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Minutes of meeting held 19/03/2015


Sue Robinson (Chair), Dave Mountford, Shirley Peat, Graham Nichols,

Vince Hannington, Natalie Cockrell (BDC), Kerys Phillips, Mick Phillips and
Lisa Hill (Town Clerk).



Declarations of Interest: None

Sue explained that following a further conversation with Helen Metcalfe, Planning for
People, it had been established that the Steering Group (SG) and Bassetlaw District
Council (BDC) had been talking at cross purposes at the last meeting and that in
conclusion the best way forward was to continue with the plan on a criteria basis. This
was agreed by the SG.
Sue updated the SG on the recent Neighbourhood Planning Workshop, at Hodsock Priory,
which outlined the ethos of the process and provided a guide for Councils considering
starting the process and further advice for those already embarked on it. Sue outlined the
main points from the meeting which included:
Clarbourough NP demonstrated the benefits of a strong corporate identity/logo
Various Councils demonstrated the spin off effects of identifying big projects as
part of the NP process ( a quick brainstorm by the SG highlighted the following as
potential projects in Tuxford: Creation of sensory garden possibly at Clark Lane
Playing Field or Linden Avenue play area, allotment improvements, Reads Building
nomination as Community Asset, designation of local green open spaces and
railway station)
Sue reported that she had met with Charles Bubal, agent for landowner to the South of the
preferred option site who had requested to be kept informed regarding the NP.
Sue reported that an urban design consultant, Garry Hall had been approached regarding
producing a Townscape Study. Natalie reported that she knew someone who may be able
to produce this for Tuxford.
Concerns were raised that the Public Consultation mentioned by Fisher German at last
weeks meeting had not been advertised. Lisa would follow this up. The Girl Guides would
be happy to help distribute leaflets to houses.
To help identify which properties in Tuxford were bungalows Natalie agreed to contact A1
Housing to establish which were in their ownership. A map highlighting bungalows, and
showing properties within 5 minutes walk of the town centre would be provided by Natalie
and left at the Town Council office for collection.
Natalie reported that the scoping report had been completed. SG agreed that BDC could
start the consultation process on 23 March 2015. Lisa to put on the Council website.
The SG agreed the groups objectives.

Sue informed the group that the Draft Plan was very much a work in progress provided by
Helen to demonstrate how the plan would look and how the policies would fit into it. The
SG reviewed the draft policies in the Draft Plan and agreed to feedback any additional
points to Sue for discussion with Helen Metcalfe on 14 April 2015. Helen was scheduled to
continue work on the Draft Plan at the end of April 2015.
The date of the next meeting would be agreed after the meeting with Helen Metcalfe in
April 2015.

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