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Mitul intreprinzatorului Michael



Mitul intreprinzatorului si
micile afaceri in Statele

Intreprinzatorul, managerul
si tehnicianul

Main ideas
15 minutes of fame (then silence)
False myths: entrepreneur spirit, fatal supposal (if you
understand the technological activity, you also understand
the business based on technology).

Copilaria etapa

Being 3 professionals in the same time: entrepreneur,

manager and technician, but no one wants to have a boss,
just to be one.
Entrepreneur- exceptional, brilliant, dreamer, the
energetic, the change, future.
Changing makes him faster, and the others cant keep it
up. That is why people are the ones who stop him from
achieving his dreams.
Manager- planning, order, foreseeing, past-present.
Technician- active work.
Business works as owner wants, in contradiction to what
the business needs.
Tehnician does not want to grow or to change the
business, he only wants to work.
Childhood stage: you are your own business, almost
always named after you.

Adolescenta: iti iei ajutoare

Getting help: pay attention of what kind of help you take.

In afara zonei de comfort

Reducing the activity back to childhood stage when you

were working alone.
Straight into bankruptcy
Survival after adolescence period you must be there

Maturitatea si perspectiva

Key word: the perspective

Entrepreneurial perspective: the best businesses have
already a business model which works perfectly, business
is important: how it looks like, how is acting, how realizes
its goals.
Entrepreneurial model: business is a product on a shelve
where it compete with other products in order to attract
clients attention.

Revolutia afacerilor la cheie

Selling the business instead of the product

Prototipul francizei

Keywords: discipline, standardizing, order.

Lucreaza la afacerea ta, nu

Business vs. life

in afacerea ta

Be the one who will be copied by the others.

Value, create a system which will work instead of persons,
order, rules (guides, how to, DIY), maintain the same
standard every time, buyers behavior (marketing


Procesul de dezvoltare a

Innovation, quantification, standardizing.


Programul dumneavoastra
pentru dezvoltarea afacerii

Scopul fundamental
Obiectivul strategic - what must be done in order to
achieve fundamental goal.
Strategia organizatorica organigrama propriu-zisa
Strategia de management- sistem- instrument de
marketing-manualul de operatiuni.
Strategia de personal scop fundamental, obiectiv
strategic, strategia organizatorica, strategia de
Strategia de marketing- client.
Strategia sistemelor- sisteme materiale, sisteme de
actiune (structura-ce faceti si substanta-cum faceti),
sisteme informationale.
Prezentarea pentru stabilirea intalnirii: produs-control.
Prezentarea analizei necesitatilor:repetitie, procedura aleasa
de client, castigarea credibilitatii, descrierea propriu-zisa
subliniind impactul asupra clientului, face to face meeting.
Prezentarea solutiilor.

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