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Sean Dapiran

English 10H/Period 0
16 Sept 2014
Memories that Live On

As the sun dawns everyday, Time consumes,

replenishing its hunger for our fate.
The moon slides up and Time rises to doom
families, and to continue its sate.
Fathers and mothers alone in the grave
no one to remember their glory days,
But the kin, take the memories and save
these precious moments in which they can stay.
Not only are they taken, but retold.
Those recalled, allow life where death has grown.
Time, it can take the lives of our household,
but it cant take the memories passed on.
Through our kins minds, we are able to live,
as if we have been taken and revived.


In Sonnet 1, Time wants to take away the elders in life; Through children, the elders live
on forever. William Shakespeares use of realistic imagery helps surprisingly deliver what life is
depicted as. When Shakespeare uses words like fairest creatures and desire he means that
humans desire creatures, meaning that humans want and need children. The children are used so
that beautys rose might never die, the rose, being the elders that have long since passed.
Inside, the child might bear his memory and remember the good times he/she had with the
elder. When the time comes though, the child, now grown will have his own bud and buriest
thy content. Then they will be able to pass on their memories or using the word niggarding
which means someone who is stingy, the now grown child might take the memories with them.
Never sharing them with anyone causing them to figuratively eat the worlds due, by the grave
and thee. In the uttermost end, humans want their memories to be treasured forever. Because if
you are dead and your memories are passed on, you are able to live eternally. Sadly, the next
generation is able to steal your memories and take them with them, into the grave.

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