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Texas A&M UniversityCommerce

Daily Lesson Plan Form

Teacher: Ms. Nicole Acosta

Subject: Painting/Art

Grade Level: 9-12

Mentor: Mr. Clumpner

Campus/District: RISD

Date: 01/28/2015

Overall Goal of Lesson: To be able to the watercolor medium and create a narrative piece.
Instructional Objectives:
1. Students will demonstrate techniques shown by creating their own demo work sheets.
2. Students will apply color theory and use of medium in order to paint a still life to become more
accustomed to the medium.
3. Students will create an original comic book strip by implementing watercolor techniques.
4. Students will create a narrative for their comic book strip or full page spread.
Texas Essential Knowledge & Skills (TEKS) &
Key Vocabulary: Watercolor, color theory,
ELPS: (typed out completely)
techniques, demonstration, gradated, variegated,
Higher Order Questions:
1. Are you going to represent a villain or hero within your narrative?
2. Will the character or characters have a personal resemblance of you, your community, fear, dream,
fantasy or environmental awareness?
3. How will you show your viewers the message conveyed through your comic strip?
Student Activities:
Create technique demos
Using watercolor paint a still life
Sketch out Comic ideas
Final Sketch
Critique finished comic artwork/narrative(Keep in mind the following: Scaffolding, Independent or Cooperative
activities, Groupings, Reading, Writing, Listening, Hands-On/Minds-On, Connections to previous
knowledge, etc)

Modifications/ELL Strategies

Time Allotted
Intro and Demo: 10-20mins
Techniques by students: 1015 mins

Anticipatory Activity for Lesson:

Teacher Input/Lesson Activity:

Still Life Session: 50mins

Introduction and Demonstration
Will show techniques before and after completely dried.

Sketches: 50+

Guided Practice: Assist students, use demos as reference for students.

Final Project: 50+

Independent Practice:
1. Student will make technique cards for personal reference.
Lesson Closure:
1. Critique finished comic strip, page or layout.
Assessment Methods/Strategies:
Rubric (?)
1. Work Process
2. Sketches
3. Cleaning
4. Techniques
5. Application of Color
6. Narrative

Resources (supplies, equipment, software, etc.):

1. Power Point Slides of Watercolorists
2. Comic book artists and strips.
Reflection: TBD

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