Guiding Principles Const

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Guiding principles in systems constellations

>> Preserving the overall system and its members.
Right to belong somewhere
>> A place for everybody in the system, reintegrating excluded or
disregarded system members.
Time sequence
a. in systems:
>> what is earlier comes before what is later
b. between systems:
>> the younger system comes before the older system
Skills, expertise
Meta principles:
1. What is given must be acknowledged.
2. The order of the sequence of application of the principles.
3. The relationship / balance between taking and giving.

compiled by M. Varga v. Kibd & I. Sparrer according to B. Hellingers concepts

modified by S. Essen & C. Blumenstein-Essen & G.L. Baxa
2011 All rights reserved. Christine Blumenstein-Essen & Guni Leila Baxa

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