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The New Paradigm

The Pandorica Box opened with a loud clunk, bleeding light from the capsule inside.
Dalek-Sec, the last of the Daleks, emerged from the glow of the Pandorica. My time has been
served. I am free! Sec stated in a deep, harsh, monotone, robotic tone (with a hint of British
accent.) His aged Dalekanium casing reflected the brilliant light of the Pandorica, revealing dark
and rusted areas that have shown what damage 2,000 years of waiting can do. Sec reviewed
his armor status. Manipulator Arm disabled. Weapon Arm disabled. Shield Generator
disabled. Emergency Temporal Shift functional.
Sec scanned the area, attempting to figure out where he was. The dark cave that the
Pandorica was hid in revealed soil and sedimentary rock native to the planet Gallifrey, which
was home of the Timelords before it was turned into a wasteland after The Last Great Time
War. It was a war between between the Timelords, the sworn enemy of Daleks, and the Daleks
of Skaro many millennia ago. Realizing this, Sec knew he was alone. I am the last Dalek! I
will be the savior! Sec bleated, diverting his main power core to the scanner, performing a
galactic scan for Dalek-Native DNA Duplicator. All Daleks are programmed to find a Duplicator
and use their own DNA to clone themselves when the Dalek race is in jeopardy. A blip on his
radar appears from the planet Mondas, home of the human-derived ruthless androids. At 29,000
light years away, Sec had just enough power to send himself there with his temporal Shift.
Using the last of his main power core, Sec charged his Emergency Temporal Shift and set the
coordinates to Mondas, disappearing with a bright flash of light.
Cyberman patrol unit 348 guarded the entrance to the grounded Type-16 Tactical Ship,
where routine repairs were underway. A bright column of light flashed in the distance, grasping
its attention. Disturbance in sector 7, the Cyberman reported on its radio. Approaching area
for investigation. Meanwhile, Dalek-Sec found himself in a gloomy, polluted field littered with
rocks and boulders, and a giant Metropolis of factories in the distance. Location confirmed as
planet Mondas! Executing scan for Duplicator! Sec checked his radar, revealing a large green
blip suggesting that the Duplicator was placed in a Cyberman Vessel. A small, single blip
appeared to be moving towards Sec 1 kilometer away, fast approaching. Threat detected!
Attempt enabling Weapon Arm! Sec redirected his remaining power to the reserve power core,
consuming 25% of it, diverting the power to the guns power cell. Weapon status: Functional.
Sec stated, heading towards a group of large rocks for cover, awaiting for the Cyberman to
reach weapon range.
A few minutes passed until a silver object marched from the horizon, causing a distinct
ca-chunk sound during each step it took. Its facial features became clear, two black eyeholes
and aggressive, rigid face seams. The androids entire chest, arms, and legs were encased
with sectioned armor. Taking advantage of his position, Sec rolled out from his hiding place,
and with no warning shot at the Cyberman. Exterminate! Sec boomed, catching the android
by surprise. The patrol unit shot back at Sec, but a bright blue high-velocity-death-ray-ofdestruction hit the Cyberman directly in the face, exploding the head leaving only a limp body.
Moving in the direction the patrol unit came from, Sec spotted the Tactical Ships open
bay, searching the area for any more Cybermen. Seeing that the coast is clear, Sec entered the
ship, searching his radar for the Duplicator. Duplicator located in cargo bay! Seek! Locate!
Duplicate! Sec boomed, quieting down to not be detected. Sec located a ramp leading down
into the cargo bay, with Cyberman voices down below. Sec bolted down the stairs, taking aim at

a Cybermans chest. Instantly, the androids retaliated with a spew of fire, a salvo of red beams
whizzing past Sec. Using his superior targeting system, Sec easily took out the group of
Cybermen. Enemy neutralized! Engage close-range scan! Sec reported, powering his
scanner up again. The Duplicator was in the next room, but guarding it were two Cybermen.
Checking his reserve power status, Sec had enough power for one more shot.
Improvising, he decided that infiltrating the area stealthily would be his best option. From there,
he would use his Emergency Temporal shift to teleport him and the duplicator to safety. Sec
executed the plan by heading down a hallway that lead to the back of the room, silently entering
through a large ventilation shaft. Hiding behind the Dna Duplicator, Sec activated the temporal
Shift. The familiar column of light shined above him, making a distinct humming sound. The
guards turned around to see what was happening, but before they can utter a command, the
intruder-along with the Duplicator-was nowhere to be found.
Back in Gallifrey, Balek-Sec prepared his DNA encoded module for the Duplicator.
Placing the rounded, metallic vessel in its proper place, bringing the device to life. The
Duplicators many strings of vibrant blue cords lit up, the entire device shaking violently. Smoke
filled the area as five silhouette emerged from the smog. The new paradigm of Daleks has
been saved! You are the savior of the Daleks! One of the silhouettes said in a deep, booming,
commanding tone.
I have succeeded! Sec bleated. My purpose has been served!
Indeed. You have completed your task. The figure replied, now emerging from the
smoke. The five shapes revealed themselves from the smog The Supreme Dalek, the one who
had been talking with Sec, sported a clean white casing. Beside him stood his accomplices:
the Yellow Eternal, Red Droid, Orange Scientist and Blue Strategist Daleks. You are of no
more use now. The Supreme Dalek added. You are inferior to us. Exterminate! Before Sec
can protest, The Supreme Daleks gun shot a thick ray of blue light, disintegrating Dalek-sec.
Secs eyestock fell to the ground, leaving a memento of his existence. We must go back to
Skaro, The Supreme Dalek ordered. The new paradigm will rise and restore the Dalek race!
The Daleks left, feeling the only emotion of hate. But all along, Sec knew his fate would end the
way it did. Daleks were made to only feel hate, and destroy anything inferior compared to them.
It was only a matter of time for Sec to reach his expiration date.

gooby pls
smoke weed

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