Magna Carta Raft Task Cards

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Collins 1

Josh Collins
Sarah Macdonald
March 29th, 2015

Student Technology Task Cards

Medieval History: The Magna Carta

Row 1

Row 2

Role (Student)
A Noble
writing a letter
about king John
and the Magna

A close friend of
nobility or

One of King
Johns Barons,
whom played a
major role in
the framing of
the Magna

King John
Himself, as well
as your fellow
Baron Buddies

A handwritten
letter on
paper, or
that looks
authentic to
that time
A speech

You are writing a letter to
your dearest friend across
the kingdom ranting about
king Johns tyrannical
ways, and how you think
this new document
everyone is talking about
the magna carta will help
solve Englands problems
You are one of the major
Barons who played a role in
framing the Magna Carta, and
you will conduct a speech to
show how the Barons first
projected their negotiation for
the Magna Carta after taking
London, the logic and politics
behind it, and the reasoning
for why they did it according
to Johns actions

Collins 2
Row 3

A modern day
citizen of

A theatre
watching a play,
and/or your

A short skit
or film

Create and perform with a

group of 3-4 people, a short
skit or film (3-5 minutes) that
depicts what modern life
would be like without the
Magna Carta, and its
important foundations for
setting up governments of
limited monarchy and the
power of parliament and of
the people.

Task Cards

RAFT Task Card: Magna Carta Row 1

You will be able to fully explain the History behind the Magna Carta including King Johns
reign, why the barons proposed it, the effects on Medieval society, and the Magna Cartas
legacy in government since then.
Student Role:
A Noble writing a letter about King John and the Magna Carta.
A close friend of nobility or lordship.
A hand-written letter on parchment paper, or something that looks authentic to that time
You are writing a letter to your dearest friend across the kingdom ranting about king Johns
tyrannical ways, and how you think this new document everyone is talking about the magna
carta will help solve Englands problems.
1. Read and watch some videos about the Magna Carta to refresh your mind about
the topic with videos such as this:
2. Put yourself in the shoes of a noble whom has felt the wrath of Bad King Johns
reign, and his/hers hopes of a new start with the Magna Carta, and brainstorm a
letter to a dear friend who is in a similar situation
3. Draft or create a brainstorming chart of some kind, to fully acknowledge your
ideas. Here is a helpful video explaining successful brainstorming techniques:
4. Collect thoughts and materials to make the authentic looking letter

Collins 3
5. Design paper, and write down your letter; heres a helpful how-to for making
papers look old and historical:
6. Add any finishing touches or designs to make it look authentic and unique.

Websites to visit:
Magna Carta Video
Magna Carta Reading on Bad King Johns Reign
Brainstorming Techniques
Creating old looking documents and papers

Create, write, and design an authentic and old looking letter from the Medieval Era, talking
about King Johns tyrannical reign, and the new Magna Carta that is being put into action by
the Kings Barons. Pretend you are a nobility who has suffered from Johns rule, writing to a
dear friend of nobility who has suffered similarly. Print a separate document with your works
cited page (does not need to be old looking).
The overall assignment is worth 100 points and will be graded using a rubric handed out in
class, based on creativity, historical content, references used, and overall aesthetic appeal.

RAFT Task Card: Magna Carta Row 2

You will be able to fully explain the History behind the Magna Carta including King Johns
reign, why the barons proposed it, the effects on Medieval society, and the Magna Cartas
legacy in government since then.
Student Role:
One of King Johns Barons, whom played a major role in the framing of the Magna Carta.
King John Himself, as well as your fellow Baron Buddies.

Collins 4
A speech.
You are one of the major Barons who played a role in framing the Magna Carta, and you will
conduct a speech to show how the Barons first projected their negotiation for the Magna
Carta after taking London, the logic and politics behind it, and the reasoning for why they did
it according to Johns actions

1. Read Articles and/or watch videos about the Magna Carta, its framers, and the
Negotiation between John and his Barons, to get a further understanding of the
event. Here are some specific resources: and this one from the BBC History Channel;
2. Brainstorm Ideas for your speech. Heres some tips:
3. Write out speech or create note cards. Here are some tips on successful note card
creations for speech giving;
4. Practice your speech, at least three times by yourself, and once more with another
person. This will help you feel more relaxed. Here are some further tips:
5. Prepare for final presentation of speech, relaying the one of the Barons speeches
to King John, at the famous Negotiation.

Websites to visit:
Articles to understand the Barons reasons for, and actions towards creating the Magna Carta
Note Card Strategies
Speech Giving Tips


Collins 5
Create and prepare a speech (5-8 minutes) pretending to be one of King Johns Barons,
proposing the Magna Carta to John, after you have taken London, and reasons for creating it.
This assignment will be worth 100 points. A rubric will be handed out in class. Grade will be
based on persuasiveness (the teacher will be King John), historical content, effective speech
giving strategies, preparation (note cards, rehearsed, etc.) and overall presentation and
effectiveness of the speech. Extra credit will be given if dressed with appropriate dress of that
time period, that looks authentic or creative.

RAFT Task Card: Magna Carta Row 3

You will be able to fully explain the History behind the Magna Carta including King Johns
reign, why the barons proposed it, the effects on Medieval society, and the Magna Cartas
legacy in government since then.
Student Role:
A modern day citizen of England.
A theatre audience and/or classmates.
A short film or skit.
Create and perform with a group of 3-4 people, a short film or skit (3-5 minutes) that depicts
what modern life would be like without the Magna Carta, and its important foundations for
setting up governments of limited monarchy and the power of parliament and of the people,
using examples of contradictory elements to the Magna Cartas legacy in global politics.

1. Pick a group of 3-4 classmates and no more, that you know will be an effective
2. Research the legacy that the Magna Carta holds, how it has affected global politics
since its creation, and how it affects human rights today. Here are some fantastic
articles to read up on:
3. Brainstorm ideas for the skit or short film content, actors/actresses, roles, storyline
and plot. (if filming, figure out when, where, and how you will shoot the film)

Collins 6
4. Begin to write out skit, assign roles, and plan a day(s) to meet up and shoot it.
Here is some film making tips:
5. Film and/or practice your skit with your group, and prepare for the in-class skit
performance, or ready a way to show your video via email, youtube, vimeo, etc

Websites to visit:
Magna Carta and Human Rights
Magna Carta Legacy
Magna Carta Themes Today

Plan, write, compose, and act out a skit or short film 3-5 minutes in length that depicts what
life in the modern society of England would be like, without the Magna Cartas creation
(assuming no other documents like it were made). Depict being an oppressed English citizen,
a criminal going to jail without trial, a total and harsh monarchy, etc

The project is worth 100 points total. Grading will be based off of a rubric handed out in
class, but the grade will reflect creativity, overall presentation of the skit of film,
preparedness for performance, historical context and/or comparisons, analogies, predictions,
and script writing/performance. IF filming, overall film presentation and display (does not
have to be in HD or with a high detailed camera) will be kept in mind as well. Extra Credit
for dressing up and making it authentic.

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