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Mass Media - a

Necessary Evil

What is it?
The variety of means and
technics in wich we as a mass
are informed and/or influenced.
Means of mass comunications

Why Necessary?
It provides us with a view of the
world outside, in our cozy
Global exchange of information
and knowledge.
Increases an overall awareness
of the masses.
Helps us know about the day-today events in the world.
Increases the social awareness
in people.

Why Evil?
Can change the attitudes and beliefs of the
common man.
The persuasive nature of the media content.
Influences the youth through advertisment of
a need to bee cool.
Obesity is on the rise for kids who plant
themselves in front of the TV, PS, X-box etc.
The media can influence one to do things that
aren't moral(violence, drugs, alcohol).
In Romania more than 60% of media content
is monden(scandals, celebrities showing off).
It can influence ones political views.

Thank you!

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