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PREFACE The erection manual for "AFBC BOILER" Package issued by Power Sector Technical Services - HQ NOIDA is typical and prepared teased on experience of AFBC Boiler (100 vh) Jindal Steel & Power. Raigerh (Madhya Pradesh). It provides broad guidelines for Erection of Atmaspheric Fluidized Bed Combustion Boiler This can also be treated as a standard erection manual for guidelines on the subject. For a specific project, the relevant drawings, documents, contractual terms are only applicable Feed back and suggestions from the users are solicited for futher improvements, AFBC BOILER ERECTION “Te olowing codtfcaton system is Lse0 for numbering of instucions anaine costication of Leg Sheets is as per FOA cocument. xx x x xx ~ x Ara Nene uronic nermere —Numere Neh. eee ee ee | | Ngee tn | | Lpedgsne sot | system Designation |__faeng otMeinEavomant ee 1.1 Product Code 8 = Boiler BA + Boller Aux T ‘utine a Turvine Ax, s Generator GA Ganorater Aue P= Power Plant Pioing a cal TWharat Heavy Electricals Limited 10f3 fer, 00 tar2000 : AFBC BOER UL ERECTION 1.2 Type of Manual Commissioning operation Maintenance 13. Rating of Main Equipment a « 03 04 os 6 o” os oo 10 13 1s 16 7 16 zoae10 MW maw uw naw ww Mw 235 MW soo Mw 210 MW 120 MW 0 MW 7 Mw Inoustal Units 210 mw 210 Mw 300 MW 20 MW cop CODIFICATION | FOR STRUCTION NO. KWU Design WU Design KW Desgn KWU Design KW Oasion Tower Type Concrte Pyion Tower Type Stee! Structure “Tower Tyne Once through 122000 ERECTION FOR bie AFBC BOILER CODIFICATION (INSTRUCTION NO. 44 System Designation Supporting Sttucure Pressure Parts Fine Fitings Valves and Soot Blowers Ducts, Dampers & Gates Pulverised Fue! Piping Fuel i Firing System Equioment Unig and insuation Recommended Major Erection Equipment ; Estimated Procuct Group Weignts eer Boiler Inputs to Erection Engineers eBsSIRgRR Bee General Satery Guide Lines 18 Type of instruction 6 General T Teennicat L Log Sheet c Check tist ee Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited 30f? Rev. 12/2000 AFBC BOILER ERECTION CONTENTS INDEX SNe. Topic Tnsiruetion No. 1. letreduction B.-13- 01016 2 Applicable Prowuct Groups B.- 19-0102 6 3. Supporting Structures 8-13-0101 T 4. Pressure Pans B,- 19-0102 5. Non-Pressure Paris B,- 19-0103 T 5, Relating Mactines B.- 13-0106 T 7 Insulation & Refractory B,- 13 - 0105 T a ctrostatic Preeipiator 8,- 19 - 0108 T 8, Electrical and Cal B,- 13 - 0107 T 10. Chtical Piping B,- 13-0108 T 11, Tanks & Vessels 5-13 - 109 T 52. Welding, NOT & PHT 8-13 -o110T 13, Field Quality Checks B= 13-011 14. Recommended Erection Equipments B.- 19 -0103G 15. Input to Erection Enginears 8,- 13-0108. 16. General Safety Guicelines B,- 13-0105 Annexures: Erection Schedule on Ly Network ‘Bhara Heavy Electricals Limited Loft Rev. 00 12000 mare AFBC BOILER \ ERECTION | ust oF i DRAWINGS DRAWINGS Ene Smug as xxK 27 INSULATION & REFRACTORY: Roloated under PG. 30x, 3100.32 SB-xAK & S771 28 ELECTRO STATIC PRECIPITATORS: Released under PG.72-0x & 88-10% 29° CONTROL & INSTRUMENTATION : ‘Ai appicable inatrumentation panels & equoments under PG.S7H00% eS Bharat Heavy Eleceals Limited 10102 G / 2 of 2 Rev. 00 1272000 SUPPORTING STRUCTURES AFBC BOILER a Pal PRE CHON SUPPORTING STRUCTURES 3.0 SUPPORTING STRUCTURES: 34.0 BOILER STRUCTURAL STEEL ERECTION-IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS: 31a DO's: © Ercure avaiabilty of proner tong. tackles. cranes ete © Eneure availablity of well graced firm ground for any ore assem’ stacking of components. } ‘© Ensure proper caloraon of survey instruments especialy theodoite, measuring devices, ete. © Ensure column geass loves. © Ensure center to center of column spacing © Ensure glagonal check of column spacing © Ensure tna te above are wihin the contralable lis (© Ensure thread ends of foundation bolts are property srtectes. (© Ensure prover identfication of svucwral components, despatch of assembly pieces from manulacturing shons. © Ensure column verticaity ane erection joints are fly gntenes wen HSFG bots at every stage of single piece by piece erection. © Ensure proper placement of beams, bracing’, celing welded beams. and celing gitders. © Ensure work point locations. Ensure proper clear spacing between pressure part supper level twin I beams section and channel section, (© Ensure tightening of HSFG bolts by turn-ot- nut method using torque wrenches. (© _Enoure safe stable erection of structural steel work — Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited B—13—O101 Tf 1 of tz Rev. 00 127000 ; AFBC R. ERECTION SUPPORTING STRUCTURES Ensure perfect aignmemt cunng stuctural se ction. EEneure requttea clearances ate made avaiable for inserion of beams and bracings. Eneure proper quality creeks, fame heating and radiography checks, are achered to sequentially Ensure proper salety requrements are ahvays met for accessiity. Ensure Plum bobs are used with ul plano-wire without knots or Knks and always se plum bobs with goce ail dash pot Eneure founcation bets ate fuly tightened alter 1™ piece erection of all columns fang alignment checker routed. EEneure proper cuting of grout conersie before service loads Donrs: Do net process with measurements using nor-calibrated instuments especialy ‘heodolte, steel tapes, steoe dumpy levels, torque wrenches et. ‘Do not accept founciatone at digalaced locations, and not conforming to tolerance Do not proceed with erection with short supply of materals. Bo not use detective materia Do net proceed with erection under adverse climate conditions Do not lit the colurnns 50 as to cause excessive