Task Four (Autosaved) 4 pdf4

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Classroom Management: Managing Behavior

Let the student sit in front of the board is a good habit. On of the reason, they will pay
attention more so, the student will not be distracted. Actually, this is what my MST doing, she
always tells their student to sit on the carpet. Everyone has a strategies, and my MST strategy
is, if student makes noisy in the class plus, speak while the teacher talk immediately she asks
the student to leave the group and sit at the bake. In our class room there is enough spice that
teacher and student walk around the class. There is a list of the class rules which include 6 rules
also it is stated in the positive way plus, clear and easy to understand. My MST is very welcome
to her student when they arrive the class she hugs them. My MTS praise her students when
they do something good such us, I like the way of Sum sit she said. On other hand, she pikes all
students except the noisy last. MST teach her student a good behavior mode, for example if
she teaches while someone talk with other student immediately she stops s/he and say this is
unrespect so you should not do this next time or she asks the student to sit at the back. As we
know children are noisy in this age, so the teacher moves in the class and she does not stand
near the student, as I said that she lit the student to sit at the bake so they know why the
teacher asked them to sit at the back. To get good learners in the future, the teacher must
encourage student by using reword system. For instance, my MST uses reword system like, I
like the way of Sum sit, and this is effective because the child will do more good things when
the teacher praise them, in addition of that they will improve their behavior too. In fact, in the
class there are some poster which explain the students behavior. Actually, my MST sing a song
(stop, look, and listen then she clap her hand). However, the helper uses a timbre in the
playground area. Always my teacher say the negative the positive comments such us, before
the student line up she choose the student I like the way of Fatima sit if she choose the student
while s/he walk and speak she says this is not a good habit then she asks to sit bake and in the
end she choose again. As we know children are noisy in this age, so the teacher moves in the
class and she does not stand near the student, as I said that she lit the student to sit at the bake
so they know why the teacher asked them to sit at the back. Honestly, my MST smile with her
students and she treats the students like her children also the students react are smile, huge
and share their events with the teacher. Honestly, my MST smile with her students and she
treats the students like her children also the students react are smile, huge and share their
events with the teacher. Always my MST choose the students to answer the questions because
she needs to give each students chance, also to know the students level.

1- Watch how the children react when they are praised or
They feel very proud of themselves.

2-Watch how they both act when they are learning or

working in groups.
They share the ideas plus correct the mistakes of each others.

3- What is the effect on the entire class when a child

Write several sentences about what you observed and what you think about it.

The other children will learn and do what s/he did.

4- Which strategies does your teacher use with these

children that you think are most effective in managing the
lit the student to sit at the bake because the children will feel

1- Why is it important to be PROACTIVE when trying to
manage the behavior in your class?
take more responsibility for their learning and behavior.

2- What is the effect on the students if there is a lot of

misbehavior in the classroom?
The student will not respect so thwy will do what ever they like
and they will learn plus will do the same thing(copy).

3- Which of the behavior management strategies do you

think are the most important ones? Why?
lit the student to sit at the bakes alone however, they will know
and learn this is wrong.

Which one does your MST do really well?

line the students up.

Group work

classroom rules

Pajamas party

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