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Bullying Within the LGBTQ Community

Samantha Pedri
Ethics and Values 3810

Bullying 2

Bullying Within the LGBTQ Community

I am choosing my topic on bullying, more specifically bullying in the LGBTQ
community. The acronym for this community goes beyond LGBTQ but for what society is
familiar with I will stick with these groups of individuals. The LGBTQ community consist of
lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning/queer. This is a huge population of people
who face a lot of problems within society. This group faces issues mostly with religion, they are
judged and ridiculed for their behavior, or choices. It is an issue for these individuals but
also for their families and loved ones.
I chose this topic for two reasons. One, It is very close to my heart, I am a firm believer
for equality. Everyone should be treated equally no matter who they are. I was once bullied to the
point of depression, so this is where my heart falls into this subject. Two, bullying in general is a
social problem we face today in any group or demographic of people which needs to be a higher
priority socially to solve. I do not think that people understand the outcomes or long term effects
of bullying. These groups of people face not only bullying but groups who fight against them,
who verbally and/or physically abuse them. Society is blind to the social problem and advocates
for change when we are the ones creating the issues at hand.
The community I picked specifically makes my subject less broad but serves a great
interest to me to either help serve in my field of interest of mental health. I also have interest
with working with adolescent teens who are struggling with their sexuality in terms to this
community. The struggle these teens fight is existent and it needs to be stopped. Regardless of
peoples religious beliefs, it was never stated that God or a higher power or leader wished pain
upon an individual.

Bullying 3
I will only hope to learn from this assignment to better me for either my field work, or
whatever I choose to do, but also just to educate myself more on this topic. I would like to use
this information I find to better myself as a social worker but also as a person. I would like to
find better understanding of the issue of why it is happening as well.

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