Credit Is Yours: Whosoever's Response

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teertha, a chiropractic doctor, came in contact with whosoever

through a friend in mysore. she barely had two-three meetings
with whosoever, while she was living in mysore.
now in u.s.a, sometimes drops a few lines to whosoever.

beloved gurudev,
i hope this mail finds you in great health
black letters on white paper / screen, whom we expect
to communicate all the gratitude we feel how naive !
what a window you opened to my spirit !
i have waded through rough waters to safely reach
the banks of my own heart calm, quiet and pleasant like no other place !
the constant in this world of variables, the quiet never really leaves me.
it gets covered by the happenings, but then i dig it out easily.
and that is your gift to me road to myself.
i will always be thankful for that!
with much regards and love tirtha
whosoever's response
my beloved one,
your e-mail filled me with joy.
you have written : i hope this mail finds you in great health.
...though it is not great but reasonably good.
black letters on white paper / screen, whom we expect
to communicate all the gratitude we feel how naive !
...that's how things are.
what a window you opened to my spirit !
...the window is yours, the spirit is yours,
the heart is yours, what i did ? nothing !
you listened, you allowed the window to open.
so whosoever is thankful to you ... the credit is yours, not mine.
i have waded through rough waters to safely reach the banks
of my own heart calm, quiet and pleasant like no other place !
the constant in this world of variables, the quiet never really leaves me. are blessed in the world of variables,
you have arrived safely on the banks of your own heart,
where the quiet never leaves you... but, don't just sit on the banks,
now dive deep in the ocean of your heart and dissolve like salt.

let the quiet absorb you completely.

it gets covered by the happenings, but then i dig it out easily.
...that's what makes me really joyous.
and that is your gift to me road to myself.
...thanks once again for receiving the gift if it is really a gift ;
which is well said : road to myself.
i will always be thankful for that ! too.
with much regards and love tirtha
same to you whosoever

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