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An example of a Roman Literature, this is a story of the great warrior that died for
the freedom of his city in the curse of a dragon. This story is started in the place of
Heorot ruled by King Hrothgar . King Hrothgar announced that they will have some
celebration for their success in many battles, but one night in the middle of the
party a monster came and ruined the celebration by killing some of King Hrothgar
warriors. And in the other city a warrior name Beowulf heard the story of the
monster destruction and he said to himself that he want to help King Hrothgar by
killing the monster so he went to travel and took some of his warrior to help him
fight the monster, when they enter to the Heorot the watchman stops Beowulf by
entering the city and ask Beowulf what is his purpose in coming here in Heorot
,Beowulf told that he wants to help King Hrothgar by killing the monster. The
watchman believe in Beowulf so he said that he will ask some danes to watch
Beowulf ships and will follow him to go to King Horthgar

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