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Relationships in the Coral reef


Commensalismex: Sea Cucumber and Pearlfish

Competitionex: Spanish Dancer slug and Sea Sponge
Cooperation/Neutralismex: Manta Ray and Suckerfish
Mutualsismex: Anemone and Clownfish
Paratismex: Seas Spider and Table Coral
Predator>preyex: Humpback Whale and small fish

Food Chains in the Coral Reef

1. Golden Algea< Lobster< Nurse Shark
2. Algea< Shrimp< Sea Turtle
3. Hematypic Coral< Parrotfish< Bottlenose Dolphin< Great White
4. Coral Moss< Parrotfish< Bottlenose Dolphin
5. Phytoplankton< Zooplankton<Fanworm

Population Increase Vs Decrease

Producer: PLANKTON
-If plankton populations incresed in the coral reef the poopulation of
phytoplankton would decrease.
-If plankton populations were to decrease, fish populations would
decrease and phytoplankton populations would increase.
Consumer: STARFISH
-If starfish populations increased clam and oyster populations would
-If starfish populations decreased clam and oyster populations would
increase and manta ray populations would decrease.

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