deflection De not esturd guy wire supports of columns til the columns are bokes uP anc alignment checked and ensured, Do net tighlen the high sizength friction grip bots on columns inthe horizontal pesiton (pre assembly) De not ute celtrated torque wrench mathed, (aves over tightening and necking of bets during tohenng) trcals Limited z B—1S—O101 Tf 2 of 15 Rev. 00 122000 =) AFEC BOILER De not work in marshyistusty ares. © D0 not work under unsate conditions. (© Do not use improper materials, non matching pieces and sieciaces, © Co not cut sructural members due to interference of boiler components, always consult the designer. © Do net sing structural members without applction of prover protctive materials like fesble thik non-metalic piece etc. 32.0 ERECTION PROCEDURE: Boler cotume, Fan foundations & other Aurlianes are to be cone wt reference to the documents released by various Enginaoring centers and protocol are made aioe commoncemon ol ercon werk fol cheng eters ot isin | 425 per quality pans of respective areas | 32.1 BOILER SUPPORTING STRUCTURE: Boiler supporing structure forms about 25% of the total weight of the steam (generatcr. The entre pressure pars are suspended from tne structural steel work In addon ta the above, air prenesier oad, para load ef ducting and piping are carried by the sttucture. Also it forms platforms at various levels forthe movement ot cperator and space for maintenance of varous equipments, Structural safety fang etabltty are the ultmate cbjectves of te design of supporting structure, The forme aim of an erector is to meet the design requirements wih opbmum ulsation ot men, material and time. To schieve the above, the erector shall adopt all technological improvements that have taken pace in the area of structural ste! ‘erection. The sequence of structural erection mainly depends on the avallabiity ‘of major equipment handling equipments tke Tover crane, Crawier crane, ete, | | ‘This section describes mainty boler supporting structure erection upto erm iting However erection activity of supporting stucixe for aimreater, ducts, piping ete, centres, cn similar ines. ti completion. Refer the applicable FGP forthe ogsheet formats to be filed anc kept as recerd during structure erection ‘Bharat Heavy Elecericals Limited Rev. 00 13—0101 T 3 of 15 122000 q AFBC BOILER SUPPORTING Cit ERECTION STRUCTURES a22 Erection sequence with high eapacity crawler crane Sumitome Crane (160 T capacity) nas eapabilty to lit structural components tke ‘columns, bracings, ete. The suggested location and movement of the cranes is shown ia Dig, No. 3.1 Crawler crane of eutable capacity may be employed for ra-aaaammly aaa. Piece by piace erection cf column shall be followed for al ters. ster comping the necessary cualty checks. Note |) Designers clearance-to be obtained before any structural erecton is delerres. for accommasating Precsure Parts feeaing or drum iting I) Any additonal temporary bracings 10 be erected to taka care of the structural rainy. FOUNDATION CHECKS (© Permanent bench mark 19 be obtained from cil group. (© Relerence ante (Boter ongitucinal and Transverse axis) tobe obtained from i group. © Ofiertaton of Foundation wth respect to Feundation batt locaton Shear lug opening © Check the folowing + Top level of each foundation with reference to bench mark Mark the axis of each pedestal. Disposition of pedestal with respect to reference axisi@oler lenaitudinal and transverse axis} Soacing between adiacent pecestais ‘Bharat Heavy Electricals Limites 15-0101 T/ 4 of 15 Rey. 00 1272000 ers AFBC BOILER | suprorrme { STN STRUCTURES | ee a \ | Foundation volt Gispostion with respect to pedestal axis and iagoras. Dimensions of shear ug opening (length, wth anc dept) (© Chip the pedestal 1p surface to remove loose layer. ‘© cinan ma foundation ap surface. bot pockels and sheat lug opening i (© Check foundation bolt vertcalty and correcness of threads, © Chock the treeness of nut over foundation bel threads, Bolt tread ence te be protected til nal fit up. © Decide the thickness of packer say “7 mm LLengtn measured tom “O° Meter) lavation marking to botem af) = “AY mm bese plate ) Elevation of top of pedestal °F mm thickness of packer required = ( Its less than 2omm top of pedestal to be chipped af 1 achieve minimum grouting cap of 25 mm. I1ris more tan 70 mm the same may oe iniormed to menulactunng unit for accoptance, ‘The thickness of packers shall be selected in such = way that ‘umber of packers are frites to minimum numbers. \f shims are see the same shal be placed between the packer. 223 Arrangement of Packe: Plates (Refer Drg No. 3.2) © Check packers are tree from undulation, © Packors are to be located below the column fange line and peralel to the anges. Wherever shaar luge are interfering, the packers are to De cut suitably. ‘Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited a—is—o101 TY Sof 15 | Rev, 00 1372000 AFBC BOILER Cig ERECTION SUPPORTING STRUCTURES © Chip tne pedestal surace at packer locaton for proper seating of packer or ‘The first packer can fe aligned over the rough concct (orthout ehipsing for level) using high strength quick settng cement. low the mix to cure ‘© Further packersishims are to be provided over the signed fst packers 19 achieve the calculates thickness of packers, (© The total neight of packers shal be +/~ mm than the eaieulted thickness to accommodate setting of packers during loacing, © Lovet both seis of packers top in one plane © Identity the incvdual column pieces Work order no PGMA = DU Ne, + Golurnn designation ‘These details are stonciled and punched