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sangeeta is a pathologist and a mother of two children residing in pune, india.

she participated in a 10-day osho meditation intensive in mysore in 2005.

gurudev pranm !
our journey to pune was wonderful.
thanks for all the love and care you bestowed.
meeting you this time... and taking your permission to trouble you
for guiding me... was a very fortunate turn of events.
i am reading the book, autobiography of a yogi for a second time.
i would like to ask you...
is there any difference in being a disciple and being a devotee ?
and, if these two things are different, who is more blessed ?
regards... sangeeta.
whosoever's response
hello sangeeta, here is your e-mail... dated september 11, 2009.
your question is...
is there any difference in being a disciple and being a devotee ?
...yes, one is like being a horse and other is like being a donkey.
though this is a philosophical question,
which one should avoid to ask.
questions related to ones life, ones sadhana,
ones growth... are preferable; still, i respond.
the devotee is one, who believes that he is separate
from the whole... separate from the unity of life.
because he believes in the separation... that is why he lives in duality.
in other words : he always finds himself in conflict, confusion, doubts
and invites suffering.
he continues to complain, demand, beg and pray to his imaginary god.
the devotee is a lazy, idle, dependent, impatient and a mediocre fellow.
because a devotee lives in the world of his own making,
that is why he remains dreamy, sleepy and unconscious.
the devotee lives in future, which is non-existent.
the disciple is one, who is ready to discover the meaning of his existence.
he keeps all the beliefs-disbeliefs aside and starts exploring.
he desires to see things as they are.
the disciple is one, who is mature, intelligent and patient.

he is a smart fellow.
the disciple is one, who lives in the world of reality.
he is alert, conscious, awake and mindful.
the disciple is one, who lives here and now...
in the present... moment to moment which only exists.
the disciple is one, who learns not to drift from the present moment
not to move into the past and future.
further, you ask,
and... if these two things are different, who is more blessed ?
now you can conclude yourself... who is more blessed ?
to me, the one who is both a disciple and a devotee;
a devotee and a disciple is more blessed.
i would like to call such a fellow a devotee -disciple .
such a one is not a lop-sided fellow... such a one is rarely found.
with his blessings whosoever.

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