Traverse Des Sioux Treaty

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Traverse Des Sioux Treaty

Took place at an old trading post located near present city of

St. Peter, Minnesota.
The commissioners arrived in June 1861 but it took three
weeks for there to be enough Indians to start the treaty
Our government was trying to secure land lying in the
southern territory west of the Mississippi River.
Our government would try to bribe the Indians with glittering
mirrors, blankets, knives, guns, and beads.
When the Indians objected the commissioners told them that
if they did not wish to make the treaty no more food would
be given out they threatened them
At last the Indians signed the treaty witch would prove to be
a big mistake for them an end to the freedom of the land to
which they were accustomed
Traders took advantage of the fact that the Indians didnt
understand what they were doing and deceived the chiefs
into signing another paper agreeing to give most of their
cash to fur traders
This was a very unfair trick and whether or not they owed
money the Indians had to pay back many debts
To put into perspective, the united states government
purchased 20 million acres of land at about seven cents per
This treaty would lead to the Dakota Sioux War

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