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Read Aloud Lesson Plan

Grade: Kindergarten
The purpose of this lesson is for the student to learn how to use comprehension and
identify vocabulary in the picture book Please Take Me for a Walk by Susan Gal.
Specifically, the student will learn how to accurately use prediction when looking at a
front cover of a book. The student will also be able to learn the meaning of new
vocabulary words within the book.

K.8 The student will expand vocabulary.

a) Discuss meanings of words.

b) Develop vocabulary by listening to a variety of texts read aloud.


K.9 The student will demonstrate comprehension of fictional texts.

a) Identify what an author does and what an illustrator does.

b) Relate previous experiences to what is read.

c) Use pictures to make predictions.

d) Begin to ask and answer questions about what is read.

e) Use story language in discussions and retellings.

f) Retell familiar stories, using beginning, middle, and end.

g) Discuss characters, setting, and events.

The student will be able to use accurate prediction of the story given the cover page and
title of the book Please Take Me for a Walk.
The student will be able to identify new vocabulary such as florist, greengrocer, baker,
bookseller, and butcher given the worksheet.
a. Introduction

Today we are going to read a book called Please Take Me for a Walk by
Susan Gal. We are going to learn how to use prediction to make us better
readers. Can anyone tell me what they think making a prediction about a
book means?
Great guesses! Making a prediction means using the clues on the front
page to make our best guess on what we think the story is going to be
Before reading activity: Lets make a prediction about this book. I want to
know what you guys think this book is going to be about. You are going
to show me this by drawing a picture and writing below what you think
that this book is going to be about.
Give the students a paper that says I think and ask them to copy this
then write down what they think is going to happen in the book. (Visual)
After they are done allow each student to talk about what they think the
story is going to be about by reading their sentence. (Auditory)
Write down what they were trying to write below their sentence.

b. Development

Talk about the author and illustrator of the book.

After page 13 say: What are some of the reasons that the dog wanted to go
on a walk? Write down what each student says.
Now we are going to talk about some of the words that are used in the
book that may be unfamiliar to you. These are new vocabulary words to
us. Go to the page where it says I want to say hello to the florist, the
greengrocer, the baker, the bookseller, and the butcher.
Ask each student to guess what each job is based on the picture.
A florist is someone who works at a flower shop and who takes care of the
flowers. A greengrocer is someone who sells fruit and vegetables at a
market. A baker is someone who works in the bakery and makes the bread
and pastries. A book seller is someone who sells books. Lastly, a butcher
is a someone who cuts up and sells meat. (Auditory)
During reading activity: Then hand out the worksheet to the students.
Have the words already cut out: Florist, Greengrocer, Baker, Bookseller,
and Butcher for each student. Then ask them to glue the word to the
picture that matches. For example, the word Florist will go by the picture
of the flower. (Visual)
After they are done say: We just worked on learning new vocabulary.
Vocabulary is learning what words mean. For example, we learned that a
florist is someone who works at a flower shop.
Continue to read the rest of the book.
For the strugglers: For the worksheet, they can have the page from the
book in front of them. This page has a picture of each of the vocabulary

words so that they can have something to reference to. If struggling with
prediction, point out the picture of the dog on the cover.
For advanced: If the student finishes his or her worksheet early, ask them
to draw a picture on the back of the worksheet of how they think the story
is going to end and ask them why they think that. Tell them to make the
best prediction based off of what has already happened so far.

c. Summary

So today we learned two new words: prediction and vocabulary!

What does prediction mean? Prediction means using clues on the cover of
a book to make a guess as to what we think the story is going to be about.
What does new vocabulary mean? It is learning the meaning of a word.

Strips of paper saying: florist, greengrocer, baker, bookseller, and butcher
Lined paper


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