on each piece - Org. Nos. 3:3 4.9.4 indicate the idemifcation deta, © Position the column pieces on the pre-assembly bed as shown in Org. No. 3:7 Note No inter changing of column pieces or rotation by 180 degree is Permited. The match marks given by the shop shall be sirciy followed. Org. No. 3.5 indicates the shop mateh-mark deta, + De rot sing strucural members without application of protective ‘materials lke “exible thick nonvmetalie gece, Bharat Heavy Elecricals Limited B—1SO101 T / 6 of 15 Rev. 06 122000 AFBC BOILER ERECTION SUPPORTING STRUCTURES Check and meature the Sweep, Camber and twist, bolt role size, pen sand Sheat lug location in ease of frst column base plate inthe inca) feces, Ensute they are wit its; cierwse refer to manuiactsing uit {or rapait procedurescommerts, “Ensure cleanness of cover plate area inthe flange and wed in ine column joint area and HSFG bok area, Caryout ce-buring of bot hoes, i requred. ‘Aign all he pieces by puling each piece 10 have proper contact at enc and tighten with service Bots in the lugs provided on the Hlanges of the columa pieces. Pachings 1 be provided between the bottom support and column pieces to achieve wed jine (punched on tlange) witin 3 mm at the joint rea, ‘The details of centerine marking cone at shop is indicated in Ors No. 35 ‘Align for web 10 wab, lange,to flange match marks. check for the following limit i gives as per OP! Hilled end alignment of each joint by using feeler guage. Localisee (pfs not oe:mites. Postion the cover plate with shime (For change in sectone) suoplied with web and fange. No inter changing of cover plate is permitted (Shop rater marks are to be folowed). Use sence bots (HSE bots shall not be used) for pestoning the cover piste check tor punch matk to indeate the elevation at every 5 meter distance (Gay 95, 50... 5, 1 and 0), Reter Org. No. 2.8. [Acooedingly punch mark the 1M elevation over the bottom piece. es se A i ae Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited B, 130101 T 7 of 18 272000 Rev. 00 7) ARBU BOILER Og GRECTION SUPPORTING a : STRUCTURES © Measure and record the disiance from “0" meter to botiom of the base plate. Sased on this the packer thickness for individual column is decisee 2 Cleat angies 12 be welded at the appropriate level forthe placement of horizontal members on flange and web side © Flee verucany suckers over incvicual column pleces on wo ana flange in mo places (near MBL lccations). Ret Drg No 3.8 = For bettom piece att “MT etevation and below the bot joint area at the convenient level. near ends (ust near bolt are) at the conveniant Note : The center ine ct stckers shall be matched with center ine marking ‘of weo and flange (sho punched ). Refer Org No 3.10. (© Cismamte the column pieces trom tne pre assembly Ded and stack it near the erection area to sult ne sequence of erection, trom bottom to top. 32.4 Columns and Bracings: Preparation for Erection of Columns without pre-assembly : © Alte column ov re 10 be identities with work order no. PGMA, DU fo. ec. and column gesigntion which are steneiled ard punched on e: piace ‘© Punch mark thet" meter elevation over the bottom piece. © Check tne cistance from 0! meter elevation to botton of the base plate to ‘calculate the packer thickness, © Check inaividuat column piece camber, sweep, twist and miled end ‘onion. Inform manulacuring urit on deviations for corection/comments. © Clean ine HSFG bot area in the column pioces and cover plate area. Tho cover plates removea Wom column pieces are to 6 (conied anc Kept separately for resizing atthe corect location during erection Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited B,—15—0101 T/ 8 of 15 Rev, 00 1272000 oom AFBC BOILER SUPPORTING ERECTION Se RcorCRes ae ee eee © Check for punch mark to indicate the elevation at every § meter distance © Fix the cleat angie at the appropiate location on he flange anc web parson ‘of tie column pieces for placing the henzontal members. © Ficverticaty stickers on ine weo and fange at explained in pre assembly of columns, 325 Erection of columns & Bracings: © _Litthe Fist column porem piece as shown in the Org, No. 3.1% ‘© Pace the column piece aver the foundation with cut damaging the bot thveads, while lowering the plece through the bolts. Tighten the bolts, prior 1 releasing the load from the crane. © _Ersctall the fret pieces of the columns n this manner (e_Aign the individual pieces (vertcalty et.) or the folowing (Reles Org, No 3.12) = Elevation (1 meter punch mark shail be taken as reference for a column pieces) ‘Spacing between acjacent column with respect fo reference axis of vole. (© Tighten the foundation nut and recheck the alignment, In case of ary sturbance noted alignment procedure to be repeated (© Check the spacing between columns at honzontal beam level. © Check the length of tne horizontal member and compare with the measurement of space between columns (Any miner carection on horzontal ‘member to be done at ground level) © Box up the column by erecting horizontal and vertical bracing 28 given in rami. ‘© Position, align and weld the verbeal bracing with guseet plate ne ‘Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited 13-0101 T/ 9 of 15 Rev. 09 ‘272000 iG) AFBC BOILER ¥ fa/T ERECTION SUEDORTINGS STRUCTURES © Complete the erection alignment and welcing of Main brace level (MBL) ‘members in the boxed up section, (© Check the vertically of all columns and compare wit previous readings ‘© Complete tne grouting upto the bottom of the base plate and cure as per (© tig also ecommenced to start the erection of supocing structures ‘Tubular Airheater structure before erecting the cokumns up to top er on ‘he this pass. This wil fzclitate safe erecton of Tuouar air heaters with the help of cranes. Please refer to the APH erection procedure (© Prepate he preiscat forthe completion of fst siece erection and attain clearance for second piece erection (© The stove mentones steps are tobe foloned for subsecuert pece erection, \While erecting te second column pice the flange cleat bois (at « locations) are to be tightened uniormi. Provide wab cover plate on sither side folowing the shop match Fix me requiled length HSFG bolts with washer on nut side and srg tighten the web cover plate the required length HSFG alls with washers on nut side and snug tighten the lange cover plate. 