Feb Family Artifact

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By Natalie Harrison







1 1 FA.1.46
Rhythmic in the
Make rhythmic
patterns with kitchen
supplies: cheese
grater, hitting the
table with a spoon,
turning a pan upside
down and making
your own drums.

2 M.1.44 Piaget's
Stages of Cognitive
Mix one egg, and flour
together to make dough.
Place of cup of dough
into 2 separate cups. Tell
the child there is the
same amount of dough
in each cup. Take of
cup of dough make it into
little balls and then place
them in a line. Take
another cup of dough
and roll it into what looks
like a tootsie roll. Ask the
child which one has
more and why?
Using water measure
cup of water in two
different types of
measuring cups. Tell the
child there is the same
about of water in this cup
as that cup. Ask the
child which one has
more and why?

3 SE.4.33 String
Learn how sound
travels! Using two
cups punch a hole
in the middle of
each cup. Push
the string in the
middle and tie a
knot in each cup.

4 SE.5.22
Shadow Stories.
Turn off all the
lights and have
someone hold the
flash light (lamp) .
As the story being
told use shadows
to show what is
being told in the

5 SE.1.34 Arg Pirate

Roll foil into a small
hook. Adults, using a
knife cut an X on the
bottom of the cup and
pull the foil through.
Talk to each other
about why some
pirates have hooks?

6 SE.5.20 Dancing Months

Singing the Months but
adding a dance to help
remember them.
January you put out your
right hand. February you put
out your left hand.
March you flip over your right
hand. April you flip over your
left hand. May put your right
hand over your heart June
left arm across your right
arm. July right hand on head.
August left hand on head.
September right hand to
stomach. October left hand to
stomach. November right
hand on your back the back.
December left hand on your
back. Then you say Now we
spin around."

7 SE.5.11
With a marker
draw a shape
on a
er plate. Take
a needle put
thread through
(tooth pick
with dental
floss taped
on), Up and
down through
the plate.

8 SS.3.13
Why does it
Fill the cup with
water. Put
shaving cream on
top (Cloud).
Explain when the
cloud gets heavy
it rains (food

9 ELA.4.139
Create a Love Bug.
Create your own love bug.
Using any thing you can
find, however the bug must
be able to stand on its own.

Visit the Library and look

up the different kinds of
bugs from the big ones
to the smallest one.

16 SE.4.45 Bowling
Bowling with toilet
paper and a ball.

10 10 SS.2.15 Send
a Heart.
Take a piece of
paper and fold it in
half. Place your
hand on the paper
where your thumb
and pointer finger
are touching the
folded part of the
paper. Cut the
hands out.

11. ELA.6.13 Little

things that count.
On a piece of a
paper write the
happiest moment in
your life and why?
When everyone is
done read what you

12 12 SC.1.71 The Penny

Experiment: Ten pennies
in water, ten in soap &
water, and ten pennies in
two teaspoon of salt &
cup of vinegar for ten
minutes. Which cleaned
the pennies the best?
Would the results change if
you rinse them with water?

13 SS.2.8 Musical Hearts.

Cut on at least 20 hearts.
Write simple but fun ideas.
Ex: Hula dance, Do the crab
walk, Robot dance, 5 pushups etc. and place them on
the floor words down in a
circle. Play some musical,
when the music stops flip
your heart and do what's on
the other side.

14 SS.1.1
Love Tales.
Listen and
share stories
about how and
when your
parents met.
What about
when your
met? Also, visit
the Library to
pick a book
about poems.

15 SE.5.4 Release
the Mummies.
Wrap a person up
using toilet paper.
When finished let the
mummy break free.
After everyone has
had a turn. Grab the
toilet paper that was
used for the
mummies and throw it
into the air.

17 SS.2.4 The
America Flag.
Talk about the
colors of the flag
and what the stripes
and the stars
represent. Draw a
picture of the flag,
using at least one
3D piece.

18 SS.1.7
Remember a new
Come up with a
song with movement
to remember the
days of the week.

19 M.5.18 Measuring
without a tape measure.
Apples (may use cans or
blocks) used as a tape
measure, how many
apples tall are you?
Record your answers. Use
other items and record
your answers.

20 20 P.1.9 Ring Toss

Take a paper towel roll (or
two toilet paper rolls taped
together). Tape the roll to a
piece of cardboard. Cut the
center out of paper plates.
Each team playing will need
two plates to participate.
Once you have cut the center
out you much then color your
teams color onto the two

21 SE.4.33
Indoor games.
Masking tape
(or toilet paper)
indoor games,
bowling, tic-tactoe, guard the

22 SC.1.66
Could you be a
Move carefully
through the toilet
paper spider web.

23 23 FA. 1.96 Dance to

the Music
Come turn the music up
and dance at Bonnie &
Sherries ( once a month)
from 6-8. Ex. Chicken
dance, Eye of the Tiger,
Hokey pokey, and Etc.

24 ELA.8.78 Play
Write down words
and put them in a
bowl. Without
saying a word, act
out what is written
on the paper.

25 ELA.3.12
Water Walking
Two cups, one on
a higher step with
food coloring and
water, with a
paper towel in it to
the other cup.

26 FA.1.80 Shaving
Cream Art
Add shaving cream on a
plate. Then add a couple
of drops of food coloring
and mix the colors around
just a bit using stick (pen,
pencil, etc.) Put the paper
over the plate and press
Peel it up
and scrape
off the
cream with an old credit
card (stick etc.)

27 SE.5.112 Family
Family portrait using toilet
paper rolls and paper.

28 M.4.27
Use a brown &
white egg (food
coloring on one
of the eggs)
Talk about how
they are similar
and different.

Work Cited

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