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Joseph Menditto

6th Grade Lesson Plan:Quicksilver March(3/23-27)

TEKS: 117.33. Music, Grade 6. 6.2B- The student sings or plays an instrument, individually
and in groups, performing a varied repertoire of music. The student is expected to perform
expressively, from memory and notation, a varied repertoire of music representing styles from
diverse cultures.
Objective: The student will produce rhythms and dynamics of music through counting, clapping,
and playing of music.
Materials: Drum pad, sticks, and metronome.

Quicksilver March
1. Count and Clap mm.1-20
a) Teacher will model first four bars
b) Students will count and clap first four bars
- Teacher will listen for students starting at forte and decrescendo mm. 4
c) Teacher will model mm. 5-8
d) Students will count and clap mm. 5-8
- Teacher listen for mezzo forte dynamic
e) Teacher will model mm. 9-20
f) Students will count and clap mm. 9-20
2. Play on pads mm.1-20
a) Teacher will model how to play rhythms on pad
- I would like for you to count and play your part at the same time so we know
how to line up our rhythms with the metronome.
b) Students will play first four bars
- Listen for starting dynamic and decrescendo
c) Students will play mm. 4-8
- Listen for starting dynamic
d) Students will play mm.1-8
- Listen for any errors and repeat as many times necessary
e) Students will play mm.9-12
f) Students will play mm. 13-20
g) Students will play mm. 9-20
- Make sure dynamics stay at a mezzo forte

- Listen for any errors and repeat as many times necessary

h) Students will play mm. 1-20
- Listen for any errors in rhythm and dynamics.
- Watch students hand technique and stroke
- Watch stick patterns
3. Mm. 21-28
a) Teacher will explain how to play mm.21-28
- When hitting on the rim you need to play a little lighter.
- When doing the crescendo in mm. 28 you need to start your sticks at the edge
and move to the center.
b) Teacher will demonstrate how to play mm. 21-28 as students count along
c) Students will play mm. 21-28
- Listen and watch for any errors.
- Repeat as many times as necessary.
4. Mm. 29-36
a) Teacher will demonstrate section while students count along
- The rhythms you see in this section are nothing new.
b) Students will play mm. 29-36
- Listen and watch for any errors.
- Repeat as many times as necessary.

5. Play mm. 21-36

a) Students will play mm.21-36
- Listen and watch for any errors.
- Play as many times as necessary.
6. Mm. 37- End
a) Teacher will explain how to play accents
- The accents should be a dynamic level louder. When you play the accents do
not hit harder, instead raise your stick height. Accents are a change in height.
b) Teacher will demonstrate mm. 37-end as students count along
c) Students will play mm. 37-end
- Listen and watch for any errors.
- Repeat as many times as necessary.
7. Play mm. 21- end
a) Students will play mm.21- end
- Listen and watch for any errors.
- Play as many times as necessary.
8. Play whole piece
a) Students will perform whole piece
- Listen and watch for any errors.

Play as many times as necessary.

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