11 the bot length at a particular joints more (shank length) harconed ‘washers upto 4 nos. have tobe used. The washers may be sutably paced on head and nut sie. Note : Snug ughtening means tightening cl fasteners by one person using correct size of ring spanner without ary leverage. The sequence cf tightening s always from fixed gart of the connection of tree edoes anc ‘Fangs cover plate fixing for cotumns orected without Pre-assemih. ‘Bharat Heavy Etectrcals Limited B,—13—0101 T/ 10 of 15 Rev. 00 12/2000 AFBC BOILER | eect Gi =xecnow SrnucTUnrs It te pte assembly of lange cover plate Is not dane follow ine ‘sequence for fixing the flange cover plate for al column joint wih HSFG botts and welding. Provide the lange cover plate (with shims wherever required). Preneat and welt the flange cover pate tothe colurn, after ensuring _ Fix the HSFG bots with washer and snug tighten them. Erection, alignment and boling sequence exclained above shal be followed for the subsequent pieces erection. © -HSFG baits i flange and wee arsas are 10 be tightened only by TURN (OFF NUT METHOD following the sequence exslained for snug tighten. Cross check the tightened bots using calibrated Torque wrench. (Set ihe torque wrench to required vaive using bolt tension calbraten. Note : Verticality of columns are 1 be checked betore th gtr. cn of caiing = To maintain lateral stabilty of columns complete the erection of horizontal and vesteal bracings 326. Erection of ceiling girder © Celina girder shall be eostioned near the boler in correct enentaton. © Center tne ling gier is punched on ether side of top flange. This wil enable to know the étference Setween boiler axis and centerine of celing girder ater erection © Align. the ceiing gider bot note, wit let and right column Bot Noles. © Ute the correct size bot and tighten the same. (© Provide the stay rope til he celing girders are boxed up wth WE, for safety reason ——_—— ‘Bharat Heavy Blectricals Limited B—15—0101 T/ 11 of 15 Rev. 00 1272000 Gey ABC BOILER \ SUPPORTING (yi) ERECTION Serres (© When to adjacent cling girders are erected the Ws ana Fs are ostiones, tack weld the ceat angle wir WBS wit respect to engtusina ‘and transverce axis, © In walded beams, pad plates are wolsed for facitating te erecton ot roles beams over #. Hence before ling the WBs the size ana locaton ot these pad plates are to be checked at ground with respect to WS drawings. © Align all celng giders and check for the following Spacing between tho giders. Diagonals between the girders, © Oncomplation ef ceitng arder alignment carryout th fotowne Complete the welding of cleat ancie with WB's ‘The left out stttener plates are to be welded with celing order. (© Erect align and weld ai cling bracing members and compression members ‘between celing gitder ton. ‘The structural members erection in the crum iting region may Be ‘deterred til the completion of crum ling ard the seme shall be erected immesiatly ater the crum ling operation. (© Check the vertcaity of all columns aiter the abgrment of esting girders © _Tansler the boiler as from the ground to ceiling gider too, This can be checked with theodolte by taking Electrostatic Precpitator Centerine anc rear middie column centetine as reference and transfer the same 10 the FIELD QUALITY aa eee CHECKS PRESSURE PARTS, DAUM : 4. Check for inspecting auorit’s stamp on crum and certicate, 2. -Readinass of structure for bole arum erection. Ground inspection of drum, its orientation Brum suspersion‘U’ rod mensions and freeness of nus, (Tolerance : arm lengty fm to arm distance : = 25 mm; twist between limes : 10 mm max.) 5. Disposition of drum axis trom certte line of fumace (Tolerance : 1 mm M. + § mm max) 16 Elevation of crum euspension support beam (Tolerance : + mm). pacing of washor plato wir. boiler and crum axis. (Tolerance emmy M = § mam max.) 18. Diagonal citlerence between washer plate locations (Tolerance : § mim max) 2, Eneure clearance between drum and structural members during helsing 10, Elevation of drum (Tolerance : = § mm; cumulative rot to exceed 8 mm). 11. Axial dspostion of drum centre wit. longitudinal axis ot bole (Tolerance : 5 mm) 42, Voricalty of U red. (Tolerance : 10 mm) g 12. Minimum prcjecton of threads above the nuts in the drum suspension reds 12, Very verteaty of column ster Orum Erection. 14, Assembly f drum intemal, HEADERS: 4. Cheek for ingpecing Author's stamp on n _—_— ‘Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited | 101 TF 10 of 28 Rev. 00 122000 warm arse 2c ERECTION FIELD QUALITY ‘ CHECKS 2. Identification of the headers 3. Cleanliness of headers 4. Bow in headers (Telerance: 1mm, Max. 8mm for membrane panel headers and Max. 10mm for other headers). 5. Header scarffing ine (Tolerance: 2mm Max. for membrane panels and Amm Max. for others). & Completion of supports, 7.” Alignment of headers anc elevation, nonzontaity and distance from reference axes. (Tolerance : = 3mm). PANELS. +. Ieentitca n of panels. 