3 times of very unfavorable results on the examination as a whole (is many 5 and
6), especially if this is confirmed as far as the presence of [onkogenov] before the chromosomes.


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