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Data Migration Framework:

Preamble: The way we have found to work importing the data into AX is a
combination of DMF and Excel Add-on, which is not the best way to do it (I
1) We import the core of the entity using: Customer and Customer
Address entity. But unfortunately we could not find how to import the
Financials Dimensions (BusinessUnit, Customer, EndUserCust) using
DMF; so we used the Excel Add-on to do it.
Problem: How to import Financial Dimensions into Customers?
Possible solution(s): Create a custom entity to do it.
1) We are importing the core using DMF Product Entity. But we could not find
how to import Financial Dimensions (Item Group) using DMF; so we used
the Excel Add-On to do it.
Problem: How to import Financial Dimensions into Products?
Possible solution(s): Create a custom entity to do it.
1) I could not find a way to import the titles. DMF does not has that entity by
default and that table has only 1 attribute (Title name) and the Excel AddOn need at least 2 in order to work. So the only way was inserting the
titles manually.
Problem: How to import Titles into AX?
Possible solution(s): Create a custom entity to do it.
Add an extra attribute to the table in order to use Excel
2) Increase the length of the title name
1) What is RatingLevelId into DMF JobDetail Entity?
2) Because I did not what that means I used the Excel Add-On to import the
3) I guess if we Increase the length of the title name, we are going to need to
increase the length on this table as well.
1) How to set up AX Cost Centre Name. Note: I dont know if this goes here or
in Jobs or Positions
2) GT Timesheet name. Do we need it? If so, where it goes?

1) How to set up Department? Is not in Entity Positions in DMF.
Possible solution(s): Create a custom entity to do it.
2) DMF is not picking up positions hierarchy even when the importing of
records are OK.
3) Business Unit again, how to do it with DMF.
4) Importing positions is corrupting the position index. Example: the last
entry id was 15. Then we import 2 records starting with 16. Then creating
a new position inside AX, it should use 18 but instead it trying to use 16
and It gives an error because the 16 was already imported.

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