2. Width, diagonale & locaton of peninge af the panels (Tolerance : Panel width: + 2mm or ~ Smm. Diagonal ditference (01 ~ 02) : tomm Max) 2 rlinaes of the panels (eponge test with compressed ai) 4. Completion of supports Completion of pane! to panel pints 6 Verticality of panels (Tolerance : tmm J M, Max.tOmm), 7. Alignment of water walls (Tolerance : Furnace Width & Depth : ‘18mm; Diagonal dference 20mm Max.)- 5, Ensure welding completion of baffle wall prior to the erection of SH / Eco coil assembles, Eneure that furrace walle are tudes and rettactry lines upto 1200 mm from Dietibutor Pte ois _aNp Tuoce +. entiation of te coils Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited Bi—13—OL1L T/ 11 of 28 Rev. 00 \zr000 are) AFBC BOILER | . FIELD QUALITY ERECTION CHECKS 2. Cleaniness of the coils (spenge test win comoressed i) 3. Algnment ef eos wert inlet and outlet heacers. 4. Alignment of battle wall screen tubes. rection completion ef bed evaporator woes ‘SUPERHEATER COILS: +. dentcation of super heater cols. 2. Clearance betwsen end coll assembly and water wall side walls Tolerance 0mm). 2. Incividual pitches between cols (Tolerance : = 10mm). 4 Clearance between coil ends and front water wall/ upper bate wall (folerance : = 20mm). Erection complation of bed super heater cols ECONOMISER 1. Kdentication of economisar cols, Clearance between ene coil azsemaly and water wall side wails (Tolerance : * tomm. 3, Individual picnes between coils (Tolerance : + 10mm). 4. Glearanes vetween coll ends and upper battle wall rear wator wall (Tolerance : = 20mm) 5, Algnment an locking of cassette battles, DOWNCOMER PIPES (DC PIPES): 1. Identification of the DC pipes. 2. Cinaniinass of the pipes. plies mista Jani ‘Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited Rev. 00 AFBC BOILER | FIELD QUALITY ea Sanaa | CHECKS 3% Ofientaton of DC pes. 4. Alignment of OC plows (Verticality of DC pipes : 1mm /M. §mm Max.) 5, Alignment of suoports RISEA_TUBES / SH CONNECTING TUBES | CORNER TRANSITION TUBES: 1. Identification ofthe tubes. 2. Cleanliness of the tubes (sponge test with compressed i 8. —Aigament of tubes. 4. Completion of suppor. BUCKSTAYS 1. entiation AFBC BOILER | PIE] ERECTION | a ou imma FUEL FIRING SYSTEM PUMP MOTOR ASSENBI + Foundation o ol pumping uns. 2 Aignment of shaft and shah gap far ste assambly only), 3 Parallainess of both couping halves. 4 Alignment of bese pate. PIPILINES AND OTHER FITTINGS Stove fat the entre pipeline layout 2 Expansion loops in the ol toes. 3 Matching of conection pipeines. Completion of weiding and all NOE checks. Completion of suppers for he lines and removal of temporary supports 6 Hydraulic test forthe nes. INSTRUMENTS, VALVES & OTHER FITTINGS Ensure the folowing are erected / installed only after completion of yale test “and steam biwing for ol nes. + otilees Flow meter “Tio velves and 3 way valves (ol system) 2 Flow dreaten of control valves, traps, nen-retum valves and trip valves for of lines. 3 Lenath of pipe from burner valves to of oun |The HEA ignitor flexible cable hanging / or 'U' form without twist and stain. See ee Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited SOL T/ 18 of 28 Rev. 00 1272000 SETS arBC BOILER pet FIELD QUALITY CHECKS SHEA exile epark rd tngin A dimension, STEAMLTRAGIG 1 Steam tracing of neavy ue peng soneme 2 TYacer/ JB ocaton In # lace tee trom tating water 3 Greut engi. ‘OlL_COMPARTMENT + cheek te folowing aner Keeping te nozzle tps 60 degree poston, 2}, Ol burner length ene positon. b) HEA ionter tp locaton } Scanner Vewing hezs postion 2 Profle of SV bumer assembly. 3 Configuration / orientation of moat assemby. 4 Limit switch gun engagement. Ensure ol! and air entry connection 5 Primary and seconcary vane damper position Ensure the folowing 2) HEA ignitor guide pipe (hose) installed with no sharp bends b) Insertion and reractan uf the spark rod at varus posions of ti ©) HEA igniter guce pie end buts in the sleeve provided inthe noze tin 1) HEA excter is provided with canopy. 2) HEA ignitor cooling ar / all gun ceolng airs connected propery ‘Bharat Heavy Electricals mie 130111 T 19 of 28 Rev, 00 122000 (es 6 AFBC BOILER lL_GUN ASSEMBLY 1 Kar KF dimensions for al il guns. 2 Engagement olocaung pin on the bumer panel while doting 3 Tightening of cap-nut with epray plate Upto the required torque value 4 Disposition of ettuser shroud wit respect to the wind box nozzle cult plane ‘aher mounting LFA JNOATION : Disposition wih cespeet to reference axes. 2 Elevation 3, Spacing between the pockets, FAN 1, Alignment ef base plates and bearing podestals (Horizontality of bearing pedestals within 0.08 mm /M with eespect to tne fan centre fine, Grouting of base plates ang beating pedestals. 3. Cube testing for comprossive strength. 4. Presassemby of spiral casing and encure compistion of seal welding for gas tightness and welding of sistance bolts wih casing 5, Eneure cimensional compliance. 