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Atlas Class Heavy Cruiser

Class and Type: Atlas class Heavy Cruiser

Commissioning Date: 2243
Hull Characteristics

Size: 9

Resistance: 17

Structure Points: 180

Operations Characteristics

Crew/Passengers/Evac: 86/270/6000
12 pwr per rnd

Computers: 3
3 pwr per rnd

Hangers: 4 ea with 2 UD-4L dropship

8 pwr per rnd

Cargo: 18 APC and 12 MBT

Propulsion and Power Characteristics

Jump Drive: 0 .68 ly per day

150 pwr per rnd

Interplanetary Drive: 0.23/0.76 AU per day

110/140 pwr per rnd

Pwr :170 / Range: 7.5 Months

Sensor System

Long Range Sensors: +1 / 0.21(ship size)2x AU

12 pwr per rnd

Short range sensors: +1 / 1.12(ship size)2 x 10000 km

14 pwr per rnd

Navigational sensors: +1
15 pwr per rnd
Weapon Systems

XIM-25 Missile system

Number: 16
Range: 12.72 AU
Arc: All
Accuracy: 1
Damage: 40
Spread: 2
Defense: -5
Prw: 12

1250 MeV Particle Beam system

Number: 3
Range: 125000/250000/400000
Arc fwd
Accuracy: +1
Damage: 16 ignores resistance
Pwr: 20

MK62 85mm Railguns

Number: 6 in 2 dorsal and one ventral dual mount turrets
Range: 30000/100000/250000
Arc: turett
Accuracy: +1 atp/+2 aep
Damage: 35 atp / 22 aep
Ammunition: 162 rds atp / 72 rds aep
Pwr: 6

37 low yield tactical nuclear devices: 5 MT
18 City buster Nuclear devices: 300 MT
170 Conventionnel MA80 Mines Damage 25

Weapon Skill 5
Defensive Systems

ECM Jammer : 2 to hit

Point defence: Mk26 dual 25mm Phanlanx Skill 3/ +2 Accuracy

Slightly Stealthy contact: multiply all sensor and weapon ranges by 0.85

Pwr: 15
Heaviest direct fire combat vessel fielded by the marines. It is an older design but remains unmatched in most encounters. The
seasoned nature of its electronics is evident by the large amount of power consumed by each system. Newer ships have become

more economical with their consumption. Vessel is only deployed when battle is imminent, seldom if ever used as a patrol or
picket ship, the costs are simply too high.

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