16. Alignment of spiral casing with respect to fan centre ine. 7. Eneure vertically of spiral casing 5, Elevation and netizentality atthe parting plane of bottom half of spl casing st four comers. —— ‘Bharat Heavy Elecicals Limited Bj—13—O111 T 20 of Rev. 00 1212000 i 7, 18 a 2 a 24 arc Bom fection | FIELD uaLITY CHECKS, a Dimensions of ahah ends and coupings. Ensure proper seating of the iocating groove inthe shaft fange withthe imple. “Torque tightening of bots for shaft, conical cover plate, lange anc impale Gap between impater & shat lange and impeller mating face (0.08 mm feeler ‘should net 20). Sealing of ange of conical cover plate and impel. Correct elevaton of Bearing pedestal Ensure 80% colour matching tetween beatng housing and te besing pedestal. Horizontalty of Bearing housing to 0.04 men J M. “The shaft et fxed end bearing should be levelled twin 04 mm / M. Clearance betwaen impale ing and sealing ring > Ovetiap (axial stance. adil Fixing of labyrinth seals at expansion and non-expansion end of sha Ciesrances inside suocorts, [Adjustment of dect supports of suction and discharge ducts 10 aveid loading / pulling of fan, ‘Alignment of coupling with motor & fan and ensure tightness of bots Fring couping with shat Alignment of molor & fan ater successful tal run and dowel all the areas as specified n he crewing, Completion of si or assembly. eesti ee ae ‘Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited 13-0111 T/ 21 of 28 Rev. 00 2000 AFBC BOILER , FIELD GuaLITY fa SS CHECKS AIR PREHEATER ‘Supporting beam spacing wt. Boer axis end air pre heater ax, (Tolerance : = 1mm /M;Max.= 5mm). Elevation of the suaporting beam. (Tolerance : = 3 mm, Ssraightness of he suapertng beam. (Tolerance : ¥ mm /M ; Max. § rm). Seuareness ofthe supporing beam. (Tolerance : Max. 10 mm) Positioning of aie neater boss ~ comedies wth supporting beam axes 5 _Divertng plates are to be welded prior to asser“siing blocks at she Matening of the blocks ana seal weicing 8 Protection to tube an tube nest to avoid entrapment of foreign materi 2 Alignment of sir neater blocks 2) Vertically (Tolerance : $ mm Max) b) Horizontally (Tolerance : $ mm Max). 12) Diagonal sitterence between top and bottom (Tolerance : 10 mm Max). ener ~ face to face Weleing completion of expansion sieves. 11 Welding of duct wall ta ai ore heater duct opening. 12 Completion of gas and air cuct connection to air heater blocks. 13 Completion of duct supports. 14 Ensure duct leaos, thermal expansion loads ete, sre net transmites 1 air pre neater blocks, 15 Completion of seal plates of expansion pieces. 16 Ensure seal plates are welded wih tube plate assembly after fixing the duct ss ‘Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited —13—DLLI T/ 22 of 28 Rev. 00 12000 2) AFBC BOILER FIELD QUALITY i 2 gu ‘Eneure seal welding all around between bolt & nut and bol, nut and spit pate 8 Completion of quide vanes and spliter vanes atthe inlet and outet ef sir ducts for hniform distribution ot tne alt across the air pre heater and to avoid flow stratification. ‘Comevetion of tapping pars. Completion cf insuiation of air neater blocks. 21 Completion of castable reftactoes at gas init of each block to a height of 159 jeING 1 Cheak forthe following a) Dimensions b) Edge preparation. Wels ena dameter, cut of squareness and ovalty 2 Location and seston of terminal points (Tolerance : = Sm) 5 Identteation ef the components and check for statutory agency clearance = Completion of the suppening structure for poelines, 5 Completion of supoorts (Tolerance : Elevation = Smm). & —Elevatien, eisgestion and slope of the pipelines (Tolerance : = smm). 7 Verticality of pipelines 8 Ensure suticlent gap arcund the pipelines with structure / wall ¢ accommodate the insuaton thickness and expansion provision during operation. 5 Ensure erection of boiler eed re-crculation NAVE after chemical cisaring of pipelines. 10 Welders perlormance qualiestion recov, 11 Adgotion of correct procedure, approved electrades and methods. ‘Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited By—13-0111 T/ 23 of 28 Rev. 09 1272000 See) AFBC BOILER | erevp QuauiTy | CHECKS 12 Cleanliness of pining 12. Fitup of jos, onertation and afanment ef ining, Note : Appicable for main piping, crains, ven's,imou'se and sampling ines. 14 Idenniieation cf wela joints ane maintenance of records inicating pumbar ot jit, heat veatment cored out and NOE resuite Acceptance or rection / repat cetais 18 Compiston of pre-heating, welding end post eating 17 Comaltion of NDE. Note : MPI LPI an completed welds shall be carried out, 18 Completion of PWHT. 19° Lecking of the supports 20 Completion of all tains, vers, impulse ard sampling ines. 21 Remora of temporary supports and completion of permanent supports 22 Provision of hysrostatis tat pug for safety valves. 23 Ensure usage of calbrated pressure gauges for hydraulic 19. 24 Complation of yarauie test of pioeines. 25 Completion of insuation ans check for niekness. { ‘Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited SOL TY 24 of 28 ¥ Rev. 00 1272000 si af ERECTION FIELD QuaLiTy CHECKS INING & INSULATION FIXING : Eneure the watenwall, superhest anc root tubes regions. all tubes are mone plane efore application of castable refractories. EEncure tha avalabity of the asoesics packings and for proper closing and opening ‘operation for manholes, pee holes and elliptical doors before fixing, Enoure the replacement ot coi ropes by asbestos packing ropes in al the door assemblies while erection. Encure the ier plates of manhole, peephole, observation doors ant elitea coors ae files with castable reractoias and proper curing of the same, Ensure studs in seal boxes are inact. Ensure proper expansion provisions for castable reftacteries anc pourable insulation Ensure the scaloped bars are cut atthe top with opening for pouring of castable ‘efracteries and then wels seaianed bars, Enaure the openings on the top of scalloped bars in seal boxes are closed with ‘aleh plate ater curing ofthe castable refractories, Ensure the provision of correct size openings in the retractones provided in the seal boxes. 10 Enure the erection of gas cistnbution bates in the second pass simultaneously ‘along with the pressure pars 1 Ensure availabilly of gap between wall baffles and tubular elements 12 Ensure the sited holes connections given for expansion shall nat be welded {applicable for enclosures) 18 Ensure no tampering / hammering o the skin casing ater fixing n postion so as 1o avcid any damage / crack in already cast areas with pourable / castable retractries, bBharet Heavy Electicals Limited a Bi—15—-O111 T/ 25 of 28 Rev. 00 122000 ea AFBC BOILER ERECTION FIELD QUALITY CHECKS 14 Enaure proper / correct reinforcement provides for application of castable ‘refractories wherever requires. 15 Ensure the gan hetween the two acjacent fins is not more than 4 mm before the application of castablereiraciries. 18 Ensure the compliance of proper heat treatment proceaures wherever requred. 17 Ensure compton of welding ofall the ems uncer thing components and skin ceasing with pressure gars before Hyoraulc test. SuDsequertly estatish the quality of wold by nydrauic ist REERACTORY & INSULATION MATE + Eneute the completion of flowing vetore taking up insuation work For Pressure Parts |) Alt supports, attachments insttumen, inserts and cables are proves, |) Completion of air leak test. Ii) Completion of hyaraulc vest jv) Completion cf cadiography, repair and heat treatrent of weld joints. ¥) Surfaces are cleaned and painted, v) Hooks / stues welding cn pressure carts using correct length of Hooks / owes. wi) Ensure weld qualty and size. 2 Ensure that the life of rectory materials is within the expey date. 3 Enaure the implementation of recommended procedure for application, curing of castable celractory and pourable insulation is followed 4 Fixing of top retainers after insulation, 5 Ensure the coating of biturinus psint for tube surfaces and any other metal surlaces which are embedded in or in contact with castablerelractaries / pourabie insulation, ee ‘Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited B—13—O111 T/ 26 of 28 Berge 122000) AFBC BOILER ' ERECT FIELD QUALITY CHECKS 6 Ensure all aluminum sheets ane M.S. Risbes sheets are coated wit to coats of black bitumicous paint or inner eid. Ensure tne folowing éurng erection 2) Placing of corrct thickness of material in respective areas, by Proper binding win GI wice through retainer €) Proper sewing of wire mash facing with adlacent one for eech layer of matress ang no caving in between matress. Ensure proper ion parte and casing supdors are fixed at required pitches and in straight rowe for snesting works, Ensure essinge are provided in al shect edses. EEnaure the outer casings stifener. iting hooks et) rs nat in cirect contact with any hot surface (ike Ensure fixing of neoprene strips or aluminium paint coating wherever aluminium sheets are ervisaged over the retainers. Ensure the provision of cuter casing sheets immediately ater erection of insulation ta avoid fan water entry. Eneure segmental enoeing assemely for bends. eibows etc, following the same profila of pping ang ducts. Engure overlapping of sheating eceas are facing down against water ow crecton for water proof arrangements for vertical portion. EEnoure shests and seams are cvetlapging on sides for effective water proating in horizontal portion, ‘Application af sealing compound on overlapping areas of outer casing sheets. EEnoure prcoer pie on ether dvecions and mantaining of tightness for slapping Bharat Heavy Blecwicals Limited 13-9111 T/ 27 of 28 Rev. 00 1272000, a AFBC BOILER ae ERECTION | prep vanity | CHECKS OUTER CASING / FIXING COMPONENTS. Ensure ail tne fixing components are wokied on pressure parts (water wal) issued ander PGMA = 31-010 and 3 010 for fixing outer easing Ciearance for boiler expansicn between outer casing and siuctural members. Hoo" Enoure al MS ribbed sheets are coated with two coats of black Btuminous paint ‘on inet side, ater application of red oxide primar. Enaure the use of proper citi for making Poles to fx sel tapping sorews. naure all ie openings around access doors, observation doors, instrument tappngs ec are propety fished! Yerinated win plan sheets and fixed ateaviely sth si tapping serews Ensure ovtor sheet casings are provided immediately ater tne inslations are fee tis ll orevent rain water entry) Enaure the gap betwaen wall and ribbed casing Is not more than as given in the drawing. Ensure all fixing components are erected on buckstay beams before firing the cuter casing EEnaure completeness of erection of ining & insulation. ee ‘Bharat Heavy Eleicals Limited 13-111 T / 28 of 28 Rev. 00 121000 RECOMMENDED ERECTION EQUIPMENTS wave AFBC BOILER RECOMMENDED eecriow ERECTION |__ EQUIPMENTS 149 RECOMMENDED ERECTION EQUIPMENT ‘The equipments shall be made avaiable fo erection of bole, following are the rinimum requted major etecton equoments, GAANES / MAJOR T & P'S 300 MT ~ one ro. GT tyre mounted modte crane ~ one ra. [it Compressors ~ one ro. alors with houses ~ one ro, DRUM LIFTING DEVICE a ic winch § Ton capac for drum iting. Wire rope 400 meter length 25 mm da. 6 x 37 construction, IWRC end right lay 200. ‘Sic sheeve 40 Ton capacity pulley block 4 No. Single sheeve 2 Ton capacity quice pulley Bleck 6 No. Wire rope 25 mm cia, 20 meter length for lashing mult sheeve putey block wih cat read & 40 meter longth for leshing mult shaeve putey block wit drum. Forged steal buldog grips 1 aut ne da of rons. WELDING MACHINE Walding gonoratorsrectirs ~ as por requirements. Electroce Baking Ovens-as par requromert Gry-Aceniene sets with al accessories and heavy duty blow pipes. ‘Stress raioving and preheating equipment. (Finger element, Asbestos Cloth, ‘Temperature Recorders, Thermal Chalks te) SMALL TOOLS AND INSTRUMENT: ‘Stee! rule, ste! tape, pianawire plum bobs wih oil dash pot arrangement. ‘Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited B,—130103 G / 1 of 2 Rev. 00 1272000 Gem FBC BOILER | RECOMMENDED ERECTION EQUIPMENTS —— ‘Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited Water level (Tansparent polytene be), Spirit lavel, stage dumpy level with accessories, Fgh accuracy theacolte Serew gauge and Calipers. Feeler gauges. Set spanners (open jaw type. Box ype) Wrenches, pipe wrenches. Open Wrenches ang Adjustabe Ratchet Wrench, Toraue vwrencres (hand operates fr ngpecton) and Preumatec (fr tghtering), cafbraton device for toraue wrenches (Tersometer of load col. Aluminium telescopic tacos Mania ropes (Si4* and 1") Desnecklas of various capacttes (10 Tonnes to 1 Tonne). Non ceetructve testing equipments (UT, Radiegraphy, MPI, LPI) Rev. 00 INPUT TO ERECTION ENGINEERS AFBC BOILER INPUT TO. ERECTION ERECTION ENGINEERS 16.0 INPUT TO ERECTION ENGINEER : Drawings ané documents SSubeontracter with cualiles manpower Sutclent materia, matching wih ersction eequeres Reauired TAPS Inputs tke foundations, area for work, construction power, water ee ‘Clearance from appileabe statutory authorities Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited Bi—130104 G1 of 1 Rev. 00 1272000 GENERAL SAFETY GUIDELINES Bi aeas urs, anne 16.0 HANDLING/ GENERAL SAFETY GUIDELINES: © For iting neavy loads wite rope sling are beter tran chain sings. (@—Rated capacity of the sing should never be exceeced, © Care should be taken to make sure that the weight ifted i win the marked safe working toad 1e_Liting tackle should be examines and any defeet shouldbe reperted ang rejected. © Kote chould not be made in sings, ropes ete ‘© To prevent abrasion, suitable sot padding must be provided whenever sings pass over sharp edges. © Incomplete structure must be properly sraced/guyed to prevent fom faling ‘© Wire nets must be proved to collet the materials when woiking at height and ‘where platfomns is net possible to be provided. ‘@ When iting a toad the Crane boom used should not be moved or sheered more then few degrees out of vertical as there is a danger. © Guys of lashing must aye be fastened to te column as close tothe ground eseible, hese powerul unrecting force is expected on the column, (© 11-2 Wold is found to be fauly, the same must be remeved and replaced with sound weld. Otherwise the efciancy of the structure wal be impaired @ Gas cuting operation of structural members should not be cartes cut by placing thom on the. structural ste! aready erected. '@ Proper bearing for Hcot grils should be ensured and to be placed in the load bearing drection indicated, ¢ Fixing of hand tals, post ane oe plates should be stncty a s per drawing. '@ Gas cutting methods should not be adopted for repair works on any loaded memoers, Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited : Bi—13—0105 G/ 1 of 1 Rev. 00 1272000 AFBC BOILER |) Aeon ERECTION oReane SUGGESTED LOCATION FOR CRANE MOVEMENT oe a fen cate ae | H | : ot ta ston at fon * 5 [tain FRONT DRG. NO. 3:1 errm) FBC BOILER Lj] ERECTION | ee ore ARRANGEMENT OF SHIM PLATES UNDER COLUMN BASE PLATE HAVING SHEAR LUGS DRG. NO. 3.2 Sa ‘Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited Rev. 00 GH AFBC BOILER Ciifd ERECTION LIST OF DRAWING COLUMN INDENTIFICATION | were eosoesns Tem oven pene a — Gemesscmen oo (32 ee pooras Mons OVE ETRE LENOTHF COLNNPEE FLANGE PORTION ie ant oa aie beta a | TENTH OF COLIN PIECE Wes PORTION DRG. NO. 9.3 EE ‘Bharat Heavy Electicals Limited Rev. 00 gare) AFBC BOILER FATA) ERECTION a fon —— COLUMN INDENTIFICATION I! (FOR BOLTED ERECTION JOINTS OF COLUMN) FLANGE COVER PLATE B = fz ai88 * s Wea COVER PLATE DAG, NO. 3.4 (Ser ee — ‘harat Heavy Elecwicals Limited Rev. 0 AFBC BOILER | person | Siteror ees | _ DRAWING SHOP MATCH MARK DETAILS tye a ie DRG. NO. 3.5 ‘Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited Rev. 00 Samy AFBC BOILER WEB CENTRE LINE MARKING 1 age A | view DAG. NO. 3.6 Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited Rev. 00 AFBC BOILER | ERECTION LIST OF | DRAWING PRE ASSEMBLY BED a DRG. NO. 3.7 —— Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited Rev, 00 AFBC BOILER FRECTION LIST OF DRAWING ELEVATION PUNCH MARK ({TYP.) J 5 a a a cout oe VERTICALITY STICKER Notes 2 THE VERTICALLY OF THE COLUMN WITH THE USE OF THEODOLTE PASTED ON THE COLUMN WEB AND FLANGE FOR FINDING OUT THE DEVIATION IN, CENTRE OF PAPER SCALE AND COLUMN CENTRE TO COINCIDE | \ wal} if 4 | ' 11) verrcaury snexeas i A ears t PUNCH MARK CENTRE Ne DRG. NO. 3.10 a! ‘Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited Rev. 00 DRG. NO. 3.9 FIXING VERTICALITY STICKERS ‘SHOP PUNCH MARK AFBC BOILER i ues 2 ERECTION | pRAWING ws ERECTION OF COLUMN PIECE x NP \YO0nN BLOCK 19 sWaID ROLLING (OVER GROUND DRG. NO. 3.11 Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited Rev. 00 ers) AFRC BOILER i aie | DRAWING COLUMN VERTICALITY ALIGNMENT (BY THEODOLITE) em —Sgngr ae — ‘Sone | eure rexons | PERN iat leo_tol| ELEVATION mee nsnscue Dereon Tewromnyecoesta —_/ DRG. NO. 3.12 Bharat Heavy Elecvicals Limited Rey. 00 AFEC BOILER 5 ae | usr or DRAWING FOUNDATION PLAN ‘Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited Rev. 00 ee DRUM SUSPENSION ARRANGEMENT - ALIGNMENT = OF FURNACE DRG. NO. 4.1 DRUM ALIGNMENT Sans DRG. NO. 42. Ss Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited Rev